In the big desert beyond the rain, Crocodile watched Luffy slowly enter the sand flow, disdaining Issho, and looked towards the rain instead, “Next there is a troublesome guy. “

He puffed up a cloud of sand and flew toward the rain, then a small sandstorm gathered in his hand and threw it forward.

“Sand Lan!”

The sand storm took shape in the desert, getting bigger and bigger, turning into a huge desert storm, and rushing straight to the rain.

“Sandstorm, it’s a sandstorm!”

“Come in this direction!”

“Go for refuge!”

The residents of the rainy land fled one after another when they saw the sandstorm hit.

The sandstorm swept through a large number of buildings, and the place passed by was a mess.


Da Siqi, who was about to be dispatched, looked shocked, and said anxiously to Marine: “It’s almost out of the way!”

The Marines evaded one after another, almost hiding in the area of ​​the sandstorm, but the strong wind brought out by the strong sandstorm still blew the Marine to pieces.

“pei pei pei!”

Kuro stood up from a ruin and vomited several mouthfuls, spitting out the dirt from his mouth, before he came to look around , A cloud of dust swept over and gathered in a human form in front of him.

Kuro looked at the person in front of him with a grimace.

Oka Shichibukai, Grand Line’s famous Great Pirate, Crocodile!

“Are you Kuro?”

Crocodile glanced at the knife on Kuro’s waist with fear, “The Marine praised by Hawk Eyes?”

” ?”


Kuro at first was subconsciously nodded when asked, and then shook his head frantically.

“Don’t admit it, Marine, forget it, no matter what, you are a big trouble.”

Crocodile said with a cigarette in his mouth, “So, you stay here.”

Kuro was so frightened that he was sweating all over. For safety, he subconsciously held the handle of the knife, then let it go, realizing that he was not a knife, and shook his head frantically: “You admitted wrong. I am not Kuro, no, I am Kuro, but I am not a swordsman.”

Crocodile narrowed his eyes, his expression gradually serious.

Holding the handle of the knife just now, I was obviously hooked, but I let it go. Did I see through my own strategy?

Shichibukai and Marine are both under the banner of the World Government and belong to the same camp. Crocodile does not want to settle down. Even if he gets what he wants later, it was not the time to oppose the Government.

The identity of Shichibukai is very useful.

Only by forcing Marine to shoot first, he will have an excuse to shoot.

After all, this man should not be underestimated. Although he is confident, he also knows that a man praised by Hawk Eyes is not so easy to deal with.

Even if he wanted to force him to take a shot, Crocodile himself became nervous as soon as Kuro really held the handle.

This man should not be underestimated.

Crocodile began to drift with sand all over his body, and took the initiative to enter elemental transformation, with a trace of red in his eyes.

Kenbunshoku Haki, a Haki that people can only use when they are extremely calm. Look at the breath of creatures and look at the actions of the opponent’s next moment.

Crocodile, of course, knows Haki.

His Kenbunshoku does not belong to that wide range, nor can it be predicted, but it is still possible to see through the opponent’s movements and be alert to its dangers.

“What’s the matter, why is there no movement at all?”

In Crocodile’s Kenbunshoku, Kuro didn’t have the aura and movements to make moves, so he just stood there. It was exactly the same as ordinary Pirate’s expression when he saw him frightened.

But certainly not.

This is a man praised by Hawk Eyes. Impossible would be like that.

Are you waiting for yourself to make a move, and arrest yourself in the end?

Or, I simply can’t see his strength? !

“Sure enough, it is a difficult man…” Crocodile solemnly said: “You can’t stay.”

And Kuro…

He does everything. I didn’t think about it.

He was really frightened.

What is this!

Why the breath is so dangerous!

Is the faintly discernible sandy appearance an active elemental transformation? !

Kuro and Smoker have a lot of dealings, of course, I know what sign this is.

He have what skills and abilities!

At this moment, Kuro just wants to roar up to the sky.

Should he be honored to be called a difficult man by Shichibukai?

It seems to be honored, provided that it is not so dangerous.

Why, why did it become like this.

Isn’t he supposed to be peaceful in Marine, gagging with Kulo and the others every day for a peaceful life, what happened to Shichibukai?

“I’m just an ordinary little Marine, a third-class soldier.” Kuro tried to explain.

“Third-class soldiers? Are they famous now?”

Crocodile is even more afraid to take action. Seeing that this man is thirty years old, he is so strong. He was in East before. Blue has never been famous, this guy has a deep scheming.

The strength of the great swordsman, once the fight really starts, I am afraid it will be endless. Just now, I wanted that Sha Lan to blow this person away. Isn’t it realistic?

At this time, he regrets a bit, he shouldn’t do it now, but if he doesn’t do it, I am afraid it will be more troublesome in Alba, which will affect his plan.

The two are so stalemate.

A gust of sand blew across, blowing the clothes of the two, just like the scene of a duel in the west, and gradually reflected into a picture under the sunset.

“Desert Knife!”

Crocodile couldn’t help it, raised his hand and waved it down, a dark line cut from the ground and went straight to Kuro.


Kuro eyes shrank, from the time Crocodile shot, he felt great danger, he stepped on his feet and ran far away.


The Crocodile, who fought with all his strength, was certainly prepared. The moment Kuro left, a sandstorm appeared in his hand and threw it straight forward, forming a formation in front of him. There was a desert storm.

At the same time, his whole body was sanded and dispersed, caught in the desert storm, and instantly hit Kuro.


Kuro didn’t run away at all, was blown by the sandstorm, got involved in the sandstorm, and threw it high.

However, at the moment of rolling up, Crocodile’s spirit tightened, as if he was stabbed by a sword. He quickly scattered the sand, turned into a ball of sand and retreated to the back, right hand forming a desert. Big sword, staring upward.

No one.

There is no sign in the sky.

There is no trace of Kuro around.

I don’t know where I went.

“What’s the matter?”

Crocodile lowered his face. When he attacked just now, he almost thought that Kuro was fake. His strength was not his opponent at all, it was just a little Marine. .

But the feeling of being slashed by a knife can’t go wrong.

“What the hell does that man want to do.”

He thought with a gloomy and uncertain expression on his face.

In the desert outside of the rain, a dark silhouette flew from a distance, and fell on the desert with a bang.

“Fly well.”

Kulo and Lida walked over from a nearby building and glanced at Kuro, whose feet were swinging wildly. Lida grabbed it with one hand. Picked him up.

“Almost… almost died.”

Kuro was battered and exhausted, panting wildly, his expression still lingering.

Really almost, he is gone.

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