“Uncle, thank you. If I am left, it will be very troublesome.”

Out of the door, the orange-haired woman relaxed, holding Issho hehe. said with a smile: “My name is Koala, uncle, what is your name.”

“Under Issho, if it is troublesome, it means you are also a troublesome person, Eldest Miss.”

Issho said, “Anyone who is afraid of Marine, Pirate?”

“No, we hate Pirate too, um, to those wicked people.”

Koala’s eyes Zi turned around and said: “Issho-san, you saved me, how about I treat you to a meal.”

Issho touched his stomach, “I am really hungry, but I am disrespectful. “

“Issho-san, I’ll lead the way, I know a very good shop.”

Koala showed a tricky smile and pulled Issho toward the street. go with.

“Hey, what are you doing!”

At the same time, a rough voice rang out on the street, and a giant bald man appeared on the street in front of the gate. Among the people in line.

He stared at the team with a bad face, and the fragile Martial Dao family who was planning the team like henchman.

Seeing the people coming, this group of people divided into two expressions.

Those who were lined up showed ecstasy.

The fragile Martial Dao family, their faces are as earthy.

“It’s Luoshan!”

“Luo Family is finally here, hey, Luoshan, there is a group of Marines here to maintain order, is it approved by your Luo Family? “

This giant man is known to almost everyone who comes to Shelter Town. He is known as the’gatekeeper’ of the Luo Family,’Absolute Defense’ Luoshan.

He is a very famous person in the vicinity.

He is also a very tough person.

The bald head of Luo Shan’s forehead has green veins exposed, “There is really Marine messing up here, what a joke!”

Luo Shan opened his eyes wide and felt his head All of his injuries are aching.

He just woke up and was about to seek revenge from Lowe. As a result, he heard news that the Revolutionary Army had appeared. All the elites of Luo Family were dispatched and went to the surroundings of Sheltered Town.

He was also preparing to go there, but as soon as he got out of the gate, he saw all the people on the street fainting, and finally woke one up, and told him that it was not Revolutionary Army, but Marine did it.

Marine was investigating criminals here, and everyone was taken away.

At that time, Luo Shan was taken aback.

For many years, he hasn’t heard of Marine coming here to investigate what the hell criminals.

The people who come from the town of slough, so half of them are criminals!

Under the rules of his Luo Family, who would dare to make a mistake!

Including Marine, not even!

Everyone’s compliance with the rules has clearly been maintained for more than 20 years. Why this Martial Dao conference, Revolutionary Army Marine and others, all appeared!

“Hey, Luo Shan, this is what Marine wants to do. It has nothing to do with us. We are only asked for assistance by Marine.”

See you at a weak Martial Dao Luo Shan showed an angry look and couldn’t help but opened the mouth and said.

Luo Shan squeezed his hands and clicked, looking at the weak Martial Dao’s house, said with a smile: “It’s too long, so you forget the rules of my Luo Family? Then? Let me teach you, who can call the shots of this land!”

Bang! ! !


In the casino, Martial Dao’s house flew in with a weak punch and fell to the ground, vomiting blood, and his eyes turned white.


Kulo, who had just sorted out the line and was about to get people out of the line, turned his head and saw a huge man swaggering in at the gate.

“It’s Luoshan!”

“Very good, if Luoshan comes, this group of Marines must be dead!”

“I don’t want to leave Here it is, stupid Marine, your time for death is here!”

The teams in the casino were all overjoyed when they saw the people coming.


Luo Shan pointed to Kulo and said: “You are doing good things, who allowed you to catch people in my Luo Family territory!”

“Luo Family?”

Kulo bit his cigar and sat on the Martial Dao family who was knocked out before. He looked at him up and down, “Are you from Luo Family?”

“I am Luoshan who is known as the’gatekeeper’ of the town of shedding!” Luoshan lifted his head and said proudly.


Leda opened the mouth and said at this time: “Didn’t you say that Luo Family people are all white-haired, this uncle, you don’t have hair.” “

A few veins appeared on Luo Shan’s forehead again, he snarled at Lida: “I’m only twenty-eight years old, I’m not an uncle, I want to be called Big Brother, bastard! Also, my hair It’s just that the length is not obvious. Carefully, there is white! The bottom of me is also white…”

“Kuro.” Kulo said coldly.



A blue slash flew out from the front and hit Luoshan’s face head-on, stirring up a ball Smoke interrupted his next words and actions.

Kuro slowly retracted his feet and squinted his eyes. “Hard to resist?”

The smoke cleared, revealing Luo Shan’s unscathed face, he floated a grin and grinned. Open a mouth with white teeth.

“Oh? Is that Rokushiki? Instead of kicking, I rolled up a’vacuum’ attack with my feet, like flying slash…learned!”

He leg raised, and also kicked out a blue slash, which was more than double the size of the Rankyaku slash that flew just now, and went straight to Kuro.

Kuro flashed to the side, and he saw Rankyaku slashing past him, hitting the pillar behind him, knocking the pillar into a big incision.

“It’s really Luo Family.”

Leda pointed her chin with a finger, and said in surprise: “But there is no hair…”

“This is normal, just like Saiyans always have a bald boy. Such a tall bald boy will definitely end up being bombarded by a small dwarf of the same race.” Kulo said slowly.

“I am not…”

The deep voice sounded.

Luo Shan squatted slightly on his knees, and Peng Sound stepped on two depressions on the floor. His body was like a cannonball. He rushed towards Kulo very quickly. His raised fist was stained with black, and he burst out with a punch. .

“Bald guy!!!”

Kulo raised his head slightly, with Haki on his fist at the corner of his eye, he couldn’t help but slap his lips, “What’s the matter with West Blue, anyone who comes here will know Haki Is it?”

“I’m coming!”


With a clear sound, Luo Shan’s fist slammed to Kulo stopped at a distance of only one palm. Under the fist, a small hand firmly stuck his wrist.

Luo Shan lowered her head subconsciously and saw that the little white-haired girl appeared in front of him at some unknown time. Then, the little girl pushed forward hard, and Luo Shan felt that her body’s center of gravity was unstable. , Deng deng deng back a few steps.

He shook his huge palm in disbelief, and looked towards the little girl who seemed to be able to squeeze to death with one hand. The corner of his mouth was pulled, and the number of green veins on the forehead was even greater.

“Actually, unexpectedly… a little child, can actually force me, the strongest defender of the Luo Family, to stop joking!”

He breathes deeply, and his body seems to be again After a few laps, he raised his fists to the top of his head, and strong Haki gathered in his hands.

“It’s decided, I will kill all of you, not leaving one! If the casino is rebuilt, it will be fine. Old Ancestor will not blame me!”

He spread his feet apart , Aiming at Leda and Kulo, Haki gathered more violently.

“It’s’external release’…”

Kulo took a look, shook the head, “Lida, kill him, don’t waste time.”



Leda gave Kulo a thumbs up.

“A little girl, wants to kill me too? I admit that she has good strength, but don’t think that the white hair is a Luo Family person, even if it is a Luo Family person, it can beat me, Absolute Defense. There is only…”

“Fast speed Soru!”

Luoshan didn’t finish her words, Lida’s silhouette almost turned into a afterimage, and she came to Luoshan in no time. In front of him, the little white hand just stuck to his abdomen.

“Essence harvest!”

“Oh oh oh!!”

In an instant, Luo Shan’s face became distorted, and his eyes burst. An’O’ shape grows in the mouth, and the huge body is constantly shrinking like a deflated balloon.

Lida turned into a girly posture, and pointed her other hand at Luo Shan, “Give it back to you, the spirit shock!”

bang!! !

The tyrannical shock wave almost formed a white light and hit Luoshan.

In the white light, Luo Shan’s body was beaten out of shape. He opened his eyes wide and stared at the girl-like Lida in horror.

That appearance is very similar to Lowe.

And a long time ago, Lowe had a younger sister…

“Luo, Lolita!!!”

white light brought Luoshan It was submerged and flew out of the gate, banging heavily on the ground next to the team at the gate, and with a loud noise, a deep pit was punched out.

In the big pit, Luo Shan’s body was paralyzed in the smoke of gunpowder, convulsing constantly, and has lost consciousness.

“It’s done.”

Leda transformed into a young girl and said with a smile to Kulo.

“Well done, I said he would be bombarded by a small dwarf of the same family.”

Kulo said with a smile to her.

“You’re a little short, I just maintained this size, Kulo!” Lida said uncomfortably.

“Yes, yes…”

Kulo shrugged, turned his head and looked towards the dumbstruck people in the casino, showing a kind smile, “Speaking of which, your team It’s a little loose.”

In an instant, the team that had become crooked because of Luoshan’s arrival, magically straightened up, like a line.

“Very well, line up now, go out and turn left at the port, you should go home and go home.”

And Shen Hai who should sink into the sea.

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