“The Pirate King…”

Leidfield stood up with strong support and shouted at Kulo lost self-control: “That’s It’s not a stinky Pirate King, that’s the place Roger has ever boarded. It is the throne of all Pirate yearn for something even in dreams. It’s the same dream as you Marine who want to be Admiral and Fleet Admiral!”

Kulo looked at him quietly and asked: “So, what can be different?”

This shocked Lederfield.


What can be different.

Why would I say such a thing, this is not equivalent to acknowledging the dream of Marine and Pirate, there is no level in nature?

So these people are no different?


Leidfield was stunned for a long time, and suddenly Issho said, “A new generation of little demon, is it so sharp and sharp?”

That smile In, a lot of relief.

He straightened his figure and scanned the water ball above his body that could reflect his body. Seeing himself in the water ball, he was no longer as hideous and distorted as before, although he was still covered in mud and blood. , But it looks like a gentleman.

He picked up the bat umbrella on the ground, held it in his hand and stared blankly, “Old times…”

Speaking, he looked towards Kulo again.

This young Marine, holding a black blade, looks vigorous.

His gaze turned again, and he placed the Marine under the huge white shield, each with a firm expression, but looking at them, they were all young, no one over forty.

For Lederfield today, it is already very young.

“The old days…are they really gone?”

Leidfield chuckled and shook his head, squeezed the bat umbrella, and looked directly at Kulo, “Don’t Look down on the old days, little demon, we are not as unbearable as you said!”

He erected the bat umbrella in front, Haki resurfaced on the umbrella, he said with a smile: “After all, you are I learned something from this Old Guy.”

Hearing this, Kulo smiled, “Acknowledge that I am old…”

He clenched limpid autumn tightly. water, rushed over again, “Then do it well, and give what you can leave to future generations!”

Two figures, continue to flash in this space, use They all have the same pace and speed. In the eyes of everyone, they appear to be teleporting. They suddenly appear here, slash collision, and then turn into two afterimages, appear on the other side, and continue to collide.




This time, Kulo stopped raining, and Lederfield had no plans to break through from other places. It was such a one-to-one high-intensity collision.

The black golden electric current Haki and the purple vortex Haki constantly collide and transfer in space, and the ground hitting the ground is no longer the same.

This place has been fighting for a long time before, and the guns failed to make a huge change in the terrain, but under the attack of these two people, it has split into several petals, and the sea water gushes out from it. , Tumbling constantly in this crack.

The battle continued until the night sky gradually cleared and gradually turned yellow, and a round of great sun emerged from the east.

bang! ! !

With the last loud noise, Lederfield’s figure dodges and stands still, his chest is constantly undulating, and the rhythmic breathing noise is rising from his nose and swept across the bat. Haki on the umbrella disappeared completely.

whiz whiz whiz!

On the other side, Kulo’s figure is like a ghost, standing opposite Lederfield after a few flashes.

Gold Haki, which is like a lightning glow, has gradually faded from the blade of limpid autumn water.

“No need to take care of my Old Guy!”

Leidfield’s green veins were exposed and roared: “I can still fight!”

“Don’t get me wrong Now…”

Kulo lifted the limpid autumn water horizontally, with two fingers and one wipe, indifferently said: “I never think that your rank is so easy to deal with, but I just want to use it. I just developed a powerful style.”

Two fingers rubbed the blade, and a golden glow appeared. The rising red sun behind the golden glow made the rays of light appear bloody red. The dazzling light.

“Originally, this trick belongs to a stage that is about to be completed. The way you use speed makes this trick perfect.”

He shakes limpid autumn water with both hands. Holding it, leaning down beside him, put on a posture of’reverse cassock cut’.

“Oh? Use my speed to get the style, I would like to meet.”

Leidfield once again erected the bat umbrella in front, took a deep breath, loudly said: “Come on! Let me see and see the power of the new era in this old age!”


The rise of the red sun seems to have brought it up The wind, blowing forward from behind Kulo, blew Lederfield’s braids, causing him to squint subconsciously.


At the moment when the wind was floating, Kulo’s figure appeared behind Lederfield, and the speed could not be said to have changed in the blink of an eye, even with eyes open. , I didn’t even see how Kulo moved past, like a ghost.

That’reverse robes chop’ seemed to be chopped out. Kulo kept the position of chopping, then pulled a knife and inserted the blade into the scabbard.

“This is the power of your new age?” Lederfield asked slowly with his back to him.

The blade is gradually incorporated into the scabbard.

Kulo said: “Yes, the power of the new era, listen carefully, you haven’t felt it for a long time, the rhythm of the wind.”


The blade, close up.

“Profound Truth, cut with a single knife, never want to kill the white tiger.”

Kulo indifferently said: “Have you heard, the sound of the divine wind.”

chi!! !

Lederfield’s body burst open with a huge opening, and the body that appeared diagonally, pulled from the shoulder to the waist, the blood spurted out like a fountain, scattered blood-colored flowers, in the red sun. Below, it looks very gorgeous.


He extended the hand, pointing his five fingers at the rising red sun, as if he wanted it to grab it.

That represents a fresh start, and it also represents his ambition to regain his youth.

“Take it, take it all, although I am not like Skee, even the fruit is considered as a gift to you, but there is always something you can use, and it will be Old Guy for me. Take a look at what the new era looks like.”

He shook his hand for a long while, and suddenly released the five fingers he wanted to hold, a smile of relief appeared at the corner of his mouth, looking at the gradually rising sun. , Murmured: “That’s great, the new era…”


The body, fall down.

Blood continuously flowed out of his fallen body, and under the sun, a neon color was actually illuminated, setting off Lederfield’s bloody body and reflecting it very brightly.

“You have been watching the appearance of the new era, but you just didn’t find it.”

Kulo turned around, sighed, “from the very beginning, you just want to Now, ideals and ambitions. Everyone has everyone’s ideas that’s all. Of course, I don’t have the right to say that your ideals are the same, that’s all.”

So, I must be safe. When a salted fish is eating and drinking merrily, it is right!

The ideal is not high or low! ! !

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