The ocean is calm and tranquil.

Leaving the Kingdom of Tada, Kulo is finally free.

No help, no report, it is rare to be calm.

Although it is a bit monotonous on the sea, Kulo is willing to do this. He just wants to cultivate now, and it is best not to touch any enemies.

Moreover, he is in a good mood now.

Because Old Master saw the report before and called.

“Kulo, the old man is a little sorry for you. The senior officials of the Tada Kingdom have already known about this. They have opinions about this. The old man has lost his qualifications to become Fleet Admiral. You could have mentioned it as Rear. Admiral’s, but the top management decided to push you down and only give you a Level 1. When the headquarter is free, you will come back to award honors.”

Is there any good thing?

Kulo laughed at that time.

He stole a piece of land in the Tada Kingdom, and the level was actually lowered.

Too great.

Old Master, you are awesome!

I knew that by being your subordinate, you would not let me down!

Kulo sits on the side of the boat, smoking a cigar, holding a fishing rod in his hand, fishing leisurely, thinking about it from time to time, and laughing out loud.

“Today is a good day…”

He hummed a song from his hometown.

Kuro standing behind him was speechless.

He hesitated for a moment, holding the bucket with the bait, and said, “Mr. Kulo, did Admiral Kizaru withdraw from this Fleet Admiral competition? Isn’t that a pity, if he becomes Fleet Admiral? , Then Mr. Kulo’s position will definitely be more stable.”

Kulo hehe smiled: “Come on, that old fogey becomes Fleet Admiral? I don’t even have eyes to see that he will transform Marine into What it looks like. And he didn’t have this idea at all. No wonder he took full responsibility this time. It turned out that he had an excuse to face the five damned old men.”

Based on Kulo’s understanding of Kizaru , He said before that the responsibility was so refreshing, just to shirk this qualification.

He doesn’t have the intention of being Fleet Admiral. Besides, Old Master has a lot of face. No matter who becomes Fleet Admiral, he will not have any influence.

Master is not like the antagonistic relationship between Akainu and precognition, on the contrary, everyone has several points of face.

Akagami is almost too close to talking about face king. Master is the face king.

“Mr. Kulo, even if Admiral Kizaru does not act as Fleet Admiral, you should also regain your own status. There is really too much difference from Rear Admiral to Captain. I suggest that you should find prisoners on the 6th floor now. Restore your impression of the Government.”

The level of General Marine is very difficult to rise. If you miss this opportunity and make further contributions, it will take a lot of credit.

“If you don’t want your mind, throw it into the sea to feed the Sea King.”

Kulo bit his cigar and glanced at him angeredly, “You are caught by Cass It’s affected or something, you didn’t act like this before, why are you so reckless, be safe, safe! Use my strength to catch the 6th floor prisoner, am I qualified for me?”

“Mr. Kulo , You…not enough?” Kuro was a little stunned.

“Of course I’m not qualified! Although I killed Shiki, left Kaido with an indelible scar, and severely injured Akagami, almost killed Whitebeard Pirates, and the Blackbeard Pirates group was also sunk by me. The sea is over.”

“But I know, I am weak! I treat them and never guarantee my safety 100%. Look at my injuries in those few days, the injuries in my life. It’s not as heavy as those few days!”

Kuro was subconsciously forced by these words to step back a few steps, and his head shrank back, subconsciously shielding his eyes, and looked at a serious face in shock and said this. Words of Kulo.

Although his words are very sincere, Kuro always feels that he is showing off something. He also has evidence, but because the taste is too strong, and the appearance of saying this makes him feel that his eyes are almost blind. I don’t know how to refute it.

“Wait, did you meet Kaido?!” Leda, who was staring at the bait and drooling, reacted and said in surprise.

“Ah…I almost died. It can be seen that you have to be humble, and you have to repay the powerhouse with due respect. Don’t think that you can be awkward when you have a little strength. Give yourself first. To set a small goal, first you have to hack Kaido to death. If you can’t hack him, then that is weak and insecure!” Kulo raised his head, saying that there was no humility at all.

“Kuro, you have been by my side for so long, you have to look up to me, don’t think that you feel safe when you have an ability. You have forgotten how long you have left the Kingdom of Tada Is it dangerous?”

“Just say that Absolun, but everyone, including me, fell into his illusion. If his mortal body technique is stronger, I will be unlucky! And as far as I know, some of the prisoners who escaped are much stronger than him.”

“So, before he is strong, you must be low-key, and you must not be famous. You will be targeted by those Pirates who are thinking of becoming famous. If there is a weird Ability User, you don’t know how to die.”

“But…Mr. Kulo, You are already famous, and your performance on top of the war has been seen by the whole world.” Kuro said weakly.

“Don’t mention this to me!”

Kulo’s forehead green veins are exposed, and his head hurts when he thinks of this.

After entering the headquarters, it’s nothing good!


“I still have a chance!”

Kulo smiled confidently, “Whitebeard’s dying declaration has already started the sea Moved, now Pirates from all over the world are swarming, not only the Grand Line, but the number of Pirates in the four seas is also increasing geometrically, and the headquarters is seriously insufficient.”

“So I have the opportunity to go to the four seas, especially It’s now, let me tell you, the slower I rise, the farther away the danger will be.”

Before going to the top war, his idea was to return to East Blue and spend it safely and comfortably. This life.

After taking part in the top war, he knew that this idea was out of date.

Fame and promotion are inevitable. Although Kulo doesn’t want to, but he is already here, there is no way.

Anyway, the war is over. What is important now is to contain it and keep the reputation and position at this level before the strength does not meet your expectations.

Can’t I take the initiative to keep a low profile? With Marine’s urinary nature, you don’t take the initiative to ask for progress. It’s not a major event like a war on the top, and it won’t bother you.

Smoker, that idiot was not like that in Loguetown in his early years. He could also be a Vice Admiral back then. After all, it is Logia. The lack of merit is one thing. The most important thing is that he listens and does not listen, so Just stay in Loguetown.

For Smoker, this is a downward distribution, but for Kulo, this is a good inspiration.

He can also listen to the announcement, especially at this moment.

Sengoku resigns, power changes, this is the best opportunity.

Because of the Pirate riot, he can apply to go to the Sihai branch, when the time comes, as a Captain, he used to be a base commander directly.

With Old Master’s character, he will not force himself to be recruited. As for who is Fleet Admiral, Akainu or precognition, it doesn’t matter. Akainu is radical, he doesn’t take the initiative to make progress, and he won’t. Hurrying to beg you.

Precognition would be even better, that lazy temperament, he will forget you after you stay there for a long time.

After a few years, with the current level of chaos, those newbies will come on stage, let alone the headquarters, the world will forget itself.

When the time comes, he can live in his base beautifully, paddling water for training, and live comfortably and safely.

Don’t be too beautiful.

As for New World…

He doesn’t even want to stay at Grand Line, let alone New World.

He is a mortal body, not an Indestructible Vajra, and there are so many Ability Users on the Grand Line. If there is another BUG ability, if he can’t get it, he still has to finish playing.

Danger, too dangerous!

And let alone New World, he must be registered in Kaido, and Akagami is not much worse.

Teach is dead or alive, just two Yonkos have already given him the highest level of warning.

His strength is not enough to defeat Yonko, this state goes to New World, unless he is crazy.

“So, patrol well, and apply to go to the four seas after you go back. Don’t think that there is nothing. My strength can also be a Captain. I am not worthy of more.”

Kulo waved the fishing rod and changed direction to continue fishing in the sea.

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