This and the others may not be strong, but when it comes to difficulty, they are not ordinary.

A small island, there will be such characters, no wonder the island can still be peaceful for so long.

However, this has nothing to do with Kulo.

He just wanted to finish the supply as soon as possible, and then set sail.

“However, I actually gave up the price of 300 million yuan. A staff member on this island is so rich?”

Kulo touched the chin, and he also paid attention to the movements of the people around him. , After that Gadi left, the people who had appeared in horror dared to come out one after another.

“Why did Gardi come out? In the past, he was not the one who took the knife.”

“He came out to indicate that the situation is serious. Don’t let him see the weapon. “

“Hey, that little Marine is so pitiful, saying that it’s a black blade? That’s precious.”

“What’s the use, even Marine, it doesn’t There is a way to escape, and the weapon that Gadi has been eyeing has never missed.”

This is the speech of a group of frightened people.

However, besides them, there is a wave of people. After that Gadi appeared, his face was full of anticipation, and it seemed that he wanted to be noticed by Gadi.

This wave of people choked with the previous wave.

“Hey, stop making trouble. Master Gadi thinks that weapons are purchased at a high price. Only you fools will value weapons so much. As long as you have money, what kind of weapons? You can buy them all.”

“Yes, if you have money, it’s fine. I tell you that my saber was picked by Master Gadi two years ago. He paid 50 million Beli. , 50 million! When I bought my knife, it was only 500,000, which is a hundred times the profit!”

“I am almost the same, I was three years ago, but not as much as you Good luck, only ten times. The garbage long sword I bought for one hundred thousand was bought by Master Gadi for one million Beli.”

“How can it be repaired! It’s not like that, he bought it.”

It’s not a weapon at all, what he bought is human fighting spirit! My knife is my second life, so I won’t give it to others easily!”

“hahaha, only you Pirate can do it Think of it this way, weapons are just weapons, and the things that are manufactured can be sold in themselves!”

These two waves are obviously the difference between merchants and Pirate. The sound is so loud, even if Kulo does not have Kenbunshoku Hear it clearly.

According to this meaning, I ran into a knife idiot, who happened to be very rich?

“How can everyone stare at my sword? The previous Yizang is, and this person is also. What kind of world, is it not good to practice one by yourself, always thinking about other people’s things, one day It will be missed by others too.” Kulo sighed.

Leda immediately appeared disgusted.

How did you get this limbid autumn water, did you forget it?

“Mr. Kulo, do you want to investigate?” Kuro asked at this time.

“It’s a matter for people to have money. If there is anything to investigate, we are not officials on this island. We are leaving after the supply.” Kulo said.


Fruit is essential during sailing, and in the case of Leda, the Great Appetite King, it is even more important.

Although Moe Island is a small island, because it is stuck in the route and the center of the two kingdoms, the trade intensity is particularly high, because many ships will come here to supply supplies.

This can buy more ingredients that are usually not available in small towns.

The sky is gradually falling into dusk, and Marine’s supplies have basically been purchased.

At this time, the direction they came to was not as busy as before. Although there were shops around, there was no one at this time, and it was very deserted.

Several birds flew across the sky and screamed abnormally.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and his body gradually tightened.

“Hey, this breath…”

Kulo’s eyes showed a hint of surprise.

In all directions, a group of people suddenly walked out. These people were wearing black clothes. A black cloth was hung from their hats on their faces. Only the eyes were exposed, and the other faces were covered.

They surrounded Kulo and the others and stood there without saying a word.

Kuro’s forehead is sweating, which is not afraid.

But he found that the height and weight of these people are exactly the same. Their walking movements and standing postures are all exactly the same. Repeatedly, there is a thread controlling them, especially the eyes, like a The same copy.

“Straight sword?”

Kulo looked surprised at the uniform slanting weapon on their backs. It was a straight sword, and not only that, because of the breath and feeling of these people It’s exactly the same as the straight knife on their back.

Straight knives are of a unified standard. You can make exactly the same model from the factory, but can people match it like this?

“Isn’t it true that you can use weapons to transform into humans?” Kulo thought of the legend of Moe Island.

If this is not the case, why do these people match their weapons so well, “Human and Sword Unity” is not a weed on the ground, can be seen everywhere.

Leda is more alert. She took out the limpid autumn water from her waist and hugged it tightly in her arms.

These black clothed persons with straight knives surrounded them, several of them walked up to them, knelt on the ground, opened their suitcases facing them, and there was full of Beli.

There are three boxes in total. The thickness of that box is estimated to be 100 million.

Then, one of the black clothed persons with straight knives pointed at limpid autumn water and then at the money. After that, these people stood up and pulled out their backs with the black clothed persons with straight knives. The straight knife on the top, the blade of the knife glowing red rays of light under the setting sun.

That is self-evident.

300 million, for limpid autumn water.

If you can’t change money, use a knife to change it.

“I won’t change it!”

Lida bared her teeth. If she thought she would be happy if Kulo took the initiative to sell it, but now it’s different. , She heard what Kulo said just now.

A weapon becomes a human?

What can limpid autumn water become?

Wife? !

Absolutely not allowed!

Hearing what Leda said, the black clothed person with the straight knife gripped the straight knife, and stepped forward neatly, and the atmosphere suddenly became extremely cold.

In terms of the number of people, they are more than the Marines brought by Kulo, and from the aura point of view, ordinary Marines are not their opponents.

Kulo spit out smoke, “The people nearby have taken it away for you. This is to prepare for murdering to seize the treasures? Your own rules are just broken? Or is it because People on this island must abide by your rules, so you regard yourself as the boss?”

The black clothed person with the straight knife remained silent, and the handle of the knife became tighter. In an instant, a group of people waved in unison. Sword, go straight to Kulo them.



Kuro’s figure appeared in Kulo up ahead, and the blade slashed on him, causing his body to shake, and he stepped back subconsciously.

This strength is not small.

“Tekkai Fist: Explosive Tekkai.”

After Kuro blocked a few knives, his fist was clenched, and fiercely punched the man in front of him in the chest.

peng peng peng!

The chest of the black clothed person with a straight knife is sunken, like a chain reaction, and the chests of other black clothed persons around are also sunken in, like being The heavy blow dented his chest.

“That’s…my boxing technique?” Sazier was a little dumbfounded.

There is one more person who can use his boxing skills.

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