bang bang bang!

A large number of shells were fired from the Battleship and landed near the Pirate Ship. Several shells hit the ship’s hull. The Ship shook violently.

“Marine is here!”

Pirates yelled.

“Don’t panic, little ones!”

Foxie strode forward, his index finger and little finger tilted in the direction of Battleship, “Slow light!”


The purple circle light shot out from the motion of his fingers, hitting those shells, and seeing those shells, the speed of flight became extremely slow.

“It’s just Marine. If you can’t escape, then fight!”

Foxy loudly said: “Under the leadership of my Captain Foxy, defeat these Marines !”


Pirates raised their weapons and shouted.

Those sluggish shells were hit by shells fired by Pirate Ship and fell into the Sea Territory.

“Captain, I will protect you!”

Kulo appeared behind Foxy with a solemn expression.

“Oh! Kulo, please!”

Foxie looked touched on the shoulder of Patted Kulo, and then turned to face Battleship.

The latter looked at him facing the back of Battleship, with a weird smile on his mouth.


Sazir Kulo, a freshman, Pirate, or the past few days, was only preparing to be an ordinary person in Pirate.

He has been different from others since he was a child. He was cultivated when other people were having fun without worry, because he clearly understood that this is a chaotic world.

As long as you have power, you can occupy a place in this chaotic world.

As he grows up, his cognition expands and his ambitions follow.

Only at that time, the timing was wrong.

Before the top of the war, the world was at a balance point, and there was no way to get a high position if you rushed out to sea, but now it is different. Whitebeard is dead, and New World’s balance is missing by a bit.

Although Marine is victorious, Whitebeard’s shocking speech during the live broadcast of the war will also make the ocean rising winds and scudding clouds. For at least a few years, Marine will not be able to contain the new Pirate.

Now is a good time to go to sea!

Unlike other people who casually pull a flag, Sazier Kulo is very scheming. It takes a lot of effort to form Pirates from scratch. Although he is confident of his own strength, he is out of thin air. It is too time-consuming to form a Pirates.

The best way is to add a Pirates, mix to the high position, and then receive the “legacy” of that Pirates.

Pirates that Sazier Kulo ideally joins, this Pirates should not be too few people, not too famous, so as not to be noticed by Marine, it is best that the captain is still an idiot.

Then Foxy Pirates appeared.

This 24 million Pirate has a large number of Pirates under his command. The bounty is not high, the reputation is not obvious, and Marine is not focused on. The most important thing is that this person seems to have a good head. Yes, but actually a fool.

If you join him, wait until you get to the high position, and then wait for’death’ on the ship, and he will be able to receive the inheritance.

The plan is very simple. First gain Foxy’s trust, then come to a few sudden battles, gain prestige in Pirate, and show yourself. After a few battles, he is estimated to be Fokker. Cadre of West Pirates.

If Fox died unexpectedly, he would become the captain of this Pirates, and he would have the basics.

As for the other two cadres…

That hamburger is like a fool, except that he will not laugh.

Polchi is not strong, and it’s useless.

When the time comes, no one will grab the captain’s position with him.

This time, he discovered Battleship ahead of time, pretending to simply want to test the gun, and attracted the firepower of Battleship.

Next, just show off your strength and make people look impressive.

Plan, perfect!

After all, it is only a medium-sized Battleship, not the large-scale Battleship used by Marine Rear Admiral Vice Admiral, and it is not a ship. The person on it is at most a Captain. According to the current degree of Marine’s exhaustion, This may not be Captain, a great Commander, or even a major.

A Marine school level, what is terrifying?

On the Battleship side, Kulo was taken aback when he saw that the shells sent out were slowed by the purple aperture.

“It’s Ability User, Kulo.”

Leda said to the side: “There are so many Ability Users in the ocean.”

Kulo glanced at it. He glanced.

You are not qualified to say that.

There are three Ability Users in your bag.

Kulo touched the chin, he always feels that this ability seems to have been seen there, and it is probably a memory that he has forgotten.

“Ah…butt.” Leda said while holding the Telescope.

“Little child, don’t speak foul language!”

Kulo patted her on the head.

“Woo, it hurts, no, that guy has a butt on his head.” Lida grieved.


Kulo took the Telescope and looked at Pirate Ship.

I saw on the opposite ship, there was a person who looked…well, some scribbled people stood there, each about one meter eight meters, and I don’t know if the face shape was long or square. It was very wretched and long. His red nose is very eye-catching, and the hairstyle on his head stands up, splitting up from the middle.

“It’s really like an ass, ah…I remember,’Silver Fox’ Foxy.”

Kulo remembered this hairstyle when he saw this hairstyle. .

He has the BUG ability, but because his head is too BUG, ​​the negative is positive, and the ability becomes useless in his hands.

“‘Silver Fox’ Foxy?”

Kuro recovered from autism at this time, hearing this: “I know him, the long winner of the’DavyBackFight’ game “

DavyBackFight, a cruel game popular among Pirate, in order to get the best crew, through this game to win and lose, the loser must swear to David Jones, always loyal to the victory By.

But in essence, this is a mentally handicapped game.

Kuro doesn’t look good.

Pirate playing games?

Do you think you have a family?

“Take the boat, I want to live, especially that Foxy. If my bait is gone, I will use him as my bait.”

Kulo took out the root The cigar was lit, said.

Battleship approaches, and the Pirate Ship on the opposite side connects to the ship. However, before the Marine here can make a move, that Foxy jumped onto the Battleship first, with both hands holding the index finger and little finger cocked. Posture.

“Little ones, get on with the captain!”

Pirates behind them jumped onto the Battleship one by one, and Sazier Kulo rushed ahead of everyone, sure enough As he expected, this is a school-level Battleship. There are no famous Marines here. They are just a few small people, so there is no need to…

The word’fear’ has not come out yet, Saz Kulo felt cold all over, he dumbstruck looked at the guy who smoked leisurely, and trembled: “Why are you here!”


Kulo spit out the smoke and looked towards the little Pirate who uttered loudly.

“Do you know me?”

“What a joke!” Sazier Kulo gritted his teeth.

This man, the man in the live broadcast of the top war, will actually be on this Battleship!

He saw the live broadcast. It was this man who faced the New World that many famous Captain and the captain. One person solved all those people, including the’Diamond’ Jozu!

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