Nilo stayed in this last remaining palace. According to his own meaning, this palace has a collection of books, which allows people to know the history of this country and the one Rice’s diary also allows future generations to look at the right and wrong of the year, instead of just treating Rice as a demon after it is disclosed.

After all, this matter is too big. No one can handle the destruction of the country. As the culprit, Les must be reported.

Nilo does not want him to be a demon in the eyes of the world, so he is ready to stay here, wanting the world to reveal the truth.

For the destruction of the country, even though it was Kulo who personally took the initiative in the end and raised the land, he didn’t dare to recite the crime of destroying the country, which is so easy to recite.

This kind of thing, he can only truthfully report it to Old Master.

Battleship withdrew from Tada Kingdom and continued sailing.

Kulo found someone to bring a wiping cloth, pulled out the limpid autumn water, and wiped the blade very gently.

“Kulo, what are you doing?” Leda said with her head tilted.

“My knife cut a fly-like thing just now. It’s disgusting. I need to wipe it off. I really hate insects. I hate it second only to the rudder.”

On the ranking of aversion, the rudder is the first, the insect is the second, and the evil-doing Pirate is the third.

Actually, Kulo at first doesn’t hate insects so much, but it seems that after eating Fuwa Fuwa no Mi, he started to feel sick about insects or something.

“Wait, Fuwa Fuwa no Mi’s ability is almost being played by me. I am afraid of insects?” Kulo suddenly thought of a possibility, his face was weird.

Lida saw Kulo gently brushing the knife, and a big word “Danger” appeared in her eyes.

“Well, can I wipe your knife?” she extends the hand and said.


Kulo looked towards her in surprise. Seeing that Lida looked serious, he was inexplicably relieved. He was moved by tears.

It’s rare!

My daughter has grown up!

“Okay! Leave it to you!”

Kulo handed the limpid autumn water with the scabbard to Lida, touched her head, and encouraged: “Be good Wipe, this is my most important thing.”

The most important thing…

Leda’s little hand caught the limpid autumn water tightly. Sure enough, Kulo was still thinking about it. limpid autumn water How to become a wife!

Otherwise to a saber, how could he be so gentle!

More gentle than a lover!

At least Leda has never seen Kulo treat her like this.

If he weren’t thinking about his wife’s limbid autumn water, how could he be so gentle with a Saber? !

Leda fiercely opened his teeth at the limpid autumn water and made a baring fangs and brandishing claws.

Want to seduce Kulo, no way!

Go through the aging mother first!

“Mr. Kulo.”

Kuro walked out of the captain’s central fortress and said, “It has been reported.”

“After you hit the report, then Don’t worry about it.” Kulo nodded.

The Old Master is so proud to shoulder the responsibility this time, just to save Kulo, after all, he doesn’t want to deal with Gorosei, in fact, as long as it is a creature living in Mariejois, he doesn’t want to deal with it.

“Wipe you to death, wipe you to death.”

Leda knelt and sat aside, holding a wiping cloth fiercely and wiping it on the limpid autumn water. That posture, I can’t wait Wipe off the blade directly.

However, the hardness of the limbid autumn water is the best in the world. It is said that the black blade that the elephant steps on will not bend a single cent, which is so easily wiped off.

Her movements were so big that the small backpack on one shoulder fell off the deck, the opening was wide open, and a few fruits rolled down from it, making a dull sound on the deck.

Kulo’s eyes condensed, looking at one of the fruits that rolled out, slightly opened his mouth, “No…”

Kuro pushed down his glasses, a trace of cold sweat came out of his forehead , The fruit is larger than the average fruit, full of spiral patterns.

Devil Fruit again? !

Wait, why use it again…

“Huh? Why is there this thing again.” Lida’s face collapsed.

There is one more Devil Fruit that cannot be eaten, which means that she is missing one more grain.

“Hateful, I brought the food in this bag from the headquarters, it is difficult to buy!”

“Is it time to talk about this now?”


Kulo walked over and picked up the small backpack, turned the mouth upside down and fell down.

Various fruits were poured out of the backpack, mixed with foods such as lollipops, biscuits, and white bread. Kulo even saw a piece of meat with a bone.

The amount of these foods completely exceeds the capacity of the backpack. I really don’t know how to put them in.

“Only one, fortunately, not so exaggerated.”

Kulo can’t understand it a little bit. Three Devil Fruits have appeared in this backpack.

“Leda Young Lady, good luck.” Kuro swallowed and exclaimed.

This is more than good luck…

“You change your name.”

Kulo glanced at Lida speechlessly, “Don’t be called Flo. Leda, let’s call Marshall Tiqi. You’re darker than Blackbeard.”

She must not have the ability of Yami Yami no Mi. Kulo knows this very well, and this backpack is nothing. Ability User, apart from metaphysics, Kulo can’t explain it.

It’s so mysterious!

Kulo looked towards the banana on the deck, thought about it, and said: “If this is produced in the Kingdom of Tada, it is all fine products, Kuro, you can decide whether to eat it or not.”

The fruits of the Tada Kingdom, which Kulo himself encountered, are not to mention powerful fruits.

Absolun’s “wrong fruit” can create illusions.

Sipatia’s “anti-anti-fruit” can deceive the other party.

Les’s “write and write fruit” can turn fantasy into reality.

This is all BUG-rank.

The werewolf posture of Gugas is not ordinary Zoan either.

The fly he chopped down seemed to be the god king. If it was an Ability User, its fruit was not ordinary.

Although I can’t see what kind of fruit it is, as long as it is one of these, it won’t hurt to eat it.

“I understand.”

Kuro picked up the fruit, which was a bit long and narrow, like a banana, and had several points of like olives, and it was pitch black.

This time he didn’t hesitate anymore. Last time he hesitated for a while and missed a’swift fruit’. That fruit was also very suitable for him, but it was eaten by Cass.

He peeled off the skin of the fruit, took a bite of the sharp flesh, and his face turned blue immediately.

He pursed his mouth, swallowed it forcibly, and then looked at Kulo in admiration.

At the beginning, he seemed to have eaten all of it.

This is not the same as swallowing it. Swallowing it as a whole is probably not as uncomfortable as eating it all.

Kuro was trying to sense what abilities he had acquired, Kulo suddenly said: “Hold on.”

He smiled and said: “Kuro, let me tell you, Devil Fruit is a feature of this world. You have to taste it. You can’t just have one bite.”

“Huh? But Mr. Kulo, just one bite.” Kuro didn’t know why.

“I don’t care, you eat it all for Lao Tzu!” Kulo gritted his teeth.

Just kidding, he ate all the fruits back then. You want to gain strength after taking a bite?

Then how can he balance in his heart.


Looking at Kulo’s threatening eyes, Kuro only felt bitter in his heart, and tearfully ate the fruit in one bite.

Every time he takes a bite, his face becomes a little distorted, and his eyes become more tranced.

What did he see? In that beautiful field, his mother extended the hand towards him.

“Kuro, have a hard time, let’s go, I will take you away from this troubled world…” Mother said softly.

“Mama…” Kuro said softly.

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