“Sure enough, the two are in collusion!”

Sabo looked towards the bonfire that started in the village, and the faintly discernible floating in the nose The scent here changed quickly, “They’re just hungry and eat something, you are going to catch them?”

With that, he moved his legs and feet and quickly rushed to Kulo with a punch. Hit the past.

“I won’t let you catch these people, the civilians of this country, let us save them!”


The fist and the blade exchanged, making a crisp sound.

Kulo watched Sabo’s fist quickly stained with a layer of black, surprisedly said: “The reaction is quite quick.”

“Don’t underestimate me, Lucifer · Kulo. “

Sabo looked up at him, with a hint of anger in his eyes, “As a brother, I just came to you to settle the account!”

He missed a punch and moved around Kulo. Fist greeted him very quickly.


dang dang dang!

Kulo held the limbid autumn water in one hand, remaining calm and composed while handling pressing affairs, blocking Sabo’s attack, he twitched his head, and escaped Sabo’s punch, and slammed it very quickly. .


This blade hit Sabo’s body straight, and made a muffled noise, pushing him away.


Kulo threw the limbid autumn water, spit out the smoke, looked towards the retreating Sabo, “I don’t remember that I offended your brother.”

Sabo’s clothes were torn by this blade, and a layer of Busoshoku slowly faded from his body. He stared at Kulo and gritted his teeth and said: “At the time, you blocked Ace!”


Kulo suddenly satori said, “Yes, there is such a thing, you are the brother of Ace, and that is the brother of Pirate from Straw Hat? What a surprise? The second in command of Pirate and Revolutionary Army is brother.”

“Grab him, Lucifer · Kulo!” Narga shouted at the side.

Kulo pouted, “That’s the second in command, terrifying. I can’t deal with it with a Captain, so let’s go together.”

“Then go together!”


Narga was the first to dispatch, and all the remaining Government personnel followed and surrounded Sabo.

“Sabo, let’s help!”

Koala broke into the crowd and confronted Nalga.

At this time, the man wearing a black feather coat, look pale with a bird beak mask had both hands, and his body turned into a large number of crows, dragging the rest of the Government personnel.


The people were surrounded, Sabo took the opportunity to pass through, fingers separated, index finger and middle finger together, ring finger and little finger close together, Busoshoku swept over it and jumped into the sky , Volley claw.

“Dragon claw punch!”


The black claw fell straight down and passed Kulo’s body. Sabo paused and watched the Kulo hit by him rippling away like water waves and slowly disappearing.

“Oh yo…”

Kulo’s silhouette appeared from the side, biting his cigar and said in surprise: “Such a mighty power, so terrifying.”

Sabo stared at Kulo and said every word: “Stop kidding!”

“Speaking of, what does Ace have to do with me…”

Kulo looked at Looking at the government staff who was dragged by Koala and the group of crows, he said: “I really want to find someone. You should go to Teach. What do you want to do with me? I’m just doing a Marine duty.”

“Whoever meets, of course I will find someone.”

Sabo looked at Kulo and said: “The man who goes to sea, although life and death is his own choice, as a brother, of course he can’t swallow it.”

After finishing speaking, he continued to rush forward, showing the state of dragon claw with both hands, and moved towards Kulo to attack.

That strength…

Kulo can feel the power of this move even if he doesn’t harden it. The man’s physical skills and Haki attainments are not low.

Limpid autumn water swings horizontally, and the blade slams against Sabo’s dragon claw.

dang dang dang!

Sabo’s arm was like a shadow, and he made a series of attacks, all hitting Kulo’s limbid autumn water.

Kulo’s trick on the limbid autumn water was that the water couldn’t get in, and the wave speed was extremely dense. No matter how much Sabo attacked, the breakthrough would not be able to defeat his defense.


Kulo swipes the knife diagonally, once again forcing Sabo away, sighed, and said: “What’s the matter with you three brothers, is one more perverted?”

That Ace, although dead I didn’t see Haki when he was alive, but the fruit ability is not low, Kenbunshoku is not weak, at least it is a Shichibukai level.

Not to mention Straw Hat, Garp taught that many years, it is just a lack of experience. It is estimated that when he comes out again, he has enough experience, and his strength will be improved.

And this Sabo…

The young one is the second in command of the Revolutionary Army. If you say he is weak, no one believes that.

The most important thing is that they are very young, younger than themselves.

“When you think of you, you will feel that the times are really turbulent…”

Kulo said: “In other words, if you don’t rebel, you will be entangled with me here. Is it good? I’m just an insignificant Captain. You can’t change anything if you trouble me. Why don’t you do business?”

“It’s also business to stop you from arresting people in the village first.”


Sabo coldly said: “World Government’s lackeys, stop fooling people here!”

“Fishman unarmed!”

On the other side, Koala caught Nalga made a standard straight punch in the gap, fiercely hit Nalga’s abdomen.

Suffering a heavy blow, Nalga staggered, his eyes turned, and he almost passed out, but he bit his teeth and a Rankyaku kicked over. Koala dodged back and escaped the Rankyaku attack. .

As a powerhouse to learn Rokushiki, Nalga’s willpower is not strong, but it is certainly not weak.

This woman is full of strength, but Nalga can still bear it.

“Koala, don’t pester him, go to the village and help others.” Sabo said anxiously.


Koala got away instantly, no longer entangled with Narga, and Narga wanted to catch up, but was entangled by a group of crows and forced him Stand firm and hit those crows.

The speed of these crows is very fast, and the most important thing is that their strength is not low. If you peck someone, you can peck the bleeding hole.

And Sabo continues to rush towards Kulo at this time, anyway, he wants to drag the man to prevent him from going back in time.

“I said you guys…”

Kulo looked towards Koala, who was about to drive through his own village, and looked towards Sabo, who was rushing, sighed then said:” It seems that it’s just that, I can’t let you go, then…”



Koala was suddenly startled, and his subconsciously body rolled down, and a huge golden slash flew along the top of her head, straight into the sky, and soared to the moon.


Koala’s throat surged and swallowed dryly, and the cold sweat on his face ran down, “Is that kidding, is it so fast?”

This slash, she had seen it from the boar just now, but what she couldn’t think of was how fast it was, she couldn’t feel it!

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