The geographical location of Moe Island is very interesting. At its two ends, there are two huge almost land-forming islands, facing each other across the sea. The two lands are two A big kingdom often fights.

Only the Moe Island in the center has not been affected. Geographically speaking, no matter which kingdom it is in, it will attack the bridgehead of another kingdom.

In terms of magnetic field, the special geographical location makes the magnetic fields of the two kingdoms be here, and on this route, this is the only exit, or it takes a month or two to go around. Open this island and the two adjacent large islands, and sail from other places, or you can only start from this island.

Controlling here should be of great significance to the two kingdoms.

But after so many years, Moe Island has no trouble.

It’s not even a franchise, but Pirate or the King’s Army has never meant to invade.

On the contrary, because of this geographical location, it has become a permanent place for people who travel between the two kingdoms and even the sea.

Marine, merchants, and Pirate can all pass here unimpeded.

“en? Pirate is here?”

Above the sea, Kulo is holding a Telescope, looking at a small island gradually emerging in front of him. At the port, it is obvious Several Pirate Ships are docked.

After a day of sailing, they have arrived at Moe Island.

“Yes, Commander.”

The second lieutenant on the side explained: “Moe Island is a neutral zone by everyone’s default. We can capture Pirate here, but cute The jazz of the island is also qualified to drive us Marine and prevent us from supplying it.”


Kulo put down the Telescope and handed it to Lida.

Leda looked unhappy at the moment, because she had eaten one meal from yesterday to now, really just one meal, one that Kuro was watching.

Kuro couldn’t control Lida, but he was forced by Kulo’s order. Of the choice between being hated by Lida and hated by Kulo, he certainly chose the relatively lighter side.

Leda will not kill him.

But Kulo can.

He really doesn’t want to carry any names on his back.

Battleship quickly approached the port of Moe Island, which allowed them to see the whole picture. The island is very small, and the only port city already occupies more than half of the island’s area, but the building occupies a large area. Empty, like a small country town.

Battleship was docked at the port, and the nearby ship with the Pirate flag protruded out of several Pirate’s heads and whistled here.

“It’s Marine.”

“Hey, Marine, don’t open guns here, that is not allowed.”

“hahaha, In fact, you can try it too, so I won’t see these annoying Marines here for two or three years.”

Pirate hehe haha, provocatively said: “Hey, Marine , Our captain is the Great Pirate of Bounty 30 million Beli, known as the’four-corner hat’ Bertro, this is a repeat offender, don’t you arrest us?”

“30 million… repeat offender?”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and said in a cold tone, “Mr. Kulo, do I need to teach them a lesson?”

“Didn’t you hear what they said? Marine is not visible here, there must have been similar cases before, which caused some of our colleagues to be unable to get close here for two to three years.” Kulo said.


Pirate hehe said with a smile: “No matter who it is, if you take the initiative here, you will immediately be regarded as unpopular by the jazz here. People who are not allowed to replenish will be forbidden for a period of time.”

“And it is not for a single person, but for this camp. Marine, merchants, Pirate, and even Revolutionary Army, if you want to replenish here , Then you must abide by Sir Moe Island’s rules.”

Kulo glanced at them blankly without saying anything, and led the people down from the Battleship and stood in the harbor.

“Notify the nearby Marine, let them encircle the route near Moe Island, and if a Pirate Ship comes out, then sink one.” He said to Marine who was staying in the Battleship.

“It’s useless!”

Pirate said with a big smile: “After crossing Moe Island, the route is very wide. There are many Marines who have your thoughts. But none of us can catch us!”

“So, you can’t deal with us, but be careful. There will be more people left behind. Maybe at night, your ship will sink unfathomable mystery. Now, hahahaha.”

After saying this, Pirates laughed.

Kulo step one stopped, suddenly turned around, walked to the water, crouched down and stretched out his hand, then stood up, he took out the cigar box from his arms, took out a cigar, and held it in his mouth .

Sazil on the side rushed over very dogmatically, lit a match and arched it humbly.

Kulo’s head tilted forward slightly, and fire stars emerged from the front of the cigar through the flames. He stared at these Pirates and said: “So arrogant, be careful of a tsunami and sink your ship.”

“hahaha, this Marine is beginning to beg for nature!”

“Sure enough, it is only Marine. Pirate is not as strong as we are. A real man, no matter what kind of wind and waves he encounters, he will ride on the waves. !”

“Yes, the old man Whitebeard also said before he died that the treasures are real, and only you Marine will not pursue these things.”

“Tsunami What about it, even if it’s the sea, the sea, the sea…” A Pirate wanted to continue talking, but suddenly his eyes widened, and the last words couldn’t come out.

Because in the interval between the Battleship and the Pirate Ship, the sea water suddenly surged, forming a huge sea wall in that narrow distance, as if covering the sky and covering the sun, against the Pirate Ship. Past.


Not only that one ship, but that row of Pirate Ships were all swallowed, overturned, and shattered by the huge sea water, and they were all swept into the sea water and fluttered. Into the ocean.


Kulo spit out a puff of smoke, the white smoke faintly drifted in the air, he looked into the calm sea, indifferently said:

“I said, watch out for the tsunami. Grand Line is a ghost place, suddenly a tsunami or something, it’s normal. You guys, the pattern is too young to see the world.”

He turned around and looked towards the dumbstruck pedestrians in front of the port, “You have all seen it, it’s really a tsunami, right? I’m just saying, this can’t be regarded as an attack.”

“Yes, that’s the case.”

Kuro nodded and said: “They just had bad luck and were attacked by the weird nature of the Grand Line.”

“Yes. There are too many weird phenomena in the Grand Line. I once heard that all the animals on an uninhabited island disappeared overnight, leaving only bones. I heard that it was caused by the’gluttony devil’, but this world Where’s the gluttony devil.” Sazier was nodded hard.

Gluttony demon?

Kulo glanced at Leda.

“I don’t remember.” Lida scratched her head, full of question marks.

Forget it, normal operation, no wonder.

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