But even if it’s him, in the final analysis, isn’t it because of Kuro.

If there was no Kuro at the time, he would not report Kuro’s name after he met Hawk Eyes. If he didn’t report Kuro’s name, he would not have the situation as it is today. There may be other solutions.

Yes, that’s it.

Kulo forced Kuro with his eyes, and that meant it was clear.

Hurry up and solve it for me!

Kuro glanced over there, understood the meaning, rolled his eyes helplessly in his heart.

“Although I really want to be, that person is really not me. I don’t need a knife. Sir, you have admitted the wrong person.”

Kuro said: “I’m just a How could the third-class soldiers of the branch be recognized by the Greatest Swordsman in the World.”

hearing this, the officer’s surprised face disappeared. He let go of Kuro’s hand and took a look at him. He was very tall. Slender, there is no cocoon for holding a knife in his hand. Although it looks explosive, it does not come from the arms, but more from the legs and feet.

He may be a person with good personal skills, but he is definitely not a knife.

Really admit wrong?

The officer sat down and said, “It seems to make sense. It’s just the same name. I heard that Kuro is also Marine. Didn’t he come to the headquarter? It’s a pity, that kind of man should come to the Grand Line, and the headquarter is not scheduled. Is it?”

Headquarter just wants to have scheduling, so you have to find the right person first.

The names are all fake. I only know that it is a Marine, and if someone deliberately hides it, it is of course difficult to find.

Kuro is not the so-called great swordsman. The officers naturally lost their previous enthusiasm. After registering, the three people left the reception area and a special Marine arranged dormitories for them.

Although Kulo is a warrant officer, the warrant officer is not an officer in Marine, but also a soldier, even more how he is a branch warrant officer, so naturally there is no good place to live. He and Kuro are assigned to a dormitory, Li Darze was assigned to the girls’ dormitory.

And in the headquarters, generals and officers are at different levels. Marine generals are the real backbone. As for Admiral, it is the governor level, and Fleet Admiral is the subordinate and superior of the same class.

But these have nothing to do with Kulo. Anyway, he just wants to be promoted to Captain Headquarter. With this rank, he can still lead the Battleship to the world, so Fendi is his previous goal, plus There is a Captain Smoker covering him, which is equal to stability.

According to Kuro’s strategy, there is basically no problem.

The three people went to the cafeteria. The cafeteria in the headquarters was naturally big and nothing to say. It happened to be lunch at this time. The cafeteria was very noisy. The sound of cooking and the sound of Marines eating and chatting formed A very strong smoke and fire.

“It smells so good!”

Leda shook her nose frantically, and the smell of a lot of food poured into her nose, her eyes all shining brightly.

“Good smell…”

Kulo was also shocked by this strong food aroma.

It deserves to be Marineford, where Marine’s base camp is located, and the 153 branch cafeteria and the base cafeteria in Loguetown are not of the same magnitude.

“That’s the best!”

Lida, who shook her nose for a while, pounced like a puppy, and pointed to the pot of meat that was being stewed, “That, That’s it, give it all to me!”

The stewing meat is an uncle, and when he sees a little child coming, he smiles lovingly.

“The little girl knows the goods very well, and the nose is very sensitive. You are very innate talent. How about learning cooking with me.”

“No, I want to eat That pot of meat!”

“I’m the best chef here, are you sure you don’t learn how to cook with me?” uncle said with a smile.

“Meat!” Leda’s eyes lit up, and she never put the uncle words in her ears again.

“Good, good stew, I’ll give you a little more.”

Uncle smiled and was about to get the spoon, but where could Lida wait for that many, a tiger pounce With a mention with both hands, she took the stew pot that was almost the height of her, and brought it to Kulo’s table.

“Kulo, this pot of meat is the best, trust me!” Lida said confidently.

How can I not believe you, your nose is like a dog’s nose.

Kulo rolled his eyes and knocked on Lida, “How many times have you said that you need a lady to eat, such a big canteen, are you afraid that you have no food to eat.”

At the same time, he is also a little relieved. The headquarters is rich and imposing, so that he is not afraid of how much others eat, and he can spend a little less money.

Since Lida came, his money can no longer be regarded as money, now he is finally liberated.

Eat! Eat hard, if you can bankrupt the headquarters, I will dare to challenge the Greatest Swordsman in the World!

Kulo was cruel in his heart. He didn’t believe it anymore. Lida really wanted to bankrupt the headquarters, so he challenged Hawk Eyes to raise such a foodie with Daimyo’s anger.

Of course, with the reserves of the headquarters, Leda really doesn’t have enough.

This time, she was very satisfied with her food.

“Ah, the headquarter food tastes great, better than Bharati, I want to stay here for a long time.”

Out of the cafeteria, Li Da touched his stomach and looked satisfied.

“Hey, Kulo, let’s just stay in the headquarters.”

“Don’t even think about it. What can you do in the headquarters? Think about it for yourself. Headquarters have to face it. They are all the elite Marines of Grand Line. They are all perverted. This is the place with the most Ability Users. The ghost knows what strange abilities come across, it’s Ze…”

Kulo closed his mouth suddenly , Looked at all around and said: “In short, we must keep a low profile and strive to return to East Blue, and don’t show off.”

“But you are already very strong.” Lida asked.

“Huh? I’m strong?”

Kulo exaggeratedly pointed at himself: “Can I beat Hawk Eyes? Even if I get lucky to beat Hawk Eyes, can I beat the Yonko group? It’s not Yonko, it’s Yonko group? Even if I can defeat one Yonko group, can I defeat four Yonko groups?”

“Mr. Kulo, your definition of being strong is…?”


Kuro pushed his glasses and asked the question that he wanted to ask for a long time.

Kulo touched the chin, and said sensibly: “You can defeat Yonko and Shichibukai, so that you can be considered strong.”


This is not only Leda, but even Kuro is a question mark.

I issued a question mark, not because I have the problem, but you have the problem!

Kulo really thinks so, the sea is too dangerous, not to mention that he can’t even beat Hawk Eyes now, he can’t beat him, Admiral is strong, Zephyr is strong enough, isn’t it Pirate cut off his arm when he brought new recruits.

Although Pirate’s identity is a bit special, although there are still hostages on board.

But before that, who knew there was such a person.

Above the sea, there have been more emergencies.

Kulo dare to guarantee that he will not run into a second pervert like this?

In case a more perverted person comes, maybe even Zephyr is not as good as Zephyr, in case of death.

After all, still not enough!

“But now that I’m here at the headquarters, such a rare opportunity, I have to think of a way to find someone who knows Rokushiki and get Rokushiki from his hands.”

Kulo muttered.

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