bang!! !

From the island of Punk Hazard, an airflow of alternating hot and cold suddenly aroused, rushing to the surrounding Battleship quickly.

“It’s cold!”

Half of Marine on the Battleship hugged his body, shiver coldly.

“It’s so hot!”

The other half is sweating quickly all over, as if it has evaporated. The sweat turns into gas, and the hot breath makes the space all Somewhat distorted.

“Hey, is it so exaggerated…”

Kulo looked at Punk Hazard’s island blankly, and couldn’t bite the cigar on his mouth.

The island has completely changed.

Countless frost condensed in half of the area, and those frost gradually thickened, forming a thick layer of ice, which spread to the sea very quickly, and the sea near the island quickly condensed into ice.

The other half, like mountains bursting and ground splitting, has become a red purgatory land, and the hot air makes the sea near the island boil and bubbling.

Heat and cold collide, the air current rises, and on a clear day, the dark clouds press on top, and the thunderbolt flickers, making a thunderous sound in the sky.

The climate, terrain, and air have all changed.

And this is just a simple collision!

In the center of the island, Akainu gushes out of magma and collides with the precognition that has all frozen.


Akainu roared, lava gushing out of both hands, and hit it.


The precognition was punched, turned into scattered ice, and then quickly condensed. The figure flashed to the side of Akainu, and the palm stretched out an Icicle, which was stabbed at once. past.

The Icicle touched Akainu and instantly condensed ice on Akainu’s body. The lava was frozen and turned into black rocks.


But soon, the ice cube evaporated and melted. Akainu’s arm emitted a cloud of white steam, which gushed out the mamaga again, and hit the precognition.

One is ice and the other is lava. In natural confrontation, it seems difficult to tell the winner.

“Is it necessary to be so intense at first?”

Kulo was secretly speechless when watching this scene.

“After all, it’s a battle of ideas, so terrifying… this kind of intensity.” Kizaru was surprised.

Kulo spit out smoke and looked at the island.

Akainu, Sakazuki, now fifty-four years old, is now completely at the peak period.

precognition, Kuzan, now forty-eight years old, although younger, it is a’monster’ type after all.

Everyone is System trained by Marine and taught by Zephyr. Together with other Marine training, their abilities, Haki, and physical skills are all in the same state, even if it is sword The technique is actually not much worse.

Sakazuki knows the sword technique, so does Kuzan, and Kulo can detect this.

Including his Old Master, the sword technique is also very strong.

This is going to go on. According to this serious situation, the situation will not be able to tell the winner for a while.


peng~ peng~!

The two sides on the island have gone through a series of abilities to fight each other and opened up the distance.

“Big fire!”

Akainu spewed out lava from his arm, and the lava turned into a huge fist shape and hit the precognition with one punch.

This move, even in the face of an iceberg dozens of times larger than this fist, will evaporate instantly.

Precognition took a step back, stretched out one hand ninety degrees, and pointed at Akainu like a knife, coldly said: “Ice Block: Pheasant Beak!”

A huge ice bird was formed, and it rushed towards the outstretched lava fist with an incomparable impact.

Where the ice bird passed, the ground that was already on the ice surface was frozen again into a layer of ice, which collided with the lava fist.

bang!! !

One red and one white collided, and the hot and cold air currents rose again, and several lightning slammed down and landed within the range of the two.

It’s just a thunderbolt, and it can’t hurt both sides who are both natural.

The bodies of Akainu and precognition were suddenly flooded by lightning that was as thick as a bucket. Only for a moment, in the lava field behind Akainu, his body slowly condensed from the ground, and the other shattered into ice crystals. , And then condense on the ice.

One is just a natural phenomenon, and these two represent the personification of natural phenomena, of course they are incomparable.

bang bang bang!

The blown ice bird ice cube and the blown lava fist, at this time, turned into volcanic bombs and large ice cubes around, toward the sea Scattered.

“Oops! These things are coming!”

“Quick, run away!”

Marines have lost one’s head out of fear. Shouting.

What a joke, if these things land, the ship will sink.

“What is noisy!”

The ghost spider shouted: “The weak will retreat. You can’t support this little scene. How can you be qualified to watch the battle!”

“Oh~ it’s really terrifying, Kulo.” Kizaru raised his eyes to the sky and called out.

“Hey, Old Master, why don’t you make a move.” Kulo scratched his head and said.

“The old man can’t make a move, it will cause misunderstanding. Although other people can do it, it is more convenient for you. You can use the ability that can block the attack.” Kizaru laughed.

“In this situation, don’t hide it, Kulo, you can’t just let my old lady go up and stop it.” Crane said indifferently there.

“I’m just here to watch the battle…”

Kulo faintly sighed, he drew out the limpid autumn water, rubbed his two fingers on the blade, carried a golden glow, and waved Got out.

“Black Tortoise.”

A huge group of Black Tortoise illusory shadows cover these ships.

bang bang bang!

Ice cubes and volcanic bombs smashed past, hitting the Black Tortoise shell, like a barrier, bounced on the shell or was affected by the impact Shattered.

This scene made Marine Generals, who had never seen Kulo use the four gods Profound Truth, opened their eyes.

“That’s the sword technique that Borsalino has always praised. To be honest, it’s the first time I have seen me.” Sengoku was surprised.

Speaking of which, he had never seen Kulo use such a magical sword technique during the war at the top.

Except for the knife he slashed Akagami, and the pool of water that flooded the Blackbeard’s forces revealed a little, nothing else has really been seen.

“So, why would you waste a long time in North Blue? It doesn’t suit you at all, Kulo Commodore.” The ghost spider looked towards Kulo.

He still admires Kulo, but it means hate iron for not becoming steel. It seems that he has been with Admiral Kizaru for too long and has some bad habits.

Otherwise, he is now more than Commodore.

What are you going to try with Lederfield!

Kulo glanced at the ghost spider speechlessly.

“It’s amazing, can the sword technique simulate Illusory Beast?”

Momousagi’s hand subconsciously supported the hilt.

“Oh, this is really spectacular.” Tokikake looked towards the top in surprise, “It’s really reliable.”

Other Vice Admiral and faintly discernable are exposed. A hint of smile.

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