Kulo glanced at him, then looked towards the group of black clothed persons behind him.

A World Government official just ran away, now a CP came directly?

Is this here to squat him?

“When will CP be able to recruit Marine?” Kulo asked.

“Lucifer·Kulo, this is something about the Revolutionary Army. No matter what organization it is, it must first focus on the interests of World Government. I think you should understand.”

The CP person coldly said: “I remember that I sent a staff member to find you before. Didn’t you encounter it? Anyway, arrest the Revolutionary Army first.”

“Oh… Then you found the wrong person, where is Kulo, my name is Kuro.”

Kulo pointed to Kuro and said to him: “Hey, Kulo, the World Government is looking for you to catch the Revolutionary Army, you take Let’s go.”

Kuro: “…”

“Don’t be kidding, Lucifer · Kulo, we know you and hope you cooperate with our actions.” Then CP Said the person.

Kulo slowly took the cigar from his mouth in his hand, flicked the soot, and said: “Do you know me? Do you know me and dare to talk to me like this? Which department do you belong to.”


“I’m waiting for CP3, I’m the agent Captain here. Regarding the level, I’m Rear Admiral. Isn’t it enough to command you a Captain?”

CP3Captain couldn’t help but said: “Or Say, you want to disobey the orders of the World Government?”

Kulo rolled his eyes, “Don’t put your hat on, be careful I go to the World Government to complain to you. I don’t understand anything now, you say I don’t know what Rear Admiral level is. We are not a System.”

“My superiors did not give orders. You have no right to command Laozi. You have the ability. You let Admiral Kizaru come and tell me in person. Now, Go away.”

Kulo pushed the black clothed person away and walked to the Battleship.

“Come on, call Luo Family and ask him if he has paid back his face, and he won’t let me go home!”

“Hey, you… “

The Captain’s face was angry, and he reached out to press Kulo’s shoulder, and suddenly a hand grabbed his wrist.

Kuro appeared next to him, grasping his wrist, and said with a sneer to him: “What are you going to do with our Captain?”

“You want Do you want to disobey the orders of the World Government!” The Captain yelled directly.

“Stop talking to Lao Tzu.”

Kulo said impatiently: “How do I know if you are real or fake? What if you get a fake certificate to bluff Lao Tzu? , Let me deal with the real World Government’s intelligence agency and want to expel me from Marine.”

After finishing, he was taken aback and his eyes lit up: “Yes, that’s it!”


“What if you are the Revolutionary Army? If you want to earn me up the mountain, let me and my colleagues kill each other, and then have to give up the Marine status, you can only go to the special rebellion.”

“Think about it, CP and our Marine are at the same level. We love each other and work together for peace in the world. How can we say that we are recruited on the basis of enlistment, so it will not give us Marine face. Just in case I I was in the calculation, and I really went up the mountain when I turned my head back, did I call myself Kulo “It rains in time”?”

“Make another “black storm” Kuro, or “Wisdom Star” Kuro, and gather a group “Leopard Chief”, “Walker” and the like, to fight against the World Government together? Hey, I’m not in the middle of it!”

Kulo waved his hand: “Anyway, I won’t go without ordering. If you bother me any more, I will catch you as a Revolutionary Army.”

“You stubborn fellow!”

The Captain trembled with anger, and even said a few’ Okay, I threw off Kuro’s hand, walked to the side, stared at Kulo, and dialed the phone.


Kulo’s wrist suddenly rang Den Den Mushi, Kulo’s hand swiftly pressed Den Den Mushi off quickly, but nothing happened. Like, eyes looked towards the sky.

“Lucifer · Kulo Captain, your phone.” Captain said.

Kulo immediately retorted: “What kind of call, I didn’t hear the call, let’s not be here deliberately mystifying, Kuro, let the people on board get ready, let’s go.”

Just kidding, he It’s no good to be in line with the Revolutionary Army if you are sick.

Furthermore, they have nothing to do with each other. He played his Pirate to live his comfortable life, and the Revolutionary Army played his overthrow of the World Government and overthrow of the Celestial Dragon.

Does it matter?

What’s the relationship between Celestial Dragon and Lao Tzu? I don’t have a “sage” in my name.

Captain pursed his mouth, stared at Kulo bitterly, and continued to make the call.

“Bao La La La La La La…”

This time, Den Den Mushi rang completely.

Kuro subconsciously followed his wrist Den Den Mushi, but found that the pressing sound was not from his wrist.


Kulo turned to the voice of Den Den Mushi being picked up, and saw that the Marine who was in charge of the communication took Den Den Mushi to pick up the call.

The appearance of Den Den Mushi has become a seagull with a braid-like beard and round glasses, roaring there:

” Kulo!!!”

Kulo tilted his head back, revealing the expression of an old man’s subway phone in his previous life, but he did not move.

“Moximosi, Kulo, quickly reply, I am Sengoku!” Den Den Mushi yelled again when he saw that there was no sound.

“Kulo Captain?” Then Marine came over and handed Den Den Mushi, “It’s Fleet Admiral Sengoku.”

What are you doing here!

Kulo glared at the Marine, looked at the Den Den Mushi for a while, took the handset, and the old man who pulled the telephone line far away from Den Den Mushi, said: “Moximosi , Sengoku Sang.”


Den Den Mushi roared again, scared that Marine was shivered, and then there was a series of roars.

“Aren’t you in Pegasus Town, what are you doing in the land of bugs! Why don’t you answer the old man’s call, ah?!”

“Ah…I’m here, Come to travel.”

Kulo took the microphone and said, “Sengoku, are you okay? I’m fine.”

“The old man asked you to stay in Pegasus Town, except I asked you to fix Pirate in that place, and it also meant to let you stay quiet for a while. The opinions from you above have not faded!”

Kulo thought for a while and said: “Sengoku San , How could I do some strange things, you know I’m the most afraid of trouble. By the way, if you’re fine, I’ll hang up. I’m busy, I’m going back.”

” Wait, Kulo, CP is next to you. Cooperate with them to catch the Revolutionary Army. It will be good for your future.”


Your good thing is to be promoted, eh! Want to fuck Laozi?

Kulo cried out: “Sengoku-san, I’m just a Captain. I’m here to travel. I don’t have enough troops. There are not two hundred people. You let me catch the Revolutionary Army? Too terrifying. , What should I do if I die. Old Master is still waiting for my retirement. I have to burn incense for Shiji every Chinese New Year. If I die, these two yin and yang people will have nothing.”

“Stop kidding! Kulo!”

Den Den Mushi roared again, and then coughed two sentences, “Anyway, this is the order from above. You can cooperate. Can’t catch it.”


This is very interesting.

“Then I…try my best?” Kulo raised an eyebrow and asked.

“Just do your best, and then you will immediately return to Pegasus Island. Don’t go wandering around. I don’t want to hear any bad news about you anymore!”

Click .

Den Den Mushi fell asleep.

Kulo held the microphone with a strange expression.

He said this a bit late, and he did everything he needed to do.

However, this is what Marine should do. He is normal to maintain order. No one can fault it. Probably…

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