“That’s it, it’s over, I’m going back, you guys do it yourself.”

Kulo waved his hand, suddenly thought of something, and asked again, yes The kings of the Four Kingdoms fiercely said: “Remember what I just said, that is an ordinary Pirate!”

The kings of the Four Kingdoms are nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

“I slid away, this is nothing wrong, I’m exhausted.”

Kulo took out a cigar, and was about to turn around to evacuate. Suddenly, he saw Kas. Looking at himself solemnly.

This hot-blooded idiot with a beard, tears all over his face, entangled with the beard, pointed to the copy soldiers and shouted: “Kulo Commodore, these people, can I take them back!”


Forget this…

Kulo looked at the duplicating soldiers who stood straight and expressionless, but seemed to glow in their eyes.

“Kuro, send a message to the nearby branch and let them get a few Battleships over.”

Kulo sighed, helpless instructed.

What can I do if I don’t take it away. If I stay here, doesn’t it mean losing my faith?

Vinsmok doesn’t want traitors, and the kings of the Four Kingdoms are afraid of these people. If they don’t want them, then these people will be finished.

“Go back and bring your own!”

Kulo glared at Cass, and said, “You can do it yourself with your soldiers. Let’s get into the post one by one!”

“Yes! Kulo Commodore!” Kasden saluted, tears in his eyes.

“I knew that Kulo Commodore would definitely accept them. After all, they have a heart and are already a pure human! Friends, this is our beloved Kulo Commodore, how great!”

“Kulo Commodore, great!!!” The copy soldiers roared together.

“Stop, stop, don’t bother me.”

More than three thousand people roared, who can stand it.

Kulo waved his hand, glanced at Cass disgustingly, and moved towards the port.

“Hey, Kulo, I didn’t see how you did the trick just now.”

Leda followed and asked curiously.

“I’m not developing a potential knife…”

Kulo thought for a while, and said: “Qinglong cut borrows the water force, and the white tiger kill borrows the wind force. This Profound Truth’s power is to kill all in the range. In addition to the speed I just learned, it’s normal for you to not see clearly. Anyway… Have you learned Lederfield’s speed deployment method?”

Leda nodded: “I understand, but I can’t do it.”

The speed display, but it needs a physique to support, she really can’t do it now.

“It’s okay, take your time, don’t worry about this kind of thing.” Kulo touched Lida’s head, said with a smile.

“Really, don’t touch my hairstyle!”

Lida curl one’s lip, but did not interrupt Kulo’s movement, just disgusted and said: “You are so dirty. It’s bloodstained.”

“Isn’t it wiped off, it’s really…”

“Boo 啰啵啰啵啰…”

Kulo rubbed vigorously, and suddenly Den Den Mushi on his wrist rang.

He let go of his hand, opened the watch, and connected with a’click’.

“Moximosi?” Kulo asked.


Then Den Den Mushi pouted, showing a wretched attitude, “I actually picked it up immediately. Is the investigation over?”


“It’s over. I will send you the report in paper form. I will go back to West Blue first. I will not go to the headquarter. Remember to mail me the cigar.” Kulo said.

“I’m afraid it won’t work. If it’s over, come and report to the old man. You have been called up. Now I will call you up with the headquarters command to come to Punk Hazard.”

” Huh?”

Kulo froze for a moment, and said: “The headquarter command? Is it so formal?”

“Yes, it’s very formal. The old man is waiting for you there, as soon as possible. , You are a battle strength, but you need to defend the battle. Also, don’t talk nonsense, the less people know about this, the better.” Kizaru said slowly in Den Den Mushi.

“Forget it…I know, hang up, Old Master.”

Kulo hung up the phone, sighed, and said to Kuro: “Add one more to the nearby base News, get a permanent pointer for Punk Hazard.”

“Yes, Mr. Kulo.”

Kuro beckoned, let a correspondent Marine follow, holding Den Den Mushi went to contact.

“What’s wrong?” Leda said curiously.

“Hey, what else, the two Peak monsters on the sea are going to a duel, for the position of Fleet Admiral.”

Kulo slapped his lips, “Faith is discord, justice is not allowed When Sengoku was there, it was okay. Everyone was Admiral and played different things, but if one went to the top, the other would definitely not agree, then the only winner would be justice.”

“You said Akainu Admiral and precognition Admiral?” Lida stared wide-eyed, “Is the headquarter already so nervous?”

“Let you know how to eat every day and not pay attention to the situation, you think Am I staying in West Blue purely for comfort?!” Kulo said in an angry voice.

Isn’t it?

Leda rolled her eyes secretly.

“Of course it was because the atmosphere in the headquarters was too tense. At that time, there were too many troubles in the headquarters. It’s better to find a place to be clean and clean.” Kulo solemnly vowed.

No, you are for safety and enjoyment.

Leda gave him a disgusting look.

“What about now? Are we going there?”

“Well, the headquarters has all issued a summoning order, so I have to go there. Let’s go to the station. It’s such a big battle. However, if a little bit of news spreads, I’m afraid it will not end well. This time the news is hidden in the headquarter, and only a few will know it. Isn’t it because I’m afraid that the news will go too far.”

Kulo said, looking at Cass.

He was thinking whether he would let him go back first, or just take it with him.

Think about it, let’s just carry it like this…

This idiot now has three thousand elites under his hand. In case he gets on his head, what big Pirates would he hit? If he goes up, then he won’t live anymore.

For the battle strength of these three thousand people, Kulo feels that anyone can do it. He feels scalp numb when he sees it.

After a while, Marine from the nearby base drove a few Battleships over. After the handover, the three thousand replica soldiers boarded the ship together and followed Kulo to the destination.

The kings of the Four Kingdoms watched the Battleship go away. You look at me and I look at you. Finally, one person asked in confusion: “What he said just now meant for us to propagate it?”


“It should be…”

Another king touched the chin and looked towards Lederfield’s body, “After all, this is the’Red Earl’, the legendary Great Pirate, we’ve all heard of it. Although the arrest warrant disappeared after the catch, it’s still famous. Kulo Commodore threatened us, do you want to use our hands to promote it again?”

“After all, he It’s Marine. It’s impossible to take credit for catching Great Pirate.” A king thought for a while and said, “Maybe he thinks he has no influence to bring back, so I need the energy of our kings?”

“Yes, Marine. If others promote it, it is better than self-promotion. Besides, we are still kings…”

“Yes! This is probably what I mean, otherwise why is it so exaggerated? He threatened us and threatened it twice. In fact, we don’t have to do that, we will help him propagandize on our own.” The last king affirmed.

“No…That would be more deterrent. We dare not miss it.”

“Then how can we achieve more powerful propaganda… .”

Several people were thinking there. Suddenly, a king’s eyes lit up and pointed to a camera on the hillside in front of him, “Ah! That…”

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