“Revolutionary Army?”

Culow thought for a while, “stand and watch.”

This is the idea of ​​most navies, and it is also Culow’s idea.

Smog squinted: “Dorager has been here and disappeared again. I don’t know what he is here for, just to release the straw hat group? It doesn’t look like it.”

Rogue Town does not belong to any kingdom, and I have never heard of any coup nearby.

“Why do you want to do this, that is the government’s business, not our navy’s business, our duty is to fight the pirates, and leave it alone.”

Kurohaha laughed .

He certainly knows what Dorag is here for, and the riot caused by that man, Cullo understands but does not agree.

The contradiction in the town of Rogge has existed for a long time. There are no more Rags or less Rags. Once Smog is gone, this town will cause riots sooner or later.

Kuro understands this, and the reason why Kuro can’t agree is because no matter what, no one in this world can really make him agree.

Kuro looked at Smoge, and suddenly asked: “I heard that the great route has the wonders of sea trains, but only near the capital of the seven waters, but why not have such a convenient means of transportation? It’s very convenient to cover the entire world.”

Smogg categorically denied, “The sea train is not the property of the world government, it’s just cooperation, and it’s too expensive to do that, you ask What is this for?”

“Suppose, suppose that the revolutionary army overthrows the world government, do you say that it will spread sea trains all over the world?”

Smogg thought for a while, Shook his head.

“So, let’s stand and watch.” Cullo smiled.

Smogg frowned. He didn’t understand the meaning of Cullo’s words, what is the relationship between the world government and the revolutionary army and the sea train?

Kuro smiled and looked towards the sky.

Smogg doesn’t understand, and no one in this world can understand.

In a certain world, even for a small village with only a hundred people living in a remote border, there is a country that has to be open to traffic, electricity and water, just to make life convenient for the locals.

That is the feelings and responsibility of the family, the country and the world.

How can anyone in this world understand, and how can he disagree.

In their eyes, it is a great thing to have a king who loves the people.

The revolutionary army overthrew those tyrannical countries and then replaced it with a king who loved the people. This was the limit they could think of.

Can this also be called a revolution?

As a successor who has a strong political science in his previous life and learned the dragon slaying technique since childhood, he really looks down on this kind of revolution.

I want to revolt, and the world will tremble.

So what’s the matter with the world government and the revolutionary army Guan Kuro, he is a navy, or a navy who only wants to live a life of safety.

Whoever wants to be the world government, no matter who is, in this multi-island sea world, no one does not need a navy.

Especially the place where the magnetic field of the Great Airway is chaotic, and the island and the island are hardly connected.

The navy is the most secure force against chaos and evil on the front line.

“How good the navy is, the food is good, the salary is high, it’s okay to go to work, read the newspaper, cut your nails, and steal some cigar smoke. I really like it here.”

, Culo took another cigar from Smog.

“You bastard!”

Smogg’s green veins are exposed, “You can get promoted yourself and buy it!”

“If you buy it, though It’s also fragrant, but the prostitutes are more fragrant.” Culo laughed.

Smogg’s eyes were jumping, he breathed out a puff of smoke, and said to Cullo:

“The straw hat boy is running away, I am going to the Great Route. I must catch him. .Kuro, you come with me too.”

“Huh? I’m going to the headquarters for training, I don’t have the time to play with you.” Kuro waved his hand, not wanting to mix up.

He just wants to go to the headquarters to mix, and then see if he can go back to the East China Sea, and then eat and die safely.

Smogg ignored him and said to a navy: “Power on the headquarters, I’m going to the Great Route, and also, the warrant officer Luciro Kullo, the branch warrant officer who is going to the headquarters for training, third class Soldier Flo Leda, third-class soldier Clo, go with me.”

“Hey, you abused your power!” Cullo said angrily.

“If you don’t want me to inform the headquarters that you have solved the pirates in Rogue Town and your strength.”

Smogg said to Cullo: “Also, it’s not a day or two for me to abuse my power. If I don’t want to be dispatched by me, I’ll be promoted, bastard!”

“Do you want to check with my school, Smaller.” Cullo squeezed his fist.

“No, think about it. If you follow me on the great route, you don’t need to take action when you meet a pirate. You can continue to pursue your safety and justice.

And as a colonel in the headquarters.

For me, I will give you some activities at that time, so that you can be promoted and go to a safe place. You can achieve your goal.”

Smogg said very quickly.

Fight him? He’s not stupid, it’s not pure looking for abuse.

Culo listened to Smogg’s words and froze for a while.

This…it seems feasible.


Kuro looked at Kuro subconsciously.

“I think it’s okay.” Crowe nodded.

He had previously suggested that Kuro join a faction.

Kuro knows that Smogg and the green pheasant have a good relationship, and with his help, his wish to return to the East China Sea and live a stable life may be fulfilled.

“How about returning to the East China Sea?” Culow asked.

“It’s hard to say, but it will definitely meet your requirements. It’s very safe.”

“The deal, I will accompany you around.” Culow thought for a while and confirmed Once again:

“You said, a very safe place, it is better to have no pirates nearby.”

“Don’t worry, there must be no pirates near that place!” Moge is absolutely sure.

“Without wind, the navy can travel from here to the great route. It’s really… cheating.”

On the warship, K Luo muttered to himself while looking at the sea in front of him, which was almost as flat as the horizon.

As a pirate, there is only one way he knows to enter the great route, and that is to cross the upside-down mountain, that extremely dangerous place. He did not expect the navy to pass directly through the windless zone.

“Because there are sea tower rocks under the ship, they have the same energy as the sea, and they will not be discovered by the sea kings.”

Da Siqi said by the side: “But this technology They are very rare, so there are not many ships that can sail, and they are only used by the headquarters.”

Smogg said to act and act. They will go straight into the windless zone from Rogge town and will directly enter the great sea route.

On the third floor of the warship, on the two beach chairs, Cullo and Smogg lay down there, smoking cigars together, Lida sat aside, feasting on the food on the table.

This kind of leisure and comfortable life is what Cullo hopes most. Lying here doesn’t even bring the slightest bit of resentment he has towards Smogg.

“It would be great if it had been like this…” Cullo exclaimed.

“I don’t understand, you are so strong, why must you be willing to do so.”

Smogg asked next to him: “If you really want to be safe, then Catch more pirates.”

“Have you heard a word?”


“People’s dreams are not It’s over!”

Culo straightened up, poured a glass of red wine and drank it.

“So, the pirates can’t catch them all.”

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