
peng peng peng!

Marine who stayed behind in the Battleship, looked at the flame monster that roared to them with horror.

Just now, it’s night, and the staff have turned into such a thing.

“What the hell is this!”

An ensign of the temporary command gritted his teeth and looked at these monsters in horror.

Lead bullets can’t get in. They tried it, but the cannon…

Before there was a sea rain inexplicably, their cannon was damp. Use, even the musket, not all of them can be used.

As for the sword…the bullets won’t go down, don’t think about melee combat or something, there is flames on the opponent’s body.

If they hadn’t been on the boat and the monster couldn’t get on, I’m afraid that with their strength, it would be finished.

Fortunately, it is in the water now.

“Second Lieutenant, if there is such a monster, then Commander…”

A Marine shot one of the flame monsters below, and the lead bullet was seen He collapsed and asked worriedly.


The second lieutenant said flatly: “Kulo Commander is who, even Whitebeard is afraid of him. Trifling some monsters may cause him harm!”

Many people have seen the performance of Kulo at the top of the war. The second lieutenant has strong confidence in the strength of Kulo Commander.

“Did the phone call?” the second lieutenant asked.

“I hit, but didn’t get through.” Marine responded.

“Hateful, fight again!”

The second lieutenant gritted his teeth, “Wait here first. We won’t move until the cannon is ready.”

“Second Lieutenant, there is still a living person!”

A Marine pointed to the front, and in the corner, there was a man kneeling there, holding his head in his hands, shiver coldly.

Isn’t that the old man who scolded their boss before?

He has not changed?


Part of the flame monster found the person in the corner, no longer staring at Marine big eyes staring at small eyes on the Battleship, but turned to that On one side, ran over.

“Here, here comes!”

Nilo’s eyes were mad, his hands clasped together, his expression was extremely frightened and distorted, but he smiled, “The Day of Atonement is here again Ah! I want to redeem it!”


Suddenly a few slashes sprang out from the gate, breaking it open, and at the same time, a large number of weapons shot directly from the sky. , To wipe out all the flame monsters surrounding the harbor.

Kulo bit his cigar, held the limpid autumn water on his shoulder, and walked in swayingly, his wrist Den Den Mushi was opened, and he was on the phone with someone at this time.

“You damned old man, you answered the phone!”

He exclaimed uncomfortably, looked towards the surroundings, and found that he was crying and laughing in the corner Nilo, “Oh, is there a living person here?”

“Kulo Commander!”

The ensign on the Battleship shouted excitedly.

“It’s all okay…”

Kulo glanced at them, nodded to them, and said: “Let down the steps, everyone else will go up, Lida and Kuro you two follow me .”


The lieutenant behind him saluted and faintly relaxed. He didn’t really want to fight these terrifying monsters.

This place is full of weirdness everywhere.

“Why! Why don’t you let me make atonement!”

Nilo looked at the flame monster being broken into pieces by the fallen sword, and screamed frantically: “Let me make atonement!”

“If you want to die, don’t be annoying.”

Kulo said ill-humoredly: “I don’t want to live, who wants to save you.”


Den Den Mushi made a sound, and its appearance quickly transformed into Kizaru’s wretched look.

“Oh~Kulo, what do you want to do with the old man, don’t you want to patrol?”

“You finally answered the phone, Old Master.”

Kulo Directly said: “Ask you about the situation of Tada Kingdom, how much do you know?”

“Tada Kingdom?”

The other side hesitated for a moment and said: “Oh~ It’s that gloomy country. If you’re there, remember to buy a batch of weapons. They have good weapons.”

“I want to buy them, but all the people in the Tada Kingdom are now capable. It has become a monster that emits flames. There is an Ability User who is making trouble here. It is very likely that there are no living people in the Tada Kingdom.”

Speaking, he informed Kizaru of the situation in the Tada Kingdom. .

“Oh~ good terrifying, has an entire kingdom become such a situation? That is no longer the scope of our Marine’s jurisdiction. Let’s withdraw it.”

“There is no way to withdraw, if you don’t know, then forget it.”

“Well, according to your own ideas, I will allow it.”

“en ?”

Kulo froze for a moment, what’s the matter, Old Master is so good to talk?

He wanted to say something, but found that the phone on the other side had hung up.

Mariejois, Kizaru stood in a conference hall, hung up the phone, and said with a smile to the five people on the opposite side:

“It’s the old man’s subordinate, it’s okay, Let’s continue the meeting.”

“Lucifer ·Kulo…”

Among the five, a red-skinned old man sat there with his hands in his pockets, sitting there gracefully with Erlang’s legs upturned, said : “I heard his name, and he performed well in the war with Whitebeard.”

“It seems to have obtained Shiki’s abilities. He is a good Marine.” One wears a hat and shows waves. The old man with hair added a sentence.

“Tada Kingdom…”

The bald old man gritted his teeth and said: “Is that place almost over? Stupid. The disappearance of the franchise is extremely frightening for the World Government. I lost my face.”

An old man with a long beard said: “The king did not let us intervene, but now there is no way to stop it.”

A man with a horoscope and a head There is a map-like old man said: “At least that place can’t disappear under Marine’s attack, and let Lucifer · Kulo withdraw.”

“Well, it can’t be done. The old man has already given orders. Oh, with his speed, I guess it will be done soon.”

Kizaru said with a smile: “After all, that kind of place is still left, it’s not good.”

“pay attention to you manner, Borsalino.”

The frowned old man: “Marine is only an external organization of the World Government, and has no right to interfere with what the Government does.”

“be That as it may, but we have not moved, because the people there are still normal during the day. They have the craftsmanship and ores to make weapons. If they disappear rashly, other countries will not agree.” Old Hu said.

“Oh~Is that so?” Kizaru said with a smile.

“Borsalino, if you allow this matter, then the responsibility lies with you.”

The bald old man looked towards Kizaru and said: “The qualifications for promotion to Fleet Admiral are with you It’s okay, and Lucifer · Kulo, a man, he has to let him go as a general. If he wants to do what he wants, what is the difference between Marine and Pirate, youngster needs to practice more.”

“Oh ~Good terrifying, does the old man lose the qualification of Fleet Admiral? If that happens, I will retire first.”

Kizaru laughed and turned to leave.

Seeing Kizaru’s departure, the bald old man was snorted: “This old fox, I didn’t want to be Fleet Admiral.”

“His personality is not suitable, let him be forced to He will not listen to us, this time about the Tada Kingdom, it is estimated that he has taken advantage of it.” The red-skinned old man said.

“That’s it, the Tada Kingdom should also disappear. Fortunately, this incident was discovered by our people. If it is enlarged, it will be very troublesome.” Old Hu said.

“The impact is mainly the impact. The impact of the disappearance of a franchise country is not small. How should we deal with it to make this impact smaller…”

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