Inside the huge fortress on the hillside, Gadi pushed in and entered a dark place. It seemed that there was no sunlight, and everything seemed very gloomy.

Only the echoing sound of footsteps means that this place should be big.

After he walked a few steps, he pressed down on one-knee kneels and stroked his chest with his left hand above, “Master, I came across an excellent knife.”

From him In front of, there seemed to be a ladder with the outline of a throne above the ladder.

After Gadi’s voice echoed, a brief question was raised in the outline.


“Yes, my master.”

Gadi lowered his head and said: “That is a black blade, 21 O Wazamono, the sword used by Dragon Horse, the great swordsman of Wano Country. If the master has that sword, he can make a stronger person.”

“Then why are you unarmed? See me?” The voice at the top seemed low.

“Master, the current holder of the knife is a Marine. It is not convenient for me to shoot, but I have already let the [Straight Knife Crowd] go, I believe that the knife will appear in the owner. In his hands.”


He tone barely fell, and a thing dropped from the top, and it fell on the ground with a crisp sound.

It was a straight knife, but the blade was full of cracks.

This changed Gadi’s face slightly. He stared at the knife for a while, his head lowered, “Master, I will go and bring their heads back.”

The upper part stopped talking, and there was the sound of footsteps in this empty place.

Step on, step on, step on…

The sound of footsteps seemed to have stepped in Gadi’s heart, causing his forehead to start sweating, his face getting greener and lower, His head saw a pair of feet appear in his eyes.

“Stand up.”

The voice entered his ears.

Gadiyiyan stood up, still lowered his head, and said nothing.

“Look at me.”

Gadi breathes deeply, closed his eyes, suddenly raised his head, as if he had made some determination, opened his eyes and took a look.

“Master, master! I really can’t see you!” Gadi said in a panic.

The dark place, at this moment, seemed a little light inexplicably, Gadi’s eyes were a hall, on which was a staircase covered with golden blankets, and there was a throne on the staircase, but no matter where it was, No one at all.

Gardi was swaying his whole body, his indifferent and elegant face, at this time he was extremely frightened.

There is no one in front of him, as if the feet he saw before were fake.

“Look down, you bastard!”


Suddenly, a kick hit him in the calf, and Gadi lowered his head and saw a short fat man staring at him with gnashing teeth.

For Gadi’s three-meter height, this short and fat man is almost only calf, short enough to be negligible if he doesn’t lower his head.

“So short!”

Gardi covered his cheeks with his hands, his mouth was in the shape of an’O’, and put on a distorted expression, “Is my master so short?”

“Enough of you, Gaddi!”

The pudgy person kicked again, and then he stepped back, holding his hands back and forth.

“Huh? Eggs?”

Gadi suddenly said.

The humpty man was taken aback, and suddenly realized that he was talking about himself, with green veins on his forehead exposed, “Gadi! You want to die!”

“Sorry, great master “

Gardi wiped his tears, “I can’t help but feel sad when I think that the master is such a short person, ah! It is too short, although the master is wise and martial, very clever, give Moe Island brings peace and prosperity, but it is really too short.”

The short and fat man snarled: “Don’t talk about short anymore!”

“Yes, Master.”

Gadi’s face straightened, looking at the short fat man, suddenly Pu Chi Issho: “egg.”

The short fat man rolled his eyes weakly. Don’t care about Gardy’s words anymore.

“Just bring the knife back. I don’t want to wrestle with Marine. Although I am not afraid, it is better to keep a low profile.”

“Yes, master. Your expectations , Is my motivation.”

Gadi gave a salute and just withdrew, suddenly his face was shocked.

The pudgy person looked at him and said, “Gadi, if you say I am short, I will throw you into the laboratory and try again!”

“No, master …”

Gadi turned around, looked solemnly towards the outside, “The group of Marines are coming in this direction.”




The pudgy person was stunned, and said with a smile: “Is it because they discovered the weirdness of [Straight Swordsmen]? Yes, that kind of defective product, it’s okay to maintain law and order. It’s not flexible at all, and it’s normal to make people curious.”

“Then let them in…I also happen to be short of materials. Let Marine take a look. The ultimate peace weapon is It’s not [Peace Pacifista], Bergapunk is not the smartest person, I am!”

“He would not understand that talent is the most in this world, and the combination of man and weapon, The formidable power that can be exerted is the strongest!”

“hmph hum, hahahaha!”

The short and fat man opened his white teeth, stretched out his hand and held it empty. The action made the sword on Gadi’s waist tremble slightly.

Gadi knelt down again, said resolutely: “Yes, master, what you create is the strongest!”


Slopes Below, a team of people moved forward slowly. One of the Marines took out Den Den Mushi and heard something while nodded. Soon Den Den Mushi hung up, he took Den Den Mushi into his arms and ran forward a few steps. , Followed behind Kulo in the front.

“Did you figure it out?” Kulo glanced at the top and asked smoothly.

“Yes, Commander.”

The second lieutenant said: “According to the nearby base’s knowledge of this island, the ruler of this island, Sir Moe Island, is called Bonaparte Popa ruled here twenty years ago.”

“Before this, the jazz here was a very cruel ruler. The situation on Moe Island was very poor at the time. Pirate is overwhelming, and the residents are frenzied. It is even more chaotic than’Magic Valley Town’.”

“After Popa came here, he rescued the residents here and defeated the predecessor Sir Moe Island. Somehow, He became the new Sir Moe Island, and has ruled until now.”

Listening to the ensign, Kulo’s eyes opened, “Oh? That’s a guy who can govern, then I want to see you more, what about the others.”

“A few years ago, Moe Island was divided into two urban areas. We are in the Xiacheng area, where people who come and go can carry out renovation and trade. The upper town is closed and no one is allowed to enter. The intelligence says that Sir Bonaparte Popa has a very good relationship with the World Government, Commander, if we venture into it, will we…” The ensign hesitated.

Kulo looked at him diagonally, “Is he a franchise?”


“That’s not the end, no The franchise country is not under the jurisdiction of World Government. Besides, I just went in for a visit to learn about the living habits of local residents. The governance is so good. It shouldn’t be for people to see.”

It has a good relationship with the World Government, and it is not a franchise country, plus that kind of weird weapon slave…

He just doesn’t want to care anymore, he has to check it out when he sees it, otherwise, That little conscience will keep him awake.

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