The closer the Battleship gets closer and closer, Kulo can see the man standing on the bow clearly. The old man’s short purple hair is not as erect as he remembers it, with A pair of very gentle glasses, but a very burly figure, with a heavy mechanical arm on his right arm, from there, Kulo faintly felt a disturbing breath.

I’m afraid it is inlaid with Kairoseki, and there are still a lot of them.

While energetic, Kulo keenly noticed a wave of turmoil in it.

“Is that Zephyr…”

Kuro looked over and swallowed, “Really an incredible person.”

His Kenbunshoku has also grown recently. Now that Zephyr is so close, although he can’t feel how strong he is, he is strong, there is no doubt about it.

The kind that can hang him.

Kulo still knows something about Zephyr’s deeds. After all, the same system. The reason why he didn’t want to join Elite Camp was because he didn’t teach anymore.

But now, it is estimated that Garp will take over the training camp.

Zephyr, 72 years old, led the new recruits camp seven years ago to train for Pirate sneak attack. There are only two new recruits left on the ship, and one hand was cut off. The robotic arm was installed two years ago to form the’Pirate guerrillas’ and hunt Pirate everywhere.

However, this guerrilla unit is still in the Marine category, which is equivalent to a Marine independent unit.

After all, this is a former Admiral, a retired person, which is equivalent to a job at Marine, and no one can stop him from doing anything he wants.

Battleship stopped, and a silhouette jumped out first.

“Ain, are you okay!”

The man has a handsome pink hairstyle, slender figure, that is, the sausage mouth on his face destroys the beauty, and he is also wearing cloak. Quickly ran to Ain and asked worriedly.

“Sensei and I saw that there was a problem with your life paper, they rushed over immediately.”

“I’m fine.”

Ain shook his head , Said to him: “Kulo Captain saved me.”

“Kulo Captain?”

The man looked over and bowed to Kulo, “Thank you very much for saving Ain, my name is Binz, and I’m Captain Headquarter!”

“Ah…all colleagues, no effort at all.” Kulo waved his hand.

This person, Kulo doesn’t remember very much. He has a vague impression that he is one of the only two people who survived in the Zephyr new recruits camp.

“Kulo? Lucifer ·Kulo?”

A hoarse voice sounded with a little heroic voice.

The purple-haired old man on the bow of the ship spoke, then jumped from the bow and fell on the ground, smiling at Kulo, “I often heard Kuzan talk about you, Bruza Lunuo’s subordinates? Hmm… it doesn’t look like him, he is not a person who relies too much on his ability.”

“Mr. Zephyr is really Divine Vision!”

Kulo I was happy when I heard this, and gave him a thumbs up, “I am not like Old Master at all.”

Which one says that he is like Kizaru, it’s obviously not like that, OK, I’m so handsome, Old Master is so wretched, so likely to resemble.

“Zephyr-sensei, you have to be careful, Pirate here is too strong, and the weather is also very strange, Mr. Kulo said just now, weapons have been set up here to kill Pirate in the town “Ain solemnly said.

“Under the weapon? Really?” Binz surprisedly said.


Zephyr glanced at Kulo and shook his head laughed. After that, he looked at the Pirate corpses and said, “Did you go too far?”

“God can’t see it. It has nothing to do with me to lower heavenly punishment.”

Kulo glanced at Zephyr’s robotic arm and said he didn’t care.

Zephyr is an old man? Not count, but he is the person who insists on’justice’ most.

Marine From the past to the present,’benevolence and justice’ has been the mainstream, among which the most representative ones are Zephyr and Momonga.

Momonga sticks to this justice, and there are few killings when he catches Pirate. He believes that Pirate needs to be tried and convicted by Judicial Island’s law, while Marine is only responsible for arresting people.

And Zephyr, who taught this justice, is even more so-called “don’t kill.” He has never killed Pirate, and Kulo has never smelled any blood-reeking qi from him.

Killing someone is completely different from not killing someone.

“hahaha, I was admonished by the younger generation.”

Zephyr laughed, bypassed Kulo, walked towards the town, came to a dead Pirate, stopped and bowed his head, subconsciously Covering the robotic arm, he whispered softly: “Even now, I still don’t regret my justice.”

He looked back towards Kulo, “Young, but lacking vitality, like a Old bastard, like Borsalino, doesn’t want to cause trouble. No, it’s better than him.”

“Sense of justice…I don’t know whether it is strong or weak. He acts like Sakazuki. “

“But there are obviously many Pirates on this island, but you only focus on the town you see. It’s a bit lazy and has a taste of Kuzan.”

“Tsuru -chan said that you are’safe justice’, and I don’t know whether it is in conformity or not. It is very complicated, youngster.”

This old man…

Kulo raised his brows, worthy of it. He has taught many famous Marines to see through people at a glance, which is not so strong.

Zephyr stepped over the corpse of Pirate and looked towards the ragged civilians crowded in a crowd, frowned, “Pirate…”

“Zephyr-sensei! This! There is a big crisis in this island. More than three thousand Pirates have gathered on this island. We must rescue the civilians on the island as soon as possible!” Ain said anxiously at this time.

“Have you found any information, Ain.” Zephyr asked.

“Sorry, Zephyr-sensei, I only found out the name of their leader. The Pirate Alliance gathered on this island. The leader of the alliance is Hernando.” Ain lowered his head.


Zephyr was taken aback, his pupils tightened, “Are you sure it is Hernando?”

” Yes, his name is Hernando.” Ain is extremely certain.


In a village on Pegasus Island, the fire was everywhere, and a large number of people fell in a pool of blood. Pirate’s laughter and noise were in this village. The ears were extremely harsh, mixed with the sound of flame burning.

“Leader, is it really appropriate for us to do this?”

Above the village, on a hillside, several Pirates watched this scene, one Pirate quite Can’t bear it.

Even Pirate has different purposes.

At least, he thinks plundering is okay, but killing is too much. He is Pirate, the group of people chasing dreams, not a bottomless villain who does everything.

Among the crowd, the burly blond figure in the front looked at this scene indifferently, said solemnly: “I don’t accept my rule. That’s it. It’s just a village. If you don’t have it, it will be gone.”

He drew his weapon and shouted loudly at the bottom: “Little ones!”


Pirate, who was burning and killing wanton, looked up one after another. Boom loudly.

“Go kill, go grab, release your inner madness, follow your inner choices, do everything you want to do, this is me, Pirate Alliance leader, Alliance leader Hernando Permitted!”

“Long live the leader of the league!”

“With the leader of the leader, we must be the most terrifying Pirates!”

Pirates They called out one after another.

The flame burned higher and higher, almost skyrocketing, the burly blonde man lifting his head, looking towards the sky, whispered in a low voice: “You should get the news, come on, Sensei…”

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