There are only a few hundred people in the Marine that Cass belongs to. In the face of the countless wild beast groups, the number is obviously too small.

The’White Grand Beast’ formed by white gas, among the multi-colored wild beasts, is the difference between the big beasts and the small beasts, but the small beast still rushes into the wild beast group. The power seems to be stronger than this huge group of wild beasts.

bang! ! !

The White Grand Beast collided with the wild beast group, just like a white awl, it penetrated into the wild beast group and embedded deeply.

Marine in the gas attacked in a unified manner, the knife shot the knife, the gun shot the spear, the offensive and defensive seemed to be one. With the blessing of five times the speed, the wild beast they had penetrated was not an opponent at all. Only one fell to the ground.

No matter how many groups of wild beasts, they can’t attack like arm dictates after all, and facing a uniformly attacked group of Cass, in addition to falling, they will only fall.

“The power has risen, what is this?”

And this scene made Donald very puzzled.

He also rushed in with the Cass group at this time, long spear like a star, the ten-character gun tip pierced a wild beast’s head, and then swiped forward, and the gun blades on both sides of the gun tip passed by. A wild beast nearby, take his head.

Being increased five times the speed, his speed is naturally not slow, and his own strength allows him to do well in the herd.

But why can this group of Marines also do it?

What accelerates is only the speed, but I have not heard that the strength will also accelerate. The power and accuracy of the shooting of these ordinary Marines have obviously been strengthened.

He is not the same as Sazier. Although Sazier has been trained at the headquarters, he is not as experienced as he is. Not to mention Kikyo. Although the shooting skills are not strong, the overall situation is The village girl who has never been outside the country is different from him walking north and south.

So he can see the difference between Cass and the others now.

This is not caused by ability, but the unique power formed by these Marines gathered together.

But it’s not like ability…

Donald looked surprised at the bearded man in the front, shouting the slogan for charging.

This guy, after gathering Marine, his battle strength has obviously strengthened a lot.

Not only strength, Donald saw a wild beast pounce to the side of Marine, and the sharp claws tore to the Marine. It could be a blow, but it was caught on the Marine. , There is only a slight scar, and even the clothes are only a little damaged.

“This is…”

Donald eyes shrank with an unbelievable look.

Is even defensive power enhanced?

What is this kind of power…

Donald doesn’t understand this kind of power very well, but he can be sure that this power seems to only affect the weak?

Or are there other specific conditions?

The three of them were not affected.

“Nail Fist: Bursting Nails!”

Sazil broke into the herd, punched out, and rushed to the dozens of wild beasts in front of them. Suffered a heavy blow, a certain part of his body sank in, flew out and lay down.


A stern bird song sounded behind Sazier. He turned his head and saw that an eagle leaped towards him with open claws, Sazier. Just about to attack, suddenly an arrow appeared from nowhere, and an arrow pierced through the eagle’s body, took its body to shoot straight back, and nailed it to the city wall in front.

Strong force.

Sazil took a look behind him, and saw that Kikyo stretched his bow and pulled arrows, shooting at the birds in the sky one by one. Each arrow can accurately penetrate a wild beast.

With five times the blessing, the speed at which she draws the bow is simply invisible to ordinary people.

The wild beast group that rushed in, under their blow, gradually began to shrink.


Platycodon grandiflorum killed a wild beast with another arrow, lowered the bow and muttered.

There are already many wild beast corpses on the ground now, but these wild beasts show no signs of retreating. According to her hunting experience, if wild beasts with so many casualties are dead and injured, they should have retreated long ago.

Moreover, this is not right in itself. She has never seen carnivores and herbivores together.


The unique vibration on the ground made the bellflower condensed slightly, and subconsciously looked towards the front, the giant lion ape whose head is higher than the city wall, now with one hand Grabbing the city wall, the claw that kicked open the city gates has been retracted, and the feet are standing together. From the city gate, Kikyo can see its knees bend there.

That posture…

“Be careful!” Kikyo called out: “The lion is going to jump over!”


tone barely fell, and saw the giant claw on the city wall by the lion and ape slamming hard, taking off with both feet, using the tall city wall as a fence, supporting the jumper with one hand, it’s huge The body, straight moved towards the landing of Cass embedded in the wild beast group.

Cass was pushing back the wild beast group step by step, and suddenly felt the darkness above his head. When he looked up, he saw a pair of huge claws stepping on him.


He raised his saber and commanded calmly.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this White Grand Beast, shrouded in white gas, is like a rabbit. Before the monster was stepped on, it shivered and hid.

Boom! ! !

The lion ape’s huge body fell to the ground, and his feet did not know how many living creatures were trampled to death, and how many animal carcasses flew away.

“áo hǒu !!!!”

It stood on the street, held the Naginata hand and played with a sledgehammer, hitting the Naginata heavily on the ground, and facing it forcefully The royal palace direction roar.

The resentment in that voice can be heard by individuals.

“Monster is here!”

“Don’t panic, Marine, Master Marine said he would protect us!”

“Yes, yeah.. .”

The people in the rear began to commotion. Although Cass’ words made them feel at ease, no one can guarantee that they will really be safe in the face of the ten-meter-high golden monster.

“Try it…”

At this time, Donald quickly moved to the side of the lion ape, swiping his finger back, and the chain that bound the handle of the gun fell off. Hold the chain tightly and twist it round the top of your head like a Meteor Hammer.


As soon as Donald stepped on his feet, his whole body almost turned into an afterimage, and he quickly jumped at the lion ape. The ten-character spear was half round, and a blow went straight to the lion ape’s eyes. Location.

His own speed is not slow, and now he has five times the speed, such a huge guy, impossible to react so easily.


Just as the blade of the gun was about to hit the giant eyeball of the lion ape, suddenly the huge body’s head was lightly curled, and the blade of the gun was attached Scratching its temples, the lion’s pupils moved horizontally, looking towards Donald who was jumping high in the sky.

There was contempt and disdain in those eyes.

Donald clenched the teeth fiercely, his five fingers held the chain and pulled the ten-character gun back, and the gun body was set in his fingers. He clenched the long spear tightly and quickly moved towards the lion’s temple. Burst into the past.

This is a hit, so it’s okay!


A golden arm suddenly stopped in front of him, and the arm swung down and slapped Donald down like a fly.


With tremendous force, Donald’s whole body was printed on the ground. He coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. Before he could rest, the lion’s hand It changed into a punch and smashed with one punch.

Donald quickly got up, the tip of the gun hit the ground, and he slid back to the back, avoiding the violent punch.

“Sure enough…”

He took a few deep breaths and looked at the huge monster solemnly.

His skill is called [Renwu Gun]. In the words of the Master, this is a martial skill used on people.

Whether it is Kuro or whoever is, if it is a human form, then his skill is very useful.

But for this kind of giant beast, the tricky changes in [Human Wuqiang] seem to have little effect.

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