Although he said so, Kulo believes that even if he says he minds, Old Guy probably won’t take it off.

This thing is taken off, but it is very troublesome.

“That’s it.”

Kulo nodded and said.


tone barely fell, Zephyr suddenly came forward, the mechanism of the mechanical arm pushed forward, bursting out a huge momentum, and hit Kulo in the face .


This blow pushed Kulo back, plowing a ravine with his feet on the ground.

both of his hands crossed, blocking his face, on his hands, Busoshoku has appeared.

The Busoshoku on his hand was dyed all over the body, and a purple cross mark began to appear on the center of his eyebrows, and there were two tear marks under his eyes.

He put his hand down, his tone was a little rude: “I said old man, can you not slap your face.”

What’s wrong with these people.

That Rayleigh, who has not yet seen his old captain, smashed his face with a sword when he first met. Now you, the Old Guy of the same era, just smashed his face with his fist just long after you met.

I know I’m handsome, but I don’t have to be so jealous.

“Ah…sorry, I can’t help thinking that you are under Borsalino.” Zephyr said without any apology.

Kulo: “…”

If I didn’t steal the skills from you today, believe it or not, I’ll break your hand.

“Oh! Come on.”

Zephyr didn’t give Kulo a chance to mentally move. After speaking, he stepped on his foot and the big mechanical arm flicked up and brought Hehe. The wind, went straight to Kulo.

“No ability, no sword technique, only physical skills, let me see where your drawbacks are!”

Kulo narrowed his eyes, The cigar in his mouth was spit out, one hand stretched open, and a palm was pressed on the manipulator arm that was thrown over.

bang! ! !

A shock swayed away from Kulo’s feet, causing his body to shift a little to the side.

“The power is good!”

Zephyr smiled nodded, and the mechanical arm he threw over was blocked by Kulo with one hand.

This is not a normal force. The robotic arm is equipped with Kairoseki. The steel rods that stabilize the machinery are made of Kairoseki. For the Ability User, if you touch Kairoseki, you will Lose strength.

But there are also some particulars.

Ordinary Ability User, of course.

But powerhouse will not lose battle strength because of trifling Kairoseki.

As long as you have been trained, you will be ineffective if you bring Kairosaki, but the strength and Haki can still be used, but it’s still a few percent, it depends on the individual.

But there is no doubt that powerhouses can still exert their strength under the influence of Kairoseki.

“However, it is not enough to resist Kairoseki’s power!”

Zephyr pushed forward, using Kulo to block the mechanical arm’s neutral position to bully him. The body, with his left hand clenched in a fist, was stained with pitch black, and Kulo couldn’t react in time, punched his abdomen.



Kulo gritted his teeth, resisting the pain spreading in his abdomen, kicked away, hitting Zephyr’s wrist with his toe, kicking his hand Lifting up, the body uses this force to rotate back two times and fall back to the ground.

This old man has become weaker, but he still should not be underestimated, especially in the area of ​​Physique, it is quite painful to beat people up.

Zephyr was also a little surprised at this time. He looked at his hand, and there were some small wounds on the back of his hand, which looked like he was struck by a sharp weapon.

“This feeling…”

The long-lasting memory was suddenly opened.

When dealing with Rocks Pirates, there was a crew member there and he was extremely impressed.

“Nail boxing technique? Why do you use this technique, and that is obviously only an attack can be used, you use Haki defense, your physical skills innate talent, it is indeed not bad.”

“It’s okay…”

Kulo touched his stomach and said, “I’m studying this recently, and the effect is okay.”

“Not bad , I don’t know how fast your speed is.” Ze ** lifted up his robotic arm, bowed his body, and said: “Now, it’s you to deal with me.”

“Then old fogey, you have to be careful. Me, it’s fast.”

Kulo twisted his neck, his legs and feet slightly bent, showing a confident smile.


The breeze is blowing.

As a breeze blew, the Kulo in front of Zephyr disappeared, and a severe cold came from his side, Zephyr eyes shrank, and the mechanical arm moved forward.


Kulo kicked a foot on the robotic arm, Kulo stepped on it, his body jumped up, his legs and feet widened, Haki glowed under the sky, like a battle axe.

Slap me in the face?

I also beat you once!

Zephyr smiled at this moment: “The speed is good, worthy of Borsalino’s men.”


After finishing speaking, he violently stretched out his hand, directly grabbed Kulo’s legs and feet, and slammed it to the side. Kulo felt a strong force swaying away, leading his body to fly away. Seeing it was about to hit a building aside.


Kulo stepped on the wall of the building, stomped it into a depression, then landed, frowning and staring at Zephyr.

“It’s just that the attack method is too monotonous. You still have a lot of experience in your physical skills. It’s just pure self-training, which can’t deal with physical skills expert.”

” It’s a pity…”

Zephyr looked at him and sighed with a pity: “You should have been to the headquarters long ago. You will have been in East Blue for ten years. The Government has too much control over East Blue. High.”

Kulo enlisted in the army at the age of fourteen. If he started teaching since then, he is definitely stronger than he is now.

“Roger alone kept East Blue silent for a long time, and Pirate’s strength was ridiculously weak. This made East Blue the most peaceful of the four seas, but it was also the most difficult place for Marine to stand out.


“If you were born in a place like West Blue North Blue, and if you have been fighting Pirate for a long time, you might have come to the headquarters a long time ago. “

Looking at Zephyr’s somewhat regretful expression, Kulo twitched his lips and said: “Then it’s great that I wasn’t born elsewhere…no, it’s such a pity.” “

Why is West Blue North Blue special?

One East Blue is enough for him.

You know how much he paid for not being promoted Is it exciting?

I had to play not only Pirate, but also Marine.

All day long, I had to find opportunities to act alone, so that I could kill Pirate, who was obviously able to do a good job. Only after Shen Hai can he have the peace of Lucifer Kulo for ten years.

Fighting is indeed the main theme of progress.

Although his sword technique is quite satisfactory, his sword technique is satisfactory. The EXP of the technique comes from East Blue seabed. Those Pirate corpses that have either been turned into dry bones or have been swallowed by Sea Beast. Kulo can’t remember how many killed.

“Well, it’s not too late for you now, come on again, let me see the disadvantages of your physical skills. “Zephyr straightened his body and said to Kulo.

At dusk.

Kuro came back to rest temporarily with a ticket to Marine.


“This is, what’s wrong? “

Leda looked at the devastation in the town in a daze, and looked at the bruised Kulo sitting on the side, smoking a cigar.

“Zephyr-sensei ! “

Ain ran to the other side, and saw Zephyr leaning against a building with injuries, spraying himself with spray.

“What’s wrong with you, it’s El Did Nando come to a sneak attack? Ain asked worriedly.


Zephyr gasped for a few breaths after spraying the spray, before regaining his normal breathing, he looked towards that Kulo on the side, said with a smile: “I have a new student, he has Admiral funding! “

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