“This town is called’Funny Town’. It used to be the Place of Origin of the Double Horse Kingdom Song and Dance Opera.”

Clean up the minced meat and die. After his colleagues took along to withdraw, Locke took Kulo and them into the town.

The town is not prosperous. Although there are a lot of people, the streets seem to be too big. Compared with the number of people in this town, it looks a bit empty.

Kulo noticed that there are many closed dance theaters around this town, but it seems that they have been closed for a long time. Cobwebs have formed in some places and the door panels are broken.

“This is also the hometown of Goro.” Locke stared at a large square in front of the street, and said in memory: “Two years ago, it was very lively here.”

“So, what exactly is Goro, you haven’t said yet.” Kulo asked.

“Goro… is a person.”

Locke’s voice is low: “A musical actor.”

“In the past, this town was very lively. Yes, there are many opera dancers and many people here. Even the war did not deprive us of our love for musicals. This is our tradition, even His Highness the Prince…”

Locke lowered his head and said dejectedly: “His Highness the Prince may love musicals too much, so all the musical actors are called. Except for the permission of His Highness the Prince, the folks no longer allow Kabuki, but Goro Goro is not the same.”

“His level is not appreciated by His Highness the Prince, but he loves to perform. Even if we are banned, Goro still violates the ban and comes to perform for us. Although his performance was terrible.”

As he said, Locke chuckled twice, seeming to recall something happy.

Next, he shook his head, seeming to throw away the thoughts in his mind, and continued to say:

“One year ago, His Highness the Prince discovered the existence of Goro. Here, in this square, he was executed.”

He pointed to an inverted cross in the center of the square. There were some black marks on it, which looked like blood that had long since dried up. .

“Goro is probably unwilling, so he turned into a ghost, possessed by the monster. The day he died, I heard the roar of the beast, and then the nightmare began.”


“Since then, wild beasts have often come to arrest people in the town, especially recently. We are not attacked by wild beasts for the first time, but it used to be better. Those violent wild beasts will only take a while. The normal withdrawal was restored.

“Today is also the first time we have encountered such a violent wild beast. Many people have died. Perhaps today is the cause of Goro’s death. Sir Marine, if we were not for you, we would have all become the target of Goro’s venting of evil spirits. “


Locke walked forward to the center of the square. On the back of the inverted cross, he covered a black cloth.

He pulled away the black cloth, revealing a humanoid statue.

It was a funny man with a white face makeup like Noh, with a weird and wretched smile, with one hand. Carrying a naginata, spreading one hand and five fingers, bending one foot, and posing in the classic pose of Noh.

This pose Kulo has seen before, just like CP9’s ruin.

“Mr. Kulo…”

Seeing this statue, Kuro eyes shrank, walked forward and whispered: “The lion and ape I met also used this pose. “


Kulo took another look at the statue, “Is it so terrifying?” Wrong soul? Isn’t it some kind of fruit? “

“So, Master Marine…”

Rock breathes deeply, and said: “Although the matter itself is somewhat inappropriate, Master Marine, please listen Listen to our request. If you encounter Goro’s wronged soul, if you can catch it, please bring it. If you really can’t catch it, can you tell it, we are sorry for it! “

“Please! “He bowed sharply at Kulo.

“Please! ! ! “

Other people who followed, look at me and I will look at you. They also bent down uniformly and bowed at ninety degrees.

Look at these people bowing.

, Kulo spit out smoke silently, “Kuro, where’s the position. “

” is moving. “

Kuro shrugged his nose and moved a finger forward, moving along the direction, and finally clicked to a place, “Going in this direction, there… Galloping Horse City!” Mr. Kulo, the Leo is heading to Galloping Horse City! “

Kulo froze for a moment, and said, “Kuro, analyze it.” “

“Yes. “

Kuro pushed down the glasses, “It fought against me, it looks very humane, if it is made by Goro, then it should be a human, if it is really an animal His body and human heart, then it will also be familiar with animals. Perhaps I guessed that as a werewolf, my nose is very good. After all, I licked its blood before. “

“We deliberately use blood to induce people to divide the troops in the strongest army of Galloping Horse City. Whether we come or not, we will achieve a small part of Galloping Horse City, combined with what we know now. , Then its target must be Galloping Horse City, and it seeks revenge for Old K! “

“It’s pretty smart. “Kulo bit his cigar and looked towards the direction of Benma City, “Just know the destination. I made Lao Tzu turn a little bit, and now you can’t run anymore.” “

“Kulo, are you going to help that old K?” “

Leda asked: “Is that guy obviously summoned all Kabuki to his town? It’s too selfish to not allow other people to watch singing and dancing. “

“That kind of thing doesn’t matter. “

Kulo walked forward, ignoring those who bowed. He watched the town entrance, although it was cleared, but there were still blood stains.

“There is revenge. , There are grievances and grievances, and it is too lacklustre to spill grievances on innocent people. “

He stared at the blood stains and spoke lightly.

The breeze blew by, making the eyes of those bowing a little confused. They looked up one by one, only seeing the few in front of them. Marine, the cloak printed with “Justice” is dancing with the wind.

It makes people feel at ease.


Benma City, the palace.

There is a bit of silence in the palace at this time.

In other words, deathly silence.

Old K is sitting on the throne with the expression on his face as if he were dead. There are no waves.

Below him, Donald and the others are standing. Beside them, Catherine has exactly the same expression as K. The two eyes are not at each other. One goes to the left and the other goes to the right. .

“Old King K, I brought your fiancee back to you! Donald slapped Catherine and told her to take a few steps forward.

“Sa, this is the fiancee, although it is ugly, there is no doubt that she has a marriage contract with you! “

Speaking, he said to Catherine again: “Don’t worry, although he is very old, he is indeed your marriage partner, now go up bravely!” “

Sazir rolled his head and covered his forehead, looking helpless.

Look, is this talking human?

“Ah. ..”

Old K stood up stiffly, he didn’t even have the desire to refute his own life, he was like a machine, speaking in a very flat tone, “Well, welcome to me Palace, my fiancee, I have prepared a wedding dress for you, I will change it later. “

Great reading, this must be great reading!

“Okay, King Your Majesty. “Catherine also uses a great reading tone.

From start to finish, the expressions of the two people have never looked at each other.

“Well, it’s a good couple! “

Donald glanced at them, nodded, and smiled relievedly.

Sazil pursed his mouth and swallowed what he wanted to say, if this guy is dead someday , Must have been beaten to death.

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