Kulo feels a little bad.

As seen through the town of Shelter, the local residents seem to have lived very well, each of them dressed in a good manner, and their physique was very healthy.

And through Kenbunshoku perception, you can also feel the people of this country, the breath is not bad.

Kulo’s Kenbunshoku cannot sense a person’s specific emotions and state after all. Although Kenbunshoku has a wide range, it is more used to feel the strength of a person’s breath.

I just think they should live well.

But Nalga’s words made him feel a little bit wrong.

The basic income of the country of insects comes from the export of military force, and it basically relies on the export of military force of Luo Family. The country is small in size and it does not seem to have any local specialties.

The only thing that is commendable is that it is good for environmental protection, but if you cooperate with Nalga, this makes Kulo a little concerned.

If people are not allowed to develop, of course it will be good for environmental protection, but that also means that humans can’t get anything from this nature, or even every plant or tree.

That woman, think about it carefully. Although she looks good and has a pale skin, she has a sense of paleness, just like a situation caused by malnutrition…

Through the woods, Kulo walked a distance, and finally on an uphill, he saw a small village in the distance.

The village is very beautiful. The flat houses full of local characteristics of the country of insects are scattered on the flat ground. In front of the town, there is a big tree in the sky. As a landmark, there are a lot of fields around the tree. The appearance of a farmhouse.

It’s just this field, which looks very desolate, with lots of weeds overgrown.

A closer look at those bungalows shows that many of them are dilapidated. Although they are cleaned very neatly, the wooden boards that have been in disrepair have been corroded or corroded, revealing several large holes.

Several little children are running around in the town. As far as he can see, Kulo can see that those little children are scrawny, not like normal children at all.

A very poor village, where poor people can’t eat enough.

“Is this here?”

Narga came over at this time and took a look at the village. Nodded applauded:

“Kulo Captain, It’s not practical to go to that woman in such a hurry. I understand your idea of ​​fulfilling the government duties, but now what we need is to find the Revolutionary Army. Don’t worry, after the Revolutionary Army is caught, you will find something like this little poacher. Thanks, I’ll report it to you.”

As soon as I said this, the surroundings that were already quiet seemed calmer.

Kulo turned his back to Narga, making it difficult to see his face, only the smoke of the cigar was floating.

Leda shrank her head and looked at Narga with a deadly expression.

Kuro pushed down his glasses, one hand dropped, and his index finger stretched out underneath.

Seeing that Kulo still ignores him, Nalga jerked at the corners of his mouth, and he showed himself so well, is this man still unappreciative?

“Hey! Kulo, didn’t you hear me!”

Narga was a little bit angry, even if this guy is very strong and high in status, but too It’s rude, in the final analysis, it’s just a Captain. They are all organizations under the World Government. Their own positions are much higher than Captain.

Anyway, this face, can’t you give him a little bit!

Just when Narga’s hand was about to touch Kulo’s shoulder, and Kuro on the side was about to do it, Kulo suddenly turned his head, a pair of eyes with a little red glow, looked towards Narga plus.



The murderous aura turned into substance, bursting around Kulo, curled into a black golden air current, and pounced on Nalga and the CP3 personnel behind him.

Fluttering! !

A flock of birds hurriedly flew away in the forest in the distance, but they could only get out of the forest. They were all stiff and fell.

Narga, who was impacted by murderous aura at close range, took a few steps back, sat on the ground with his butt and swayed, and then fainted to the ground with his eyes turned over. Those people behind him immediately fainted.

“Don’t bother me to recalculate the situation in the country of bugs, it’s very annoying.”

Kulo looked at Narga who passed out and said, closing his eyes, and then When I opened it, the red glow had disappeared.

He recalculated just now, using the breath of those children as a benchmark, spreading across the country, what he can perceive is different.

The breath of the residents of those four towns is much stronger than that of people in other places, and the breath of other places is exactly the same as that felt here.

In other words, in the four towns in the country of insects, everyone else is the breath of malnutrition.

“Go down and take a look.”

Kulo walked towards the town below.

Kuro swallowed, glanced at Nalga who was fainted, and shook his head: “The guy who doesn’t understand the situation…”

Nothing like that. Didn’t Leda Young Lady dared to talk to Kulo? Are you still talking about it, especially what he said, even he couldn’t listen to it anymore.

The people who left CP3 were dizzy there. Kulo and the others went downhill and entered the village. The ancient wood of heaven, like a landmark, connects the village road to the outside world. Divided, Kulo walked to the back of the ancient wood, and then he entered the village.

But before he took a few steps, he just stopped there.

The rest of Marine was puzzled, but didn’t dare to ask questions, so he stood still with Kulo.

It’s Lida and Kuro, looking towards the nearby bushes, with weird faces. ,

Kulo bit his cigar, looking at the thick rope connecting the two trees in front of him, and above the rope, there is a net tied with stones and broken wood, forming a very Simple trap.

“Such an obvious trap, do you think I’m stupid? I’ll be fooled?”

Kulo looked towards the bush and said: “Come out, little demons.”


There was a noise in the grass, and three children jumped out, only seven or eight years old, two boys and one girl, all thin and weak.

“Who are you, what’s the purpose of being near here!”

It is the first little boy who speaks, both of his hands hold one and don’t know from The thick branches that fell from the tree acted as weapons, and his body trembled slightly.

Behind him, the little girl is holding a slingshot, faintly hiding behind the boy, her eyes full of fear.

The other boy picked up two rocks and their legs were a little unsteady facing Kulo.

Three little demon…

Kulo hearing this, pointed to the cloak on his shoulder, and said: “Marine, don’t you know?”

The little boy in the lead shook his head and confidently said: “I don’t know! Go away, otherwise, or I will hit you!”

This remark let Kulo slightly nodded, which represents people outside these towns, The news seems to be very closed.

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