
Kulo was stunned by Lida’s transformation. He looked at Lida and looked towards the fainted Lowe. The familiar sensation from Lowe’s body was finally found for him.

“Leda, you and that man look alike.”

The same slightly curly white hair, the face is very similar, and the physical skills are pretty good. , The tricks he used have traces of Rokushiki, probably learned from Kuro, which means that he has a powerful talent that can be obtained at a glance.

Looking at the dress, it should be from the country of flowers…

“What is this thing called?”

Kulo pointed to Lowe.

But now, no one answers him.

Kuro and Kas are also in a state of fainting at this time.

“Come on, drag them down for treatment. As for this person, take the iron chain, the thicker the better, not too thin.”

Kulo commanded the rest of Marine, Carry the fainted Marine down for treatment, and the remaining Marine starts to look for the iron chain.

This kind of powerhouse, which is not an Ability User, is the most difficult to deal with. Even if it is defeated, it is not easy to grasp.

Ordinary iron chains can’t cure them. Although Kairosaki is hard enough, it’s not made in one piece. The craftsmanship is too difficult. At most it is mixed in. But such iron chains can also stop them. Can’t help this kind of rank powerhouse.

“Do you bundle an insect with this thing? It’s too thin, change to a thick one.”

Kulo saw a few Marines dragging a thumb-sized chain over, frowned , Dissatisfied.

“But, Captain, this is the thickest chain that can be found.” Isn’t it Marine?

“Let me tell you that you can’t be so rigid to be a Marine, you have to use your brain, you have no future in this way, you can’t find a ready-made iron chain, you can’t imagine other methods? Go and get the anchor on the ship. Move it down for me and use that.”


Marine salutes and is about to leave.

“Wait, this chain will stay.”

Kulo took the chain, and when he touched it with his finger, the chain was alive, dancing like a snake, and went straight. When he reached Lowe, who had fainted, he was wrapped around and tied up.

Soon, more than a dozen Marines dragged an anchor connected to a large chain and walked with difficulty. Kulo continued to reach out and touch it. The large anchor was connected to the chain and danced in the air. Wrapped up a layer.

The chain is too thick, but the white-haired man does not appear to be tied up, but is wrapped in a chain.

“This is not enough.”

Kulo looked at Lowe, who was almost wrapped in zongzi, thought for a moment, and reached out for a hand. Below Lowe, the soil kept spiraling. Ascending, it almost became a small spiral tower, which wrapped Lowe in, leaving only a head.


Kulo touched the chin, reached out and manipulated a few large rocks nearby, stuck it into the soil, and pressed Lowe’s body inside. Stubbornly resisted.

“I have to add something, it is not safe enough, let me do something…”

“Hey, Kulo!”

Lida on the side is full Disgusted, “Do you need to do this to deal with someone?”

“Of course I need it.”

Kulo said unceremoniously, and easily added another layer of soil. , The thing that looked like a spiral tower before seemed to stand upright like a big pillar.

“If I’m not there when he wakes up, then no one can heal him. If it causes any damage in the town, it’s hitting me in the face. Of course it’s better to be safe. “

hearing this, Lida held her forehead helplessly, and Kulo’s old problem had committed again.

“This is West Blue…”

“You also know that this is West Blue.”

Kulo points to Lowe’s exposed head , “Look, is this something West Blue can produce? I am prepared for West Blue, but there must be a limit. I am not mentally prepared at all.”

“It’s such a thing. I can do Kuro and Cass, and I have to try it with me. If I’m not a little stronger, I’ll explain it to you. You know. He is a guy who is not even Pirate, so why I, Marine, are you afraid of crimes?”

“Actually, I was basically over after slashing him twice, but I didn’t use the ignorant divine wind flow. Everyone pays attention to one point. So far, I’ve taken two swords to recognize the gap, isn’t it good to surrender obediently? I have to continue fighting, so this person doesn’t speak martial ethics. That’s right.”

Leda: “…”

What snakeskin are you talking about!

Can someone beat you in West Blue?

“Speaking of which, Leda, don’t you feel familiar with this person’s face? I haven’t seen it before.” Kulo asked.

Lida looked at Lowe carefully and shook her head, “No, no impression.”

It’s very similar. Leda herself admits that this man resembles her. Quite a lot, but she just has no impression.

“No impression? This person might belong to the’Luo’ family, maybe you belong to this family.” Kulo said.

Leda tilted her head, pointed her forehead with her finger, browsed tightly frowns, thought for a while, then opened her eyes, “No, I don’t remember this man. When I was eight years old, my parents I left it on an island and then disappeared. At that time…I remember they weren’t black hair either.”

“Forget it, then it’s nothing to do with you, wait until he wakes up. Ask what this guy is doing.”

Kulo shook his head and walked to the base.

“Kulo, I’m hungry.”

Leda followed and said.

“Let the chef cook for you what to eat.”


The next day, Kuro and Kas both woke up under treatment. come.

“You said his name is Lowe?” Kulo surprisedly said.

Across from him, standing Kuro, who is still rubbing his abdomen, and Cass, who still has injuries on his body.

“Yes, Mr. Kulo, he said he is a world Number One Body genius, called Lowe.” Kuronodded and said.

“Is it really’Luo’…”

Kulo murmured, turning his head and looking towards the window, his direction, he can see it in parallel The huge pillar at the port outside the town, and the head of the person exposed outside the pillar.

He is awake, although he is too far away to see his expression, but Kulo can feel that this person is looking here.

“Where is Leda?”

He looked around and asked.

“When I came, I saw Leda Young Lady in the restaurant. It should be breakfast.” Cass said at this time.

“Call her up.”

Kulo stood up and lit a cigar, “Go and ask this person what’s going on.”

Don’t mention how frustrated Lowe is now.

He woke up in the morning. As soon as he woke up, he felt all over his body hurts. Subconsciously he wanted to move, but… he couldn’t move.

It feels like he is bound by something. He can’t use his hands and feet. He looked down and found that he was in a solid pillar of soil. This feeling was very unbelievable. wonderful.

If it is a peak state, at this level, he can still break open.

But now his injury has improved, it is not bad if it hasn’t worsened. After all, he was severely injured by the Marine Jianhao, and his younger sister used the weird ability.

That must be infallible, but why…

Lowe stared at the tall building with the Marine logo in the town, looked at the Marine on the second floor window, this Time has already gone down.

But for a moment, he saw the two Marines who were more impressive yesterday, as well as the swordsman and the little girl coming over.


As they approached before speaking, Lowe took the lead to speak, “If you are still alive, why not go back to the family.”

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