Although Lida does not admit it, it is very likely that it is indeed her big brother.

Hair color and face shape are easy to say, but the exact same fighting talents can’t come out casually.

Especially this world, it pays much attention to bloodline inheritance.

The bloodline of powerhouse will eventually be powerhouse.

As for why there is no memory…

Grand Line that many strange things, it’s too normal.

“Leda, have you encountered anything like a seahorse in Grand Line before?” Kulo asked.

“Huh? Seahorse?”

Leda thought for a moment and shook her head: “Don’t remember, is seahorse delicious?”

I don’t know, maybe it can play cards.

But what Kulo knows is that a certain seahorse on the Grand Line will devour other people’s memories.

Kulo glanced at Lowe who was being fed by Marine, “Hey, Lowe, are you sure that you guys of the Luo Family trial will have relevant memories back?”

“Of course.”

Lowe swallowed the last food handed by Marine in one bite, chewed twice and swallowed, and said: “Hunger will make us consciously go to the land of insects, no one It can be avoided. Even if you lose your memory, it is impossible to forget this instinct.”

Speaking, he looked towards Lida and said in doubt: “I thought you were dead. After all, the Luo Family who survived Everyone will return to the Luo Family. Before they reach adulthood, they will definitely come back, otherwise, they will die. I remember…you are already an adult.”

The adult period of this world is sixteen. Years old, the same as a certain country in the previous life.

Lida has been an adult for two years.

“I probably know why…”

Kulo glanced at Leda, and he probably had a clue in his mind.

It’s hard to say what memory is. There are too many weird things about Grand Line. Besides the seahorse that he remembers that can swallow memory, there are probably other things.

As for the hunger.

Fruit ability, that is the memory of the sea.

No matter what the bloodline is or what is wrong, after eating the fruit, everything is possible.

But Kulo still has to go.

This kind of thing is afraid of hidden dangers in the future.

Resolve it first, and that many things will go away.

“Forget it, let the past go, know that many, sometimes it’s bad for your health.”

Kulo looked at Lida who was eating softly and touched it Touching her head, “Just be responsible for being happy.”

“They said don’t spoil my hairstyle, Kulo!” Lida yelled uncomfortably.

Crack it!

The chain suddenly made a noise.

In the depths of Lowe’s eyes, a glimmer of envy flashed faintly. He raised the corners of his mouth and said with a smile: “Lolita, you traitor who betrayed the family’s glory, even you Back in the family, Old Ancestor will not necessarily solve the pain for you, because you have not done any contribution.”

“Only by contributing to the Luo Family, you can solve the hunger ‘Probability, Old Ancestor is an Ability User, if he doesn’t want to, no one can solve it.”

“Ability User…”

Kulo suddenly satori, “Then It’s easy to handle.”

Leda is also an Ability User, and may be affected, but it is estimated that the collision of ability and ability has caused Lida to have a way to control her so-called “hunger”.

He touched the chin and said: “Speaking of which, Doflamingo calls you a’gluttony devil’. You probably ate a lot back then, but in the past few years, it’s better, because your ability has been developed to a certain extent. , So what Old Ancestor’s ability is offset?”

“Probably, I am not quite clear, anyway, I can eat enough.”

Leda raised her small fist , Showing a fiercely expression, “Then, when I go back, let the Old Ancestor untie him. If he doesn’t do it, I will kill him.”

“My style.” Kulo gave a thumbs up and bared his white teeth.

What is the easiest way to deal with Ability User?

Of course it was killed.

As long as you get rid of it, your ability will be lifted.

“Old Ancestor is not so easy to deal with.”

Luo Wei continued: “That is the strongest person in the Luo Family. For thirty years, no one can win. Over him. Whether it is ability or physical skills, he is the highest. Except for monsters like Admiral, there is an impossible one to deal with Old Ancestor.”

“Really, that’s really terrifying.”

Kulo was surprised and looked at Lowe again, and said: “Let him here, why should everyone go.”

Said, he Turned and walked towards the office position.

“Hey, Kulo, wait for me.”

Leda followed behind and entered the tall fortress on the Battleship together.

Lowe looked at Lida’s back, lowered his head, and muttered bitterly, “If you don’t remember… it’s okay.”

The whispered softly, let go forward Kulo’s footsteps were slightly paused, and then went on.

The sky is clear, and it will be night soon.

After all, it was noon when they went out to sea. After drifting on the sea for a while, it was naturally night.

Marine measured a lower position and determined that there would be no rainstorm in this area tonight, and dropped the anchor. Except for a few Marine who stayed behind, the others went back to rest.

Lowe was like a forgotten one, bound by the anchor chain and thrown on the deck.

Crack it!

Crack it!

The chain gradually rattles in the middle of the night.

“How can it be repaired!”

Lowe struggled for a while. After confirming that he couldn’t make it, he moved for a while, and finally gave up.

“Lita is too cruel to start, have you gained the ability to make your body lose? If this is the case, I can’t rush back in time, there will be problems.”

“What will go wrong?”

A voice sounded.

Lowe said without hesitation: “Of course it was done for a long time…”

He was taken aback and looked aside, only Kulo appeared in his Next to him, just sitting on the side of the boat, looking at himself.

“Come here at night, what do you want to do? If you want to kill me, I advise you not to do this, I am Rita, no, Leda’s big brother, even if she has no memory now, but When she remembers one day, how should you respond.”

Lowe looked towards Kulo without any fear, and laughed.

“I’m not so bored. If I want to kill you, I can kill you before.”

Kulo snapped his fingers and saw that the chains on Lowe’s body were loosened. He let it out.


Lowe immediately jumped up, moved his hands and feet, and looked at Kulo in surprise, “What do you want to do?”

“It’s obvious.”

Kulo looked at the sea, “The journey of the sea is full of variables. You are here with such a time bomb. I don’t dare to fall asleep properly. I can’t kill you. After thinking about it, let go of you.”

“Really, thank you for your kindness!”

Lowe snered and jumped on the other side of the boat Along, we are about to jump into the sea.


Behind him, Kulo’s voice sounded, “You… miss your younger sister very much, don’t you?”

With this, let Lowe’s body stiffened, but he subconsciously said with a sneer: “Stop joking, there is nothing to miss for someone who has no honor in the family. After such a long time, all I care about is this bloodline. that’s all.”

“Really, forget it…”

Kulo shrugged and said, “As you are the big brother of Lida and not Pirate, Be careful all the way, don’t be eaten by Sea Beast from wherever you are.”

“It doesn’t need you to say it!”

Lawwe turned his head and stared fiercely at Kulo fiercely. At a glance, he pursed his mouth and was silent for a while, and then said: “If you disarm your ability, let’s go. Don’t mix things up between the kingdom of insects and the kingdom of flowers.”

With that, he went into the sea. With a leap, he entered the sea with a’puff’, disappeared.

Kulo scratched his face with a weird expression: “Am I a lot like a troublemaker? Let me not care about it, thankless things, the most troublesome.”

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