blood-reeking qi, followed the wind into the noses of the three people. This is not only Kuro, who has a keen sense of smell, can detect it, but also Kulo and Lida can feel it. It’s strong enough.

Kulo looks around. This is a temporary port that has not been developed. There is only a small village in front of it, but there is no who. If you look closely, those village buildings still have a little black mark. It’s dried up blood.

Kulo squatted down, twisted a pinch of mud, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed, his face turned dark.

“No wonder the vegetation and flowers in this place are very luxuriant…”

No matter which world you are in, there are legends. The land nourished by blood will surely grow beautiful in the coming year. Flowers and plants.

And in this land, the bloody smell in the soil is so strong that it almost makes Kulo choke his nose.

“Old Master chose what the hell place for me, is it quiet?”

Kuro was stunned by these words. He paused and said: “Kulo Sir, don’t you know the situation of Pegasus Island?”


Kulo looked over and said, “What’s the situation on Pegasus Island? It’s not Old Master. Is it quiet like that? Wait…”


It’s very quiet here, can you not be quiet after people die?


Kulo said solemnly: “Talk about the situation, what are you hiding from me?”

“Mr. Kulo…”


Kuro is a little surprised: “I thought you knew.”

What do I know about me?

In Kulo’s almost cannibalistic eyes, Kuro told Kulo about the current situation of the Kingdom of Two Horses and the current situation of Pegasus Island.

“In other words, this ghost place is still suffering from war? And there is a lot of Pirate occupying the island, and this is close to Reverse Mountain? Similar to East Blue’s’Loguetown’?”

Seeing Kuro nodded, Kulo fell into silence. He looked up at the sky and pursed his mouth. The cloud in the sky gradually became the laughed look of Old Master.

“Gift? I will burn the paper for you!” said Kulo gnashing teeth.

Although he has no opinion on the world, this place is obviously a pit.

According to Kuro, this place was originally the territory of the Kingdom of Two Horses. It belongs to an independent island and occupies one third of the total area of ​​the Kingdom of Two Horses.

But because of the war, the island was completely destroyed, coupled with Pirate’s invasion, the kingdom had no choice but to hand over the control of the island to the Government.

And the Government naturally uses this as a Marine base.

If Kulo wants to live in safety, he must first clean up the’harmful insect’ here. If he wants to live comfortably, he must let the people here pay taxes.

There is no who here anymore, so naturally there is not much tax, so you have to recruit people again, and if all this is done, I don’t know how much time is wasted.

He is here to enjoy the blessing?

He is here to open up wasteland.

It’s no wonder that the Marine who sent him has an expression of admiration, and he also admires it for others.

Moreover, the delivery place is still so remote, it is obvious that even Battleship dare not go to the main town.

Kulo’s eyes flashed a red dot, Kenbunshoku covered the entire island, and then he raised his forehead with a headache, “This is too much, right? What is this? Pirate brood?”

In Kenbunshoku, the atmosphere on the island is densely packed in various places, with varying levels of intensity. If there are not many civilians on the island, these are all Pirates.

Fortunately, the breath is not very strong, so I don’t know if I have the ability.

“Wow, many people, Kulo.”

Leda also drove the Kenbunshoku and sensed a lot of aura, but her current attainments could not tell the difference between strength and weakness. .

“That’s enough…Let me come here if there is nothing, no troops, no supplies, no matter if you send me here first, Old Master is too bad, right.”

Kulo opened his wrist, Den Den Mushi, who was about to make a call. However, at this moment, he was taken aback and fixedly looked at the thing hanging on a pillar at the entrance of the village ahead.

“Huh? Kulo, is that guy swinging?” Lida followed Kulo’s gaze and asked curiously.


Kulo gave her a bit and whispered: “That’s a dead person.”

As far as I can see, the one hanging on the door, It was a woman in ragged clothes. The bruise on her face hadn’t faded. There was a rope hanging from her head, her body swaying in the wind.

This is hanged alive.

“that’s all…”

Kulo closed the lid of Den Den Mushi, “Kuro, what did the headquarter say when I came here? What about my men, how about supplies? “

As the Lieutenant Commander of Kulo, Kuro basically handles military affairs. Originally, Lida should also deal with it, but what she said… basically doesn’t matter, most things , Are all handled by Kuro.

“The headquarter says that one day there will be a batch of Marines coming with supplies.” Kuro said.


Kulo took out a cigar, took a deep breath after it was lit, and spit out the smoke, “Okay, then clear the place. After all, I am There are too many’harmful insects’ to live here, which affects people’s life experience. “

“Mr. Kulo, I think we should wait until the Marine arrives tomorrow, and then take action together, so that we will be relaxed…”

He didn’t even have the last word “more” After speaking, she saw Lida shook the head at him and made a gesture of silence.

She pointed to Kulo, who had already started flying in one direction, and said: “I haven’t seen me. Do you dare to fight with him, Kulo…is angry. “

Kuro pushed his glasses and looked at the corpse hanging on the pillar. “Is it because of the corpse? That’s really bad luck, Pirate…”

“Don’t waste time, go straight to the place with the most people! “

After Kulo’s body flew up, he extended the hand to the sky and snapped his fingers.


Two dark shadows descended rapidly from the sky Flew down, those were two black guns made by Hina. The black guns twirled in the air, directly supporting the bodies of Lida and Kuro, making them step on the guns and fly forward with Kulo very fast. Go.

Feima Town, as the main town on Pegasus Island, should have been a prosperous place. From the large number of buildings, we can see that it used to be The population is large, but now, the streets are full of rubbish, scattered wine bottles and fallen swords everywhere.

Most of the surrounding buildings have become dilapidated due to lack of maintenance. The noise, dust and sawdust fell along with the vibration of the sound.

Noisy and clamor are everywhere in this town.

A Pirate stepped on one. The corpse lying in a pool of blood holds a blood-stained knife in one hand and a purse in the other.

“If you hand over the money, you don’t need to die. It’s stupid. ! “Then Pirate said with a smile.

“Hey, don’t kill people casually. There are not enough people in the town. We still need them to provide supplies. “

Another Pirate, who seems to be a companion, cried out dissatisfied.

“What’s the matter, Pirate just wants to do whatever he wants, and we won’t stay on this island too much.” “

Pirate with the knife dissatisfied: “If we grab it, we just leave. As long as we have enough supplies, we can turn over Reverse Mountain and go to the Grand Line!” “

“That kind of place…I don’t know what the captain thinks, it’s called’Pirate’s Cemetery’. “

That Pirate is half worried, half longing.

For Pirate, the Grand Line is a place of yearning and dreams. Only go there. A real Pirate.

“Hey, have you heard of it? “

At this time, a Pirate with a wine bottle staggered over and burped, “The king of this country seems to have sold this island to the World Government.” , Here is going to be the Marine base. “

“Huh? “

Pirate nearby was stunned collectively, and then laughed together: “Marine base?” Hahaha, don’t make me laugh. There are nearly 3,000 Pirates in class on Pegasus Island. This is already Pirate’s island. Which Marine dare to come over, Admiral? “

“They don’t have that free time. Whitebeard is dead. There are new people from all over the world joining us. How can they be free to take care of this kind of thing, and ordinary people don’t have that ability. “A Pirate said with a smile.

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