
Bellamy suddenly bounced and shot, his legs and feet made a muffled noise on the ground, and he rushed towards the tall woman at a very fast speed.

The tall woman was coldly snorted. When Bellamy approached her, she saw her arm flashed, and the pistol was in her hand, facing Bellamy’s eyebrows. .


The finger made a slight noise because of pulling the trigger.

Bellamy’s eyes shrank, his body stopped abruptly on the ground, his calf changed into a spring-like appearance, he leaped back hard, and bounced high into the air.

Boom! !

A bullet passed through his original location, hit the ground, and punched a deep hole in the ground.

Bellamy flew onto a giant tree behind, crouching on it with his legs horizontally, before he could be surprised, a bullet turned into a black shadow and attacked.


Bellamy’s arm was also infested by Busoshoku Haki. He stretched out his hand subconsciously to block it, and only heard a crisp sound. A shuttle-shaped projectile stopped in front of his arm, and the bullet kept spinning on it. , Finally lost its kinetic energy and fell down.

“Busoshoku Haki!”

Bellamy was surprised.

The tall woman raised her pistol, blew the gunpowder from the muzzle, and said: “It seems that you will too,’hyena’, and it’s not useless.”

“Less Big talk!”

The springs on Bellamy’s legs kept compressing inward, igniting waves of air.

He lifted his head to the tall woman with a grinning grin: “‘Quick Gunner’ Annie, I don’t know if you can catch my punch!”

“Then you try too , Don’t be shot by my gun.”

Anni moved her arm and pointed her gun at Bellamy.

At the same time, the hands behind her raised their pistols one by one and aimed at Bellamy.

“Stop it!”

Just as Bellamy was about to jump, a voice came from a distance.


After hearing only a strange cry, a silhouette of a horse riding a horse appeared from a distance, and the horse was shaking like Came here as if drunk, but the speed was not slow, and it quickly appeared in the eyes of everyone.

It was a donkey with long ears, his white teeth barked, and a particularly wretched smile, shaking his head there, making a weird and piercing cry, “Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh —Ah!”

A man in ragged armor with a helmet with a rusty long sword on his waist was riding on it. The worn armor could not cover his arms and calves. From this point of view, the man is scrawny.

He stretched out his thin bone-like arms, touched the head of the long-eared donkey, and made a hoarse voice: “Pegasus, stop barking.”

“Ah ——Yeah!”

The donkey raised his head and screamed, as if to express that he heard it, and then he stopped.

“Russell’Pegasus Knight’.”

Anne said solemnly: “What are you doing here, do you persuade you to fight?”

Russell nodded, “Yes, in Chambord, we are not enemies. After going to sea, we all rely on our ability.”

Annie sarcastically said: “Wearing armor and helmet, you really think you are Knight? Less talk of this, Pirate is free to do what he wants!”

As soon as this was said, half of her men pointed their guns at Russell.

Russell’s hand is attached to the sword hilt of the rusty long sword, “Pirate is also glorious. Fighting here is not an act of honor. If so…


Russell suddenly pulled out the rust sword, and the rust on the spine of the sword fell to a layer, revealing a riddled hole.

hong long long …

However, the moment he drew his sword, the earth trembled, and a roll of smoke and dust rose from the horizon behind him, following a wave of horseshoes The sound of the galloping sounded, and a group of brightly armored heavy cavalry riding on tall horses, almost armed to the teeth, galloped over and appeared behind Russell.

They are tall and straight, their sword blades are full of cold glow, and the horses under the crotch are very beautiful. Compared with the thin Russell in front, they are not at the same level.

Russell erected the rust sword on his chest. Following his movements, the knights all erected the long sword on his chest.

“Then, I can only use military force to dissuade you!” Russell made a hoarse but powerful voice from inside the mask.

“This guy…” Bellamy was taken aback for a moment, looking at Russell somewhat solemnly.

“Hehe, hehe, it’s very lively!”

At this moment, another voice sounded.

In the corner, a man with a weird body came over. His face was crooked, his hands and feet twisted like twists, and his abdomen was rotated in two circles and overlapped, and the whole was full. Distorted meaning.

Behind him, there were also a dozen weird people who followed, but they were not as serious as his distortions, and their smiles showed a trace of madness.

Seeing this man, Annie and Bellamy both showed a cold sweat.


Anni instantly pointed her gun at the weird man, and sternly said: “You guy, are you here too!”

“Hehe hehe!”

The twisted weird man named Brielle shrugged his shoulders and smiled wildly: “It’s so lively, I’ll come to mix it up, blood or something, kill something Yes, this kind of distortion is weird, I like it the most.”

“Vortex Pirates?”

Russell turned to Brielle, his voice became cold. With the hoarse voice, it is like a cold wind, “A madman who has abandoned his honor should not live in this world.”


Bri El stretched out his head, a twisted tongue sticking out of his crooked mouth, dripping with disgusting mucus.

“Yeah! Yeah! Come and kill me! Splash your blood!” He opened his mouth wide, revealing spiral sharp teeth, and laughed wildly there.

hong long long …

The ground under his feet was surging and twisted into a spiral state.

“Come on!!! Come on!!!” He yelled at Russell, the spiral ground continued to spread around, nearby trees and buildings, under the spiral, rotating After a while, it was swallowed in, as if it had entered a meat grinder, it was crushed to pieces.

“This madman!”

Annie scolded, moving away and backing quickly.

It’s just that her subordinates are not so lucky. Although they escaped immediately, the spiral ground was soaked too quickly. The people behind hadn’t had time and were caught by the vortex ground. The whole person revolved, and with the screams, their bodies were dragged in by the vortex ground, like a meat grinder, a large amount of twisted flesh and blood splashed out, causing the ground to be stained with blood-red minced flesh.

“Yo hehe hehe! That’s right, it’s so cool!”

Briel looked up and laughed: “Come on, more flesh and blood, more Twisted!!!”

“For honor, kill him.”

Russell Rust Sword pointed at Brielle, and the cavalry behind him was about to surge out.


Suddenly, there was another voice in the sky.

On the roof of the auction, a middle-aged man with a beard face and a large golden cloak was holding a hip flask, took a few mouthfuls, burped, and looked down. , Indifferently said: “Too annoying, you rubbish.”

“Golden Admiral…Bassarro Roberts!”

Anne widened her eyes and said to the top : “You guy, you will actually stay here, I thought you should have left.”


Roberts shook his head lightly, his tone was light: “It’s also a so-called’Supernova’ party anyway. It’s a pity not to watch it, but it feels even more pity to see it…you are too rubbish.”

Speaking, he turned his head slightly. He glanced at it: “There should be two more, this admiral is here, he is not yet, do you look down on this admiral?”


He tone barely fell, a huge axe dropping from the sky, whirled in the air, and the axe blade steadily plunged into the ground.

“Hey, do you want to be majestic?!” Bellamy got down from the tree, twisted his fist, and looked at the big axe in a bad tone.

If the person does not arrive, the weapon will arrive first. What is it if you don’t show prestige?


There was another sound of wind, and I saw a silhouette descending from the sky not far away.

“It’s stupid to appear in this way.” Annie clenched her pistol, “Send him a shot first.”

Bang! ! !

The silhouette fell straight to the ground, arousing a cloud of smoke and dust.

The smoke and dust dispersed, making Annie who was about to shoot immediately stunned.

Because there is a burly robust man there, but this robust man did not look like he expected to roar wildly after landing. Instead, he was bleeding, his eyes turned white, and he fell open. With a few teeth in his mouth, he breathed out from time to time, indicating that he was still alive.

“Oh, it’s all here.”

There was an abrupt sound from the sky.

Everyone in this brief moment lifted their heads and looked towards the top.

The first thing I saw was a touch of silver faintly glowing under the sun.

That is the color of cloak reflected by sunlight.

The cloak dances with the wind, shaking the big characters’justice’ reflected on it.

Marine cloak!

The master of Cloak just stood in the air without raising his head. He just looked down with his eyes. He smiled and said, “That’s good, I don’t need to look for them one by one. “

Then Marine’s head was lowered a bit, allowing people to see his face clearly.

Seeing the face of the visitor, Annie’s hand trembled, and she exclaimed: “Lucifer ·Kulo!”

“Is it him?!” Bellamy also stared wide- eyed, “The one who defeated Ledfield…”

Russell raised his head and looked towards the sky, “Marine of honor?”

“Hehehehe ! Marine, it’s Marine! Blood, more blood has appeared!” Brielle laughed wildly.

And Roberts, who was sitting on the roof, stopped drinking, stood up, his indifferent expression darkened a little, “Dare to let the admiral look up at you, damn it!”

“You killed Moby Dick?!”

Annie gritted her teeth and said: “You man, aren’t you in West Blue, why are you here!”

” Ah…that ah.”

Of course the person in the sky is Kulo.

He scratched his head and said: “I just saw an axe monster provoking me on the way here. I am a bit disgusted with axes, whether it’s’giant axe’ or’big axe’, so I just got it right. I cleaned it up a bit.”

Last year he encountered a giant axe Pirates called [giant axe Pirates], which led to the end of the game. Now he has encountered an “axe” again.

“Well, can you agree to my small request.”

He looked towards the people below, with a kind smile and a negotiating tone, and said: “That’s right, that , You guys…”

“Can you commit suicide on the spot, I will save it.”

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