Under the flying of news seagulls, newspapers fly to the whole world like snowflakes.

New World, an island.

“Boss, Boss!”

A Pirate hurriedly ran over with a newspaper in his hand, gasped for breath said: “This newspaper , This newspaper…”

“Don’t worry, you can say something slowly.”

At this time, in this small area, there are a few people standing or sitting Gather there.

A fatty with sunglasses was biting a piece of meat, chewing it for a few times, and swallowing it in his stomach.

A man with dreadlocks is maintaining his musket.

And an aquiline nose man, with a cigarette holder in his mouth, stood next to a red-haired man.

The Akagami man poured a glass of rum with one hand and handed it to the man with the newspaper.

“Don’t worry, speak slowly.”

The voice is very soft, but it has a calming effect, calming the flustered person.

He thanked him, took the glass of wine, took a few sips, took a breath, handed the newspaper over, and said: “Boss! Lederfield is dead! Killed by a Marine Dead!”


The aquiline nose man was slightly taken aback when he heard this, “You said that lonely red? Dead? That’ Old Senior’, isn’t it impel down long ago? Was it executed?”

“That uncle…”

The red-haired man was also a little dazed. Then he shook his head and laughed, reached out to take the newspaper, and said: “What is Marine doing? It’s obviously already a big hit. Do you want to execute the older generation for it?”

As soon as he finished saying this, he saw the cover of the newspaper. With just one glance, the red-haired man’s pupils shrank, and he touched his chest subconsciously.

At the same time, the aquiline nose man standing next to him lowered his head and saw the picture in the newspaper, and was surprised: “It’s that man…”

“Hero of the Marines” Kill the lonely high red! 》

This is the banner of the title.

And the photo is the photo of Kulo closing the knife and Lederfield falling.

“It’s him…”

Akagami rubbed his chest. On the open-collared shirt, his chest was exposed, and there was a huge scar on the chest.

“Every time I think about it, my chest still hurts. This Marine, Lucifer · Kulo, has begun to show his fangs?” Akagami shook his head and handed the newspaper to the Beckman next to him.

Beckman took it, glanced at it carefully, and said, “It should be Teach, no, after Blackbeard made an uproar at Impel Down, Earl Red escaped from the prison, but I don’t know why this man discovered it. Now, he has the strength to solve Lederfield, this news is true.”


Akagami lifting his head, looking towards the sky, sighed: “I don’t know where it should be.”


Also in New World, on an island.

hong long long!

The island was shaking inexplicably, and the buildings broke apart one by one.

“The admiral has started again.”

“This ability is really strong!”

In the tavern, a group of Pirates stared at the shaking and scattered The wooden wine glass that comes out of the liquor is admired and fearful.

“I said, the admiral is in a good mood today?”

“It seems not, it seems that it is because of a certain newspaper that it started to shake.”

In the tallest building on the island, Teach fiercely looked at a newspaper in front of him at this time, and suddenly punched in the air.

hong long long!

The vibration started to ring again.

“Wei hahahaha, captain, that man killed Lederfield, I remember if you invited him.” Chishas Bashas raised his arms and put on a toned look. That laughed.

“Call the admiral, fool.” On the other side, Shiliew, wearing an Impel Down uniform, but with a hat changed to a skull, wiped his knife, and said something along the way.

Next, he looked towards the newspaper on the table and said: “Leidfield? It’s a pity, there has been no chance to kill him in prison.”

The man who punched his fist had a rough appearance, thick hair on his body, and a burly figure. It was Marshall D. Teach. But compared to a year ago, his beard, which was just a scumbag, had four braids. Captain’s cap.

“Thief hahahaha!”

Teach opened his teeth, which was not so missing, and laughed: “I was taken care of by him a lot, now I want to come The knife cut that was densely packed still hurts, but I finally got it!”

He looked towards the person in the photo, and continued to say with a smile: “Thief hahaha, you also start Have you acted? Let us compare, whoever stands in the highest position first!”


New World, Totto Land.

“Mama, Mama, big news, Lederfield was killed by a Marine!”

In a palace that was almost dark, a long-legged man swallowed a mouthful of saliva. , Tremblingly handed the news paper forward.

In the front, an incomparable gigantic face suddenly appeared from the darkness, and the long-legged man looked extremely small under that face.


The voice was a little slow, it seemed to be a memory.

“Well, well, well!”

The voice laughed: “That Old Guy, is he finally dead?”


New World, the island of ghosts.


The roar is deafening, making the Pirates of Ghost Island keep quiet out of fear one by one.

The roaring sound is the world’s strongest person today, known as the strongest creature in the’sea, land and air’, and the king of the kingdom of harmony, Kaido, the’hundred beasts’!

Every time he roars like this, someone must ask for bad luck.

“That little demon! That little demon!!!”

In a huge hole**, Kaido clenched fists with both hands and exploded blue veins on his body. The sound waves made the inside of the cave tremble extremely fast, and Pirate, who was so terrified, was all trembling there.

On his chest, in addition to a cross-shaped scar on the waist and abdomen, there are two longer scars on the chest, one of which is a vertical line from his chest to the On the abdomen, there is a slightly slanted line, which is not as long as it is intertwined. With his roar, the scar is faintly red.

On the rock wall, nailed a newspaper with a dagger, on it is the picture of Kulo beheading Lederfield.

“It’s boring, it’s so boring!!!”

Kaido kicked off the bottle gourd beside her foot, and the bottle gourd shot and hit a Pirate hard. With great force on his face, the bottle gourd sank deep into his face and flew out with the Pirate.

“Can no one kill Laozi!!!”

The voice continued to roar on the island of ghosts.



“Oh~ this is really…”

Admiral office.

Kizaru looked at the newspaper in front of him in surprise. How about very terrifying…”

He looked up towards the Marine who reported it, and said: “Where is Kulo? “

“Report! “

The Marine has a strong body and honestly replied: “Kulo Commodore has returned to West Blue.” “

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