After Garp and Sengoku played here for a few days, they finally found Kulo, who had been slow to set off.

“You should go now.” Sengoku said to Kulo who was in the office: “Who chooses by the subordinates who stay behind, we will report to you.”

“I feel I am affected. I was seriously injured, really.” Kulo was very sincere.

But these two Old Guys just looked at Kulo directly as if they didn’t hear them.

Kulo sighed: “Kas, just Kas, he and his direct staff are stationed in West Blue, and the others will follow me.”

This is the result of his selection. .

Lida was impossible to stay. First, he was worried, for fear that she would have eaten up the good situation. Second, Leda was unwilling.

Kuro…He often uses it to carry the pot, and it is easy to use, and it is impossible to put it.

The only thing that can be put is Cass.

If this guy is stationed in West Blue, with the current peaceful environment of Pegasus Island, there is basically no chance to show him.

He stayed in West Blue, and Kulo just got rid of an enemy of his life. Let him stay here with his “doglegs”.

The others were taken by Kulo and drove the Battleship to the Champagne land.

Of course, before that, he has to go back to the headquarters for a promotion ceremony.

In addition, Akainu also has something to look for him.


Due to the gradual migration of the headquarters, the number of Marineford’s Marines has decreased a lot. Most of the Marines have been moved to the G-1headquarters of New World under the leadership of Vice Admiral.

However, due to government affairs, Akainu and Kizaru are still here.

When Kulo came, he went to Kizaru’s office first.

“Oh~Kulo, you are here.”

Kizaru was still cutting his nails, and when he saw Kulo coming in with a gloomy expression, he put down the nail clippers, said curiously:” Who made you angry?”

Kulo rolled his eyes, opened the chair and sat down unceremoniously, erecting Erlang’s legs in an unimaginative manner, “What else can I do, I’m flying.” Ma Dao stayed well, why did you want me to come back and get me a promotion, Rear Admiral? Heh…”

“It turned out to be resentful…”

Kizaru nodded, “There’s no way. The World Government’s decision, Marine’s objections are of little significance. Moreover, you are still my subordinate, and it’s a bit difficult to promote directly to Admiral.”

Of course he is very resentful.

He was indulging in the dream of safety and comfort not being promoted. He was suddenly woken up by a newspaper. Everyone felt resentful about this matter.

If the kings of the Four Kingdoms did not announce, his dream would have become true.

Kizaru laughed and said: “But, good job, you killed Lederfield, it really boosted Marine’s morale.”

I went straight to a ghost. Admiral!

Also, Admiral, I can do it with miso, and dip the green onions in the miso.

“I can’t talk with you.”

Kulo waved his hand and said: “Speaking of Old Master, why are you still not leaving, don’t you want to move the headquarters?”

“Oh~ this kind of thing, isn’t this waiting for you, otherwise, we won’t be able to see each other for a long time later, oh, seeing you, the old man will leave tomorrow and go to the new headquarters to do it Stationed.” Kizaru said.

The ghost wants to see you.

Kulo pursed his lips. How many times has he been to the headquarters, and every time he is okay.

Last time if he didn’t come to the headquarters, he would not go to North Blue. If he didn’t go to North Blue, he would not have met Lederfield, nor would he have been promoted if he had not come to the old ghost. .

“Okay, don’t bother you, I’ll go find Akainu Fleet Admiral first.” Kulo stood up and was about to leave.

“Wait a minute, Kulo.”

Kizaru stopped him and said, “Sentomaru, he has officially joined Marine. I chose him as the former head of the base of Chambord. But if you come, he will be there for you.”

“Oh? Begapunk let him out?” Kulo was surprised.

“Yes, because the weapon production is on the right track, I always need to try it out. The shampoo place is a good place.”

“Okay, when the time comes let him Come here directly.”

Kulo waved his hand and left Kizaru’s office.


Kizaru looked at his back and shook his head: “There is grievance. The World Government has done this, but it is very bad…”


Akainu office.

He has taken the place of Sengoku. Of course, he has entered Sengoku’s office at this time. The plaque on the office has also been changed from’Monarch Overlooking The Whole World’s justice’ to’complete justice’.

Perhaps because the sun is on the back, the light in the office is very dim at this time, and the face sitting inside can’t be seen clearly, only the cigar lighted by the fire star can be seen.

Kulo didn’t see the face that began to grow beard until the silhouette lifting his head.

“Oh…you’re here, Kulo.”

When Akainu spoke, the scar on his face connected to his neck was faintly distorted.

Fighting with Kuzan, his injuries are not lighter.

“Akainu Fleet Admiral.”

Kulo stood in the room and saluted him.

Akainu smiled slightly and threw him a cigar, “Try it, my taste is different from Borsalino’s, maybe you will like it.”

“That I’m not welcome.”

Kulo took the cigar, pulled out the chair, sat down, and lighted it up.

The smoke entrance, Kulo slightly frowned, the smoke…a bit pungent, but after the pungent, you can also taste a little sweetness.

Just like Akainu’s temperament.

“It’s okay.” Kulo bit his cigar and leaned back naturally, “Speaking of which, why are you looking for me?”

“Just ask you something.” Akainu said, “Although you are only Rear Admiral now, don’t forget the honor of Marine.”


Kulo tilted his head, a little confused.

What does this mean?

“Originally, based on your merits, now that Admiral’s position is lacking, you can go straight up, but you must have heard that the world conquer has its own considerations…”


When Akainu said this, he couldn’t help clenching his fists, the fiery red color was all over the gloves, and a burnt smell emerged from the table.

“Don’t be discouraged when you go to the shampoo, there will be room for you to play.”

Akainu smiled at him, “Anyway, you got a promotion, Lucifer · Kulo.”

This Old Guy…

Kulo looked at him as if he had met Akainu again.


Is such a sturdy person actually saying such gentle words?

Although these words are not considered gentle to others, they should be tailored to specific cases.

Akainu, a person who knows that something is wrong and will not look back, can say such things…

The position of Fleet Admiral seems to be very hard.

“I see, Akainu Fleet Admiral.”

Kulo nodded and said: “I will work hard.”

Akainu nodded and said:” Well, in addition to the base of Chambord, Marineford, you have direct command. This is the headquarter’s compensation to you. Let’s play as much as you like. I’ll leave it to you for the first half of the Grand Line!”

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