Outside the cave, Kulo swayed here slowly. He bit his cigar, listened to the sound of fighting inside, and spit out smoke.

“Lucifer ·Kulo.”

On the side of the cave, walked out a silhouette, said resolutely: “Please don’t hinder us.”

The figure is slender , Wrapped in a hood, only showing a delicate and pretty face.

“You are the one, why don’t you… forget it.”

Kulo said with great interest: “You should have found out that I was right, although The breath is only here, but your ability can see me, why didn’t you do anything.”

When he sent Pirate on the island to hell for a free lifetime tour, several times Everyone felt that someone was watching him. The only thing that made him feel like being watched on this island was the Ability User who ate the’reflected fruit’.

If this guy can form a’reflection’ from the location of Pegasus Island to here, then it will be very simple to do this.

Sutica did not answer Kulo’s words, “I saw your performance at the top of the war. Hernando is very confident and thinks he can deal with you, but I don’t think so, so… .”


Do you want to fuck me in advance?

You don’t have that object either.

Kulo raised his eyebrows, put his left hand on the handle of the limpid autumn water at his waist, and put his thumb against the knife, preparing to kill the Ability User with one knife.

For Ability User, he usually solves it quickly, so as not to fall in the sewer.

“I hope you don’t stop Hernando, please!”

Sutica knelt down suddenly, placed a standard’seat’ towards Kulo, and touched her head. ground.

“We know that we are guilty and humiliate Marine, but as long as we let Hernando accomplish our goal, we will pay the price when the time comes!”

Kulo relaxes his thumb slightly, watching Xiutica, who fell on his knees, looked weird: “en?”

Sutica lifted her head and said sincerely: “Henando actually respects Zephyr-sensei very much. He is willing to Zephyr gave up everything, even if Zephyr-sensei made a mistake in decision-making, his family was killed by Pirate.”



peng~ peng~!

Zephyr showed Busoshoku with his left hand, punch towards Hernando, blocked by his hand.

“Back then, I respected you so much, trusted you, and believed that the justice you insisted on was the real justice. Marine’s job was to catch Pirate, and the trial would be handed over to justice. That’s how correct !”

Hernando shook Zephyr’s hand, his fist exploded and knocked Zephyr back with a punch.

“I personally caught the Pirate, because I believe in your justice, but my family has become the victim of this justice. Why! Based on your’not kill’ rule?! “

“From that day on, I hate you!”


“Henando does not hate Zephyr-sensei, although his My family died because of this, but we are Marine, and the price… we were prepared.”

Sutica’s words made Kulo quite agree with.

Marine is also a high-risk profession. Although most people in this world are idiots, there are people by fair means or foul. Those who go to vent their anger and slaughter the enemy’s family are done by someone. Come out.

When Marine, the head is also placed on the waistband…


“What did you get from your’no-kill’ rule? No , You have nothing! Your arms, your students, all because of your guidelines and your justice, have disappeared!”

“That Pirate, is still alive now!”

“Hernando!!” Zephyr said angrily: “Why mention this!”


“Seven years ago, Zephyr-sensei was sneak attacked. As a result, the entire ship was wiped out, and only two people, Ain and Binz, Zephyr-sensei, lost an arm for this. Since then, Zephyr-sensei’s condition has been poor.”

When Sutika said this, her face was a little sad.

“We respect Zephyr-sensei very much, but it is because we are so respectful that we start to wonder if, if Zephyr-sensei starts to kill people, will it become stronger and become more Not threatened either!”

“So, Hernando decided to do something…”

Xutica’s eyes began to show determination, “Let Zephyr- sensei kills!”

“As long as Zephyr-sensei starts to kill Pirate, Pirate on the sea will be frightened by Zephyr-sensei’s prestige, Zephyr-sensei will surely cheer up again!”

Kulo’s eyes closed slightly, looking at her for a long time, and opening his mouth: “Then you are really…idiots.”

Change the belief of a powerhouse?

This matter is not easy to do. Even if Zephyr is shaking at this time, his beliefs are not so easy to change.

Kulo didn’t see Zephyr before, so he didn’t know much about it, but now he saw it and after the battle, he understood very well that the old man’s conviction was very firm even in the late twilight period.

The bad things the World Government did a year later, in Kulo’s view, were not enough to disappoint Zephyr in Marine.

What is the relationship between World Government and their Marine?

But if a Marine who was once hailed as his successor becomes a wicked Pirate, and he breaks the rules by himself and has to kill him, then this matter, then It’s very possible.

“Cheer up?”

Kulo spit out smoke, “I’m afraid it will become nondescript. It’s so stupid that people want to laugh.”

The things that the old man cares most about are justice and students.

His students were killed by Pirate, and then others became Pirate.

And if his justice is betrayed again, Zephyr may go to an extreme.

For example, if you want to destroy New World and let Pirate be buried with them, you can accept any price for this, even if you bring all the innocent civilians of New World.

At least in his memory, Zephyr did this, although he didn’t succeed, because he was pulled into the theater version by the man who wanted to be the Pirate King.

But the reality is not so mysterious. Judging from Kulo’s experience, the King of Thieves met Zephyr and was estimated to be hanged.

“Don’t say we are stupid!”

Sutica stood up, gnashing one’s teeth said: “In order to let Zephyr-sensei return to the hopeful person, we But I bet on my own future, my own honor!”

“We let our honor be ashamed, we burned, killed and looted, we were hopeless long ago, and this sin should have been dead long ago! “

The bloody smell on Sutika’s body is very strong, and Kulo can smell the’evil’ smell on her body even without Kenbunshoku.

Place it here in Kulo, this is a damn person.

Kulo was silent for a moment, and said: “So, you are begging for death a long time ago?”

“Yes, from the moment we met Zephyr-sensei, our mission It’s been achieved.”

Sutica smiled, “I don’t have the will of Hernando and dare not face Zephyr-sensei, but you, as Marine, can also satisfy my wish. Well. Pirate’s crime should be sanctioned by Marine.”

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