Outside, Kuro, who had just exited, came to the port and looked at the outline of the ship moving towards this side, lowering the Telescope, revealing a look of doubt.

It seems only half a day, why did that ship come back?

Find someone so soon?

From the Telescope, the people on the boat have obviously changed and become a group of people wearing Kung Fu clothes, which seems to be a bit military force.

Is this to take back the weapon?

“Major, what should I do?”

A Marine saluted Kuro and asked.

“This kind of thing, you don’t need to trouble Kulo Captain…”

Kuro looked back at the direction of the base and said, “Fire the cannon and sink that ship.”



Marine snorted, greeted her colleagues to take action, adjusted the heavy artillery that had just been deployed in the port, and aimed it at the approaching ship.

As long as the dozens of guns are fired together within the range, the ship must sink into the sea.

The ship approached gradually, changing from a silhouette to a clear silhouette.

The Marine measured the distance, and said: “Fire the cannon and sink the ship!”

bang bang bang!

Marine in place We launched cannons, and a large number of shells were launched from the barrels, flying into the sky, and falling towards the only ship on the sea.

At this moment, Kuro moved his nose and sniffed in the direction of the ship, and his expression became serious: “This blood-reeking qi, what’s going on…”


On the ship, Lowe looked up at the falling shells, and exclaimed, “I am so welcome? If it explodes, it will be gorgeous, so let them explode. It’s open.”

He body flashed, jumped into the air instantly, swept Busoshoku away with his hands, and his eyes froze, and the whole person suddenly stagnated in the air for a moment.

“Shura Dao…”

The faint voice filled the sea, and he could be heard even in the harbor.

“The black rope flashes in the sky!”

sou!! !

The dark kung fu clothes, the dark hands of Busoshoku, dodged in the air, and saw an afterimage quickly brushing over the shells, and the shells passed by the afterimage were all at this moment. Qi bombed away.

bang bang bang!! !

The bombing of the artillery shells created bright sparks in the air.


Among the sparks, a silhouette rushed out very quickly, flew to the top of the harbor, fell quickly, and landed on both feet with a muffled noise.


Lowe smiled and raised one hand at the Marines, saying hello: “Digging the mud chicken, industrious Marines, you welcome me so much , I’m really honored, then, how should I give you back?”

He pointed his chin with his finger, thought about it, then opened his eyes, and said happily: “Well, let you guys. .. How about dying!”

The moment the voice fell, he turned into an afterimage, and the next moment he appeared in front of a Marine. In his horrified eyes, his fists were squeezed, and he was about to Fist smashed past.

At this moment, he narrowed his eyes, opened his body back, turned his feet, and jumped back a few steps.


A silver flower flashed in his original position, and a werewolf in the form of a human and beast appeared there, staring at Lowe, “Do you know the consequences for Marine, brat.”

“Oh? Zoan, there is Ability User here.”

Lowe was surprised: “You are very strong. You forced the Pirate Alliance to retreat. It’s really amazing.”

“It seems to be a disobedient.”

Kuro squatted slightly with his legs, and said in a low voice: “Teach you a lesson.”


The soles of the feet rubbed out a smoke and dust on the ground. Kuro’s body rushed over and appeared on Lowe’s side in an instant.

“Quick shave·Canine Wolf Cross!”

Kuro interlaced his hands to form an’×’ shape, swiped forward, and his claws cut through the air and brought out two lines. Guanghua, attacked this white-haired youngster.


When the claw hit was about to approach Lowe, his body leaned back, with a surprised expression, avoiding this attack.

“The speed is very fast. The technique of stepping on the ground dozens of times in an instant is your Marine’s’Rokushiki’? This is the first time I saw you, but I think your’Rokushiki’ should be Better than the average person.” Lowe laughed and said hehe.


One miss, Kuro swiftly kicked, bringing a blue slash with his legs and feet, almost simultaneously kicking at this person.

Lowe stared at his kick, his body jumped for a moment, “I’ll try it too, don’t I…”


Kuro kicked his legs and feet, but passed directly through Lowe’s body, and Rankyaku’s slash burst from his legs and feet into the sky.

“Afterimages?” Kuro was startled.


Behind him, that slightly relaxed voice sounded.

Kuro eyes shrank, with his hair standing up all over his body, with a flick of his tail, he almost straightened into a sharp sword, and stabbed it straight back.

“Tekkai Boxing Technique·Sword Tail!”

“Quickly shave.”

The tail like a sharp sword hit the afterimage again.

Lowe’s silhouette appeared to the side, and his body had not settled yet, so he threw away.



The huge blue slash rushed forward at a distance of only 30 steps from both sides, ploughing a deep gully in the ground, carrying rubble and smoke and dust, and directly hit Kuro’s Body.


Lowe tilted his head and said: “The formidable power is not big, but it is actually defended, and the blood is flowing at a high speed. Is it also’Rokushiki’? The person who created this physique is really amazing.”

The smoke and dust slowly dispersed, revealing Kuro’s body. He lowered his head slightly, looking at the clothes on his upper body. A big hole was broken, and a long blood stain appeared on the fur on his chest.

This man’s Rankyaku formidable power actually broke his defense!

Although the wound is not deep, but at this time, he is’Tekkai’ in a transformed form, and even a normal Busoshoku may be broken.

“you guy …”

He is lifting his head and staring at Lowe with fear, the horror in his heart is already stormy sea.

Rankyaku, shaving, no, it’s a’swift shaving’. The speed used just now is exactly his further ultra-high-speed movement on the’shaving’.

He only used the two styles once, and they were learned.

This kind of learning ability…

Do people with white hair have this kind of aptitude?

“What’s the matter, I’m surprised at my learning ability?”

Luo Weihehe smiled, “No need to worry, because it is supposed to be. In my eyes, As long as it’s physical skills, there is nothing that I will do after watching it. If you don’t attack it…”


“Then I will attack it.”

His words are only now finished.

And the man has reached Kuro, raised his arm, his palm turned into a hand knife, like a sharp blade, and instantly broke through Kuro’s defense and pierced his chest.

“You…” Kuro stared wide-eyed.

“Well, this is what you used for the tail just now. In addition to the hardening, there is also a sense of impact and sharpness. That is another kind of’Rokushiki’. It can be combined. Unfortunately , I saw it, so I will.” Lowe said with a smile.

‘Tail sword’ is a combination of Tekkai and Shigan, but it’s just a momentary reflex attack…

“Say, that’s it, be amazed, worship, for me The genius of Luowei is admired.”

Luowei raised his head with a strong arrogance, “Because I am Lowe, the world’s strongest physique genius.”

“Roar! !!!”

A huge roar sounded from the opposite side.

At this moment, Lowe’s pupils shrank, and he stepped back and wanted to withdraw, but at this moment, his arms restricted his movements.

The Marine who pierced this Zoan Marine’s chest was stuck by his muscles!


bang! !

A wave of air swayed from the center of both sides, Lowe’s body quickly rushed backwards, turned twice in the air, and landed on the ground.

He lowered his head and looked at the clothes that had been ripped apart from five gash. The complexion is gloomy came down, “Something is wrong, this Marine…”

The person on the other side, At this time, the body was constantly growing and expanding, and the wound he had just pierced into his chest healed rapidly. No, that can’t be said to be healing, but the wound was stuck with muscles to prevent it from attacking.

His legs are being recurved, and his knees have gradually turned from the human knees back into forward animal limbs. The arms are rapidly elongated and droop to the legs. The sharp claw is like a long. sword, flashing cold light.

The half-man and half-wolf thing grew to more than five meters high and became a squalid werewolf with bright hair!


Kuro bowed his back, his paws landed slightly, he lifted a paw, stretched out his long tongue, and licked the tiny bit on the paw Blood stains, hideous said with a smile:

“The battle has just begun, you thief!”

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