The venison was cleaned, and the body of Platycodon grandiflorum, which does not seem to be strong, can hold a whole deer easily and strung it on a bamboo pole. She is very skilled Turning the deer’s body, then took out the small bag around his waist, and evenly sprinkled the powder inside.

“This taste…”

As the spices are sprinkled, as a’big food girl’, she almost eats the first half of East Blue and Grand Line by Lida Shing He shrugged his nose, closed his eyes, and said soothingly: “It’s so soft and the smell is so strong.”

“Yes, this is my own spice.”

said with a slight smile: “It will not cover the sweetness of venison itself, but will mix with the scent of venison.”

“Oh? You haven’t been here before…”

Kulo moved his nose too, nodded applauded: “You can make this fine spice without System learning. It’s really amazing.”

“What? You want Do you want me to urinate with you? Want to find a place to cover it?”

The bellflower was taken aback, wondering: “If you are going to the toilet, the nearby woods are okay and you don’t need a cover.”



You did it deliberately!

Why did you say Lida before? You answered well!

“I’m an idiot when I talk to you again!” Kulo glared at her fiercely and said.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Outside, Kuro and a few Marines came back carrying a few deer, “Only so much.”

Kulo turned his head and glanced, nodded and said: “It’s okay.”

“Wow, a lot of deer!” A group of children wandered around Marine excitedly.

“Hey, Marine uncle, are these all for us?” Sujan pointed to the deer excitedly and asked Kulo.

“Don’t get me wrong, it’s just that we are hungry and need a lot of food. It has nothing to do with you. If there is any leftover, we will give it to you.” Kulo indifferently said.

“Eh…Is this?” Sujan looked disappointed, “Uncle, did you pick it like this?”

“Don’t talk nonsense!”

Shang Tu glared at Sujan and bowed to Kulo, “Thank you very much, Master Marine.”

“It smells…” Kuro also shrugged his nose at this time, looking at the grilled meat. The scent of golden venison radiated completely, causing Marine to swallow one by one.

It seems to be delicious.

Seeing this scene, Sujan proudly said with a smile: “The dishes made by elder sister of platycodon are delicious!”

He opened his hands in an admiring tone affirmed: “It’s the best in the world!”


At this moment, Bellflower pays attention to the fire and said, “It’s ready to eat.”

Hearing this, a group of children took the lead to surround themselves. One of the children reached out to dip the venison, and then shrank, “It’s hot!”

“I’m here!”

Haki appeared in Lida’s palm, grabbed a deer leg and tore it off. The roasted golden deer leg shed grease with this tearing action, and splashed onto the fire, making the flame more vigorous. .

She got the deer leg, thought for a moment, tore the deer leg in half, and handed it to Kulo, “Now, Kulo, we each person gets half.”

“You Eat first.”

Kulo glanced at the drooling little children, and said: “I have no appetite for the time being.”

“Eat first, Marine uncle, without you. , We can’t eat this deer either.”

Sujan said to Kulo: “Elder sister’s cuisine is really delicious. It’s so delicious… it’s so delicious that it will cry!”

“How delicious is a barbecue? I don’t believe it.” Kulo rolled his eyes.

Speaking, he did not refuse, took the deer leg that Lida handed over, took a bite, and chewed there.

With just one mouthful, Kulo’s eyes were dull, and he chewed mechanically, his nose shrugged, and his eye circles suddenly became red.

“So gentle!”

Marine, who was given the food, just ate at this time, and someone immediately yelled with tears: “It’s so gentle, it reminds me of Mama !”

“wu wu wu, I miss home!”

“Me too, my home is in South Blue, I miss Mama’s scolding…”

Marine, who ate the meat, burst into tears one by one.

It was the children who ate very quietly after the meat was distributed, but each of them showed a very peaceful smile, as if with some hope.

Kulo swallowed the food in his mouth and stared at the deer leg in his hand.

That bite reminds me of some scenes in my previous life at home.

For more than 20 years, he can only describe the previous life memory as “fuzzy”. Many times, Kulo has forgotten the fact that he is a crossed over.

Only when a few key figures and events occasionally appeared, did he wake up to his own identity.

But this meal…

Tenderly wants to recall the nagging of mother and the advice of father when I came home, the kind of aftertaste that I feel after adulthood Tenderness and warmth are all experienced in this venison.

Very gentle taste.

“This woman…”

Kulo stared at the Kikyo who was smiling because everyone had eaten.

“Can’t take medicine anymore?” Kulo raised his eyebrows and looked suspicious.

Almost crying for him.


Leda stared at the venison in her hand, completely lost in a daze.

Kulo turned his head and saw Lida’s expression, and asked in confusion: “Lida?”

“Ah, it’s okay…”

Lida Subconsciously shook his head, bite at the venison, and said excitedly: “Kulo, this venison is really delicious, the cuisine of the elder sister of platycodon is really good!”

“Then you eat more Click…”

Kulo looked down towards his food, thought for a long time, and quickly solved the deer legs, then lit a cigar, the smoke mixed with some drops of water, and floated upwards far.

He looked at the full moon in the sky, was silent for a long time, and then said softly: “How can it be repaired…”

Kikyo smiled and looked at the people who were gorge oneself Suddenly his face turned pale, his body shook suddenly and fell to the ground.

“Elder sister platycodon!”

Hina was shocked, “What happened to elder sister platycodone!”

She fell to the ground suddenly and let all Everyone looked over, and the little children stopped eating one by one, showing a flustered expression.

“It’s okay.”

Kulo glanced at it, Kenbunshoku sensed it, and then said: “It’s just relaxation after excessive tension, which leads to relaxation. This woman’s breath is worse than you , I should have been hungry. Now that I relax, I will faint naturally.”


Shangtu looked over and wiped away tears. , “Thank you so much.”

Huh! ! !

He tone barely fell, a violent wind burst in from a distance, and kept the flame of the campfire low and low, almost extinguished.

This violent wind caused everyone except Marine to stagnate.

“It’s the wind of nature!”

Shangtu thought of something, turned his head and looked towards the direction of the field, yelled: “Everyone, go for refuge, don’t come out, the wind of nature Coming!”

As he said, he ran into a room first. The thin body didn’t know where the power came from, and he ran very fast. Then, he carried a hoe. Go straight to the field.

“Hey, old man, what are you doing?” Kulo asked.

“I want to protect everyone’s fields!” Shangtu cried without turning his head.

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