Marines began to gather information, while Kulo took people around, mainly Lida.

“Golden apples, golden apples, golden apples that can be immortality in one bite.”

At the booth, a boss held the apple and shouted around.

But these three won’t believe it. No matter how young she looks, Lida is essentially a person who has been asking for life since the age of eight. Of course she has some knowledge.

But the normal fruit in the stall, she wants to eat it.

“Kulo, give me money, I want to buy food.”

Leda stretched out her hand and looked towards Kulo.

“Give you money?”

Kulo was taken aback, then opened his eyes wide, “Where is your money, Leda.”

“It’s all spent “

“en?” Kulo stared at Leda.

“en.” Lida nodded.

After a long while, Kulo’s significantly raised voice rang from the crowd.

“Almost ten million Beli, have you all spent it?!”

Kulo incredulously said: “That’s ten million, ten million, do you know what the concept is!”

Seeing that Lida put on a pitiful look and did not answer, Kulo looked towards Kuro: “What’s the matter.”

“That, Lida Young Lady took a fancy Everything is left behind, no matter how much it is, it is generally more than the original value. So…”

Kuro is wrong.

Lida herself has a big appetite, and she spends money on it. Kulo had already overestimated Lida, but he still underestimated it.

Ten million. Treasure Wood Adam’s materials seem to be only 100 million. You only ate one-tenth of the cost of a good ship in just a few days.

“What are you eating’Essence Fruit’? How good are you eating Munch-Munch Fruit. If you don’t eat the fruit, I will kill Wapol now and find the fruit for you to eat.”

Kulo gritted his teeth bitterly.

What kind of food to eat, you Great Appetite King can save money by eating everything.

Leida pulled Kulo’s trouser legs, pouting: “Kulo, I’m hungry, give me money.”

Kulo slapped his head: “Where do I have money? , The previous deposit has been given to the civilians in Loguetown. I think you have enough to say that you didn’t pay attention to keeping the money. Sorry, I underestimated you..”

“What should I do, I’m hungry.”

Lida rolled her eyes and suggested: “Otherwise, let’s eat the king’s meal.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses, a little be eager to have a try.

“You are Marine, you are Marine! You have to know the shame, don’t you understand!” Kulo almost roared.

“Enough, come with me.”

Kulo sighed, turned and walked in the other direction.

“Where to go?” Leda said curiously.

“Find good-hearted people and give us money!”

“Good-hearted people? Where are they? Wait for me!”

Leda followed along.


In this world, there is one thing that is legal, and that is gangs.

Kulo has no money, but the gang has money. The gang is so moral and will definitely’help’ them.

Furthermore, in addition to gangs, there is another force in Alabasta, and it also exists in this small port city.

“Before that, if you changed your clothes and wore Marine suits, those people wouldn’t dare to move out.”

Kulo entered a clothing store and changed into a unique characteristic of the desert. Clothing, the other two are the same.

For the money Kuro paid, for now, he has some family properties.

After changing into a suit, Kulo took the two of them around, especially into the alleys.

His Kenbunshoku, like Leda, has a relatively wide range. It is no problem to sense this city. The key is that their strength and aura are similar, and there is really no way to accurately lock them.

This is not the situation of gathering hostages in Loguetown, and Kulo is not the Kenbunshoku with its own perspective like Linlin.

I can only drill some small alleys, just like looking for mice. The small alleys are often haunted by bad guys and mice. There will definitely be some, and he has Lida in it, so I don’t have to worry about fishing. No fish.

Such a cute child, of course there will be a kind of generous donation.

“hey hey hey, stop me.”

After walking a few alleys, Kulo just entered a new alley, and there was a sound from behind, a few big guys Gushing from the entrance and exit, surrounded by the alley, a tall robust man approached first, smiling grinningly:

“Pay some money and come out.”

“Look, Isn’t this coming, kindhearted people.” Kulo pointed at them.

Is this what you call a “good-hearted person”?

Leda glanced at Kulo contemptuously, “Aren’t you just grabbing?”

“Yes, I just grabbing!”

The robust man I thought he was talking about him, and laughed louder: “You are outsiders, let us teach you the rules here, powerhouse can control everything!”

“I also quite like this. Rules.” Kulo nodded: “Kuro.”

Kuro pursed his lips helplessly, anyway, calling him must be okay.

But this kind of little guy…

Kuro doesn’t even use weapons. Efficiently, a dozen people lie on the ground.

Leda sat on a person’s back, put a gold ring that was obviously larger than her finger on her hand, then put it in her pocket and counted the money.

“Kulo, it’s less than 100,000, so little.” Lida complained.

“Shut up, it’s not because of you, otherwise we need’friendly assistance’?” Kulo roared.

“One family is not enough, so I can change a few more houses.”

Kulo glanced at the unconscious person and said, “Many thanks, next time I’m looking for you.”

Then, a few people continued to wander around the city.

There are actually a lot of good-hearted people like just now in this city. After visiting a few small alleys, Kulo and others met some people, and as the amount of assistance increased, Kulo touched The greater the probability of getting to a kind person.

Because he asked Lida to put the money and jewelry in a conspicuous position, those people looked at them and said, this is someone who needs’assistance’, so they eagerly came up to give the money.

Of course, there are also great good people who look poor at children and want to bring them a better life.

For example, the people who came to help from this alley just saw that Lida was too pitiful and wanted to take it away to find a place to live again.

Kulo personally’thanks’ this kind of person.

“I, our Baroque Chinese society is, I won’t, let you go.”

The people who lay on the ground vented more and vented intermittently.

He can’t see people all over his body at this time.

“One more sentence, I will make you an’inciting man’.”

Kulo twitched his lips, let Kuro collect assistance there, and then give it to Lida.


Leda doesn’t want to accept the assistance of this kind of person, but the money is innocent, she still patiently accepts it and counts it. Said to Kulo: “We have a million!”


At this moment, a pillar of fire suddenly rose not far away, and the pillar was still rolling around. White smoke.

“Strange, where can anyone set off fireworks during the day.” Lida looked towards that side with a curious look.


Kulo also looked over, frowned: “That white smoke, Smoker? Fire…Oh, there seems to be such a burst.”

“Would you like to check it out?”

Kuro asked.

“No, we have to find good-hearted people. If we don’t have money, we can’t do it.”

Leda twitched his lips and whispered: “Who said that Marine should be ashamed just now? …”

Kulo fiercely glared at Lida, “Who do you think this is for!”

Forget it, I personally found it, and personally promised others Full.

Kulo breathes deeply, walk forward.

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