In the office, Kulo looked at the newspaper found by Kuro. It was a newspaper from a few days ago, just one day after Ace announced the execution time.

Under the news about the trend of’Hiken’ Ace and Whitebeard in hiding the sky and covering the earth, Kulo found a piece of news in the corner of the newspaper.

The main idea of ​​the news is that a large Pirate fleet raided the town of Tada, but was wiped out by this man named Gugas.

There is a small picture on the news with only one person on it. The person is wearing a black priest costume with a shawl and round glasses. It is very elegant. He is holding a book in his left hand. , The right hand is holding a huge axe that is completely incompatible with his body shape and resisting it against his shoulders.

“He is Gugas?”

Kulo raised his eyebrows, “There are so many Grand Line experts…but why haven’t I heard of them.”

“You didn’t live in Grand Line before, of course you haven’t heard of it.”

Leda said: “This man is very famous. He has been stationed in Tada Town since he was a teenager, and he is almost two years old now. For ten years, because of his existence, no Pirate dared to attack. The Pirate fleet that was annihilated this time was definitely not mixed in the Grand Line.”

Kuro nodded, said:

“The Pirate fleet that was annihilated was the’Tiger of the Tulip’ box, bounty gold 88 million, plus some bounty Pirate under his command, the total bounty reached 150 million. If he goes It’s in other cities and towns, maybe when you arrive at Chambord, you will appear a Supernova, but luck is not very good.”

“And this Gugas, I have only recently paid attention to this. By the way, I paid attention to this. Kingdom…”

This had to start when Kuro wanted to get a Pirate on the Grand Line to get Kulo to be promoted. At the time, he wanted to get the well-known Pirate, so he studied the bonus order and newspapers, plus He was going to do this in the first place. As Kulo’s think tank, he must have at least a little intelligence.

After all, his superior is a salted fish. He just wants to live in a place to die. Of course, he won’t pay attention to intelligence. Then he can only rely on him.

Then he sent some information about the Tada Kingdom.

“This country is located in’Rosignia’, the area of ​​this place is no less than Alabasta, but the country stands in great numbers, there are three countries here, of which the’Tada Kingdom’ is one of them One.”

“The Tada Kingdom is not big, it is the smallest of the three countries, and although it is a member of the World Government, it is very closed. Only the port town allows people to move around. Outsiders are not allowed to enter.”

“The reason why a port town can be opened is mainly to sell their local items. Their most famous item is their weapons, exquisite Moreover, the formidable power is powerful, and it is said to be made of a special ore of the Tada Kingdom. With weapons and the unique physical qualities of the Tada Kingdom, there are very few people in the Tada Kingdom invading.”

Not long The eyes are dead, of course the ones with long eyes won’t touch them.

However, in such a country, the Marine base stationed in it can be called for help, the situation is not generally serious…

Battleship is going to record the pointer. Sailing in the direction, the moon set and the sun rose, and it was not until the next morning that the Battleship reached the island of Rosignia.

At this time, the weather and drizzle rain made this big island into a haze.

The island is very big, you can’t see the end at a glance, you can only see the coastal land, all around the coast is full of strange mountains, cut off the idea of ​​people going ashore from other land, although there is a gap, but As the waves hit the coast, Kulo could see densely packed reefs.

Simply no place to stop.

While the Battleship continued to sail, Kulo saw the flat land, but on that land, he saw a strange thing.

I saw a high city wall extending endlessly into the land. The city wall is unusually tall. The city wall is connected to the fortress and some high-altitude stairs, and some patterns are carved on it. And the beast head, and inside, Kulo can see the tall castle complex. The dense castle complex stands on the city wall. The building color is dark. Although it is daytime, it can still be heard. Coldly.

If you say that Mariejois is not looking at the Celestial Dragon, the scenery can be relaxed and joyful. In that place, even from a distance, you can feel mysterious and lonely.

Very typical Gothic architecture.

Even buildings can be called works of art.

Kulo is secretly speechless, how long will it take to build such a building…

This Tada Kingdom is very interesting.

Battleship drove along the dense building complex. Soon, they saw the end of the city wall by the sea. There was a huge gate. There were two large fortresses on both ends of the gate. People are stationed.

On one side is what seems to be a local guard, wearing a Pique, on the other side is the fortress, that is Marine.

Marine …

Kulo frowned, said to the captain on the side: “What’s the matter, isn’t it asking for help?”

At this time, the door is clearly There were Marines and guards, and there seemed to be no signs of fighting.

“I, I don’t know…”

The captain is also a little strange. The call for help yesterday was from genuine.

Kulo looked first at the fortress above and poked his head out because of the Battleship approaching. Marine, with a semaphore, said: “Go ahead and ask.”

Battleship is near the gate, the fortress. Marine at the top took a megaphone and asked: “Are you?”

The captain on deck also brought a megaphone, loudly said: “This is the Kulo Commander of the headquarters, because during cruise I heard that Marine is calling for help in Tada, so let’s take a look. Have you been attacked by Pirate?”

“It turned out to be Kulo Commander!”

The Marine is directed at Battleship. Duan saluted, and then said: “We were not attacked, and no one sent a call for help. It has been a long time since Pirate has come over. Ah… anyway, come in.”

The iron gate slowly rises, revealing the harbor inside.

This gate cuts off the possibility for ordinary people to stop. Only by opening the gate can they enter and stop.

And inside the port, there is a door.

Battleship entered the port and docked on the platform in front of it.

Kulo glanced at the iron door in front of him, and couldn’t help but stunned, “It’s really closed.”

In front of the door, there are several front desks, and some staff are sitting there. , It seems that ordinary people have to be checked before they can pass.

The Marine who spoke before has already ran down with a few people to greet them.


The Marine saluted Kulo on the deck and said: “I am a lieutenant here, welcome to Tada Town, what you said Can you tell me more about it?”

The captain next to him said: “Yesterday we received a call for help from Tada Town. I thought it was Pirate’s attack, so let’s take a look…really. Didn’t there’s a who attacked? There’s no port. Where’s the town there?” The lieutenant asked in confusion: “I just changed defense yesterday, and there was no who attacked inside… Maybe you can visit our base. Long Nizi Commander, he may be clearer.”

“Commander?” The captain looked towards Kulo.

“Everyone is here, let’s take a look…it just so happens to take a break and add some supplies and ammunition.” Kulo said.


The captain commanded Marine to lower the stairs, and Kulo and the others went down.

“Commander is about to enter the town, please open the door soon.” The captain said to the lieutenant.


At this time, the lieutenant said with some embarrassment: “Commander, there is a rule here. You have to read the content of the plaque before going in. , Otherwise, I don’t have the right to let you in. This is their kingdom’s internal affairs.”

“The plaque?”

A group of people looked sideways and saw that the gate occupied It is half of the city wall, and on the gate, a huge plaque occupies more than half of it with some rules written on it.

Most of them are local laws, but there is one thing that makes Kuro suspect: “Can’t female doctors enter?”

“Because the Tada Kingdom is a religious country.”


Lida seemed to be a little bit strange, and said: “The people here are very strange and follow the old doctrine. They seem to be particularly disgusted with witches and female doctors, but the cranberry juice here is very good. Drink.”

“Have you been here?” Kuro asked.

“Of course, as long as there is good food, there is me.” Lida proudly said.

“Kulo, let’s drink cranberry juice later, okay.”

Leda looked towards Kulo, but found that he was looking at the plaque in a daze at this time, and very Glancing at them strangely.

“What do you see?” he asked.

“Local rules.” Lida tilted her head: “The words are so big, can’t you see them?”


Kulo re-looked towards the plaque. He did not see any rules. On that huge plaque, it was clearly a story…

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