


The bell rang.

In the high pavilion above the gate, the huge clock began to sway, and the sound of its bell rang so loudly that everyone looked up.

The competition has officially started.

When the bell rang, Warner raised the microphone and roared passionately:

“Welcome to the Martial Dao Conference in the Land of Worms, the Town of Shelter, bloody, exciting, Fists and fists, fighting vs. fighting, this is West Blue’s most famous and grand Martial Dao conference. You will show your pride in these six on platform Martial Dao, leading to the final arena!”

He pointed down. In the center of the six huge arenas, there was a larger central arena.

“You need to win the last one in the six arena to enter this final arena. No time limit, no restriction on weather, only the winner can enter this final arena!”

“And in the final arena, whoever stands last will receive a generous reward! That will be 300 million Beli provided by Luo Family, 500 million Beli provided by the country of bugs, and insects In addition to the four towns in the country, Fiefdom, and the friendship of Luo Family!”

“Spread, fight hard, kill, and let your bravery be fully utilized!!!”

Warner lowered his body slightly, took a sharp breath, raised his body, and shouted: “Participants, see that the water tank is not there, pick up your bowl and drink the blood wine in it, one If you board the ring within the minute, those who fail to board the ring will be disqualified. Now, start!!!”

bang!! !

A large number of people flocked to the big tank placed in front of the ring. The tank was filled with turbid bloody liquid. Martial Dao’s family picked up the bowl next to it and hurriedly scooped it up. After drinking, he crawled to the six on platform.

According to the past, from the moment they stepped onto the ring, those Martial Dao families should use methods to clear out the weak, but this time is different. After entering the ring, those Martial Dao families will not fight. Just do it and watch, stick in that motionless.

Because they are almost the same, if they rush forward, they are likely to be surrounded and beaten off the ring.

Anyone who can be a’Sea Union Army’ is not weak in mind.

Most of these groups are gangsters in their respective villages. In order not to be bullied by the powerhouse, in order to tyrannically abuse power before the weak, they are always disturbing their brains for fear of being beaten to death.

So their wisdom is still a little bit.

In this case, it is impossible that some people will come forward, and the strength will not allow it.

So, the six arena are all deadlocked there.

“The confrontation between will and the will, the collision between spirit and spirit, the Martial Dao family on the platform is not only facing powerful enemies, but also the oppression brought by the crowd. These Martial Dao families will How to break the game, let us wait and see!”

Warner said passionately; “Cheers, let us cheer for this grand event, and bring more impulsive blood to these Martial Dao families!” “

According to the experience of the past few sessions, the audience should give out warm applause and shouts at this time, but now…

Is there anyone here!

As soon as’Martial Dao’s House’ entered the ring, the bottom was completely empty.

“Everyone comes to me, first solve part of it, and talk about the rest!”

Suddenly, at one of the arena, Karl raised his arms and let most people gather around him On the other side, separate the crowd in the ring.

“It’s time to compete for luck. Whoever is good luck will stand in the end!”

Carl smiled at the few people who were separated, “Catch them Get out of the ring!”

“Hateful, Don’t even think about it!”

The remaining people also gathered spontaneously and fought with them.

The rest of the arena has a lot of learning, spontaneously split into two factions and fight.

That scene…


One of Kulo’s mouth was unstable, he almost sucked cigar smoke into his lungs and smiled , “It’s so special.”

This is the Martial Dao conference?

This is the village fighting.

“Elder sister, elder sister, don’t you go?” Lida looked towards Kikyo in confusion.

“Oh, yes, yes…”

It was only then that Kikyo reacted. She was shocked just now, because it was the scene of fighting with the powerhouse she remembered. It didn’t match at all. Not only did she not see’Luo’, nor did she see the famous Martial Dao houses, but a group of people who were so weak that Kikyo just felt that she could pick them all up if she gave herself time and was fighting.

When did the Martial Dao conference become like this?

But after thinking about it, this seems to be an opportunity. If this is the case, she will definitely win!

Just when Kikyo was about to take a step forward, suddenly, a hand stopped her.

“What are you doing?”

Kikyo frowned, looked towards Kulo, who reached out to block him, and said: “I will join Marine, but at least let me finish this The meeting.”


Kulo looked towards the top, and slowly said: “Something came out, the breath is very wrong.”

Behind the gate, at the Luo Family residence, the uppermost building, above the big clock, a silhouette suddenly appeared there.

From this distance, Kulo could not see the silhouette of the man, but he could feel that he was looking down.

“You are leaving now, I thought you would stay there and never come out.” Kulo spit out the smoke and stared at the front.

That breath has been in the Luo Family resident since he entered the town of sloughing before, and now it is finally active.

At the top, the man is dressed in tattered burlap, sitting on the top with bare feet, his long white hair covering his face except his mouth, he slightly lowered his head and looked at the bottom on platform like an ant People of large and small, their lips gradually opened, revealing their canine teeth.

“It’s so weak…”

He made a sound, and spit out a sword-like tongue from his mouth, licked his lips, the corners of his mouth widened It’s big, like a wild beast, grinning into the middle of the hair, can’t see the arc.


A gust of wind blows, the person at the top, disappeared.

dong!! !

The family of Martial Dao who were fighting, suddenly heard a huge dull sound like Yellow Bell Great Sound. The vibration caused by it made the soles of their feet one after another staggering, fighting. The scene was suddenly stopped.

Everyone turned their heads and looked towards the most central arena, the one who should have been able to board by the victor, and the extra person at this time.

“White hair! Luo, it’s Luo!”

Warner yelled with a microphone above: “Faced with such a monotonous battle, Luo Family finally couldn’t help someone playing. He will start a fierce Martial Dao conference for us. Maybe he will face all the contestants in one person. After all, these people are so weak that I can’t stand it!”

“You are talking What, bastard!”

“Yes, where are we weak?!”

This time, the Martial Dao family on the platform couldn’t help it, and they all glared at the top. Host.

Warner ignored them, but continued: “But this Luo Family person, I seem to have never seen him before. He is not Lowe, who is known as an’absolute genius’, nor is he’the strongest defense.’ ‘Luoshan is a newbie from Luo Family, but it looks a bit…simple.”

The long-haired person ignored his words, but looked towards the bottom, the only one who watched the battle. Everyone at Marine, although the hair covered his face, Kulo could feel that after taking a glance at him, this guy put his eyes on Lida.

“Oh? Is that my missing descendant? When we first met, I was Luoshen, your ancestor.”

Lida’s face paled by Luoshen’s words, she was subconsciously , Leaned against Kulo and hid behind him.

In this scene, Kulo raised his eyebrows.

Leda’s performance is a bit strange.

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