
bang bang!!

The bear’s palm gathers pinpoint-sized air masses and quickly launches at Kulo.

But under the continuous flash of Kulo, these air masses hit the open space or the sea one after another, either blasting the open space into a big crater or making a wave of the sea.


Kulo flashed to a place, and happened to be a ball of needle-pointed air flying over, he shook his backhand with a knife and lifted it up, rolled up the Busoshoku and slashed on top of the air ball. .

Boom! ! !

The air mass was bounced by Haki into the sky, and a wave of impact was released in the air, which shook a circle of transparent ripples.

“Chop the waves!”

Kulo took advantage of the trend and slashed towards the ship docked on the shore.

I saw that the bear’s body disappeared there instantly, and he came to the front of the ship, his hands were combined and opened to the golden slash, and the slash was directly flew out.

“Is the priority a ship? Bear, you this bastard, is it necessary to do this?”

Kulo squinted slightly and stretched his hand up, “It’s raining .”

hua la la!

The heavy rain poured down and landed on this land.

“If you are unconscious, you probably won’t be able to discover the peculiarities of the sea and rain, bear, if you don’t have consciousness, just don’t be aware of it. If you are holding on, it will only make people look down on you.”

He put the black blade into the sheath, and as the last cut of the blade fell into the sheath, he made a’click’ sound.

“Profound Truth · Qinglongyu!”

chi chi chi!!

Every raindrop that fell on the big bear turned into a sharp blade, cutting through the bear’s body. The wounds of the bear were eroded by the raindrops, and the sharp blade turned into by the raindrops was stirred in his body.

In an instant, the big bear stiffened, wounds appeared all over his body, and mechanically damaged electric light exploded all over his body, and he fell down with a thud.

“It… actually solved it!”

Marcy Captain’s eyes widened, “What we tried so hard to accomplish…deservedly defeated Ryder. Field’s Kulo Rear Admiral!”

“Too stupid, bear… the last consciousness is actually for Pirate. If you do something else, I can still admire you…”

Kulo collected the rain, looked at the big bear lying still on the ground, said indifferently.

Revolutionary Army cadres, at this point, their final consciousness is to guard the ship for Pirate. Even if they were Crown Prince, they would not be able to do so.

This is Shichibukai, the powerhouse on the ocean.

“Forget it… everyone has aspirations.”

Kulo shook his head, turned and left in the opposite direction.

“Kulo Rear Admiral, what should I do with this ship.” Massi was taken aback and asked.

“What do you do with love, I’m tired…”

Kulo waved his hand, “Go back to base, I’m officially taking office.”

Speaking, he didn’t care about Marcy, and walked to Area 60 with his subordinates.

“Now, Kulo, are you angry?”

Leda followed along, cautiously pulled the corner of Kulo’s clothes and asked.

Kulo bit his cigar and spit out the smoke, “It’s just a little bit of emotion that’s all, this world, everyone’s goal is too unfathomable mystery…A Pirate, is it really that amazing? Or? Saying Child of Destiny, it must be Child of Destiny.”

He looked towards the sky and slowly said: “The direction of the world is not something that can be determined by one person or a team. They… That’s ideal, Pirate King, hmph! I don’t believe in that kind of thing.”

Leda tilted her head and watched Kulo speed up. She was stunned for a while, still followed along.


The 60 area is divided into 60GR and 69GR. GR is the backbone of a large area of ​​trees and the entrance and exit of Marine and World Government.

After all, it is close to Marineford and Mariejois. There are actually a lot of Marines here, but now it is either healing or staying in an important position.

After all, if there is a vacant force here, Pirate will lose face.

“Kulo Rear Admiral, then I will officially leave.”

Wilbur followed Kulo to the station and saluted Kulo.

“Ah…Thanks for your hard work.”

Kulo waved his hand and said perfunctorily: “Come on, I am very optimistic about you.”

Kulo Rear Admiral…Are you optimistic about me?

Wilbur felt hot in his heart and stood straighter.

Go back and ask if you can transfer over and fight under such a noble Marine, there must be no regrets in your life!

After Wilbur left, Kulo entered the resident office and said: “Bring me up the current situation of the Chambord land last year and this year.”

“Yes! “

Ma Xi saluted and went out to get the materials. Soon, he came in with a stack of materials.


Kulo leaned on the chair, bit his cigar, and said faintly.

I knew it was me…

Kuro pushed the glasses and received the information.

Mr. Kulo never read so much information, he basically completes it, and then simply dictates.

As for Lida, who is also Lieutenant Commander…

She was sitting on the sofa, opened her snack backpack, took out a packet of biscuits, unpacked and ate it stand up.

It’s totally useless.

Kuro rolled his eyes inwardly and began to look at the information.

But for a long time, he lifted his head and said to Kulo:

“Compared with last year, this year’s shampoo field is much worse.”

“The 70 area was used as a hotel area. Although Pirate tried to break in, they were all repelled. Only a few Supernovas appeared from the park in the 30 area and the tourist area in the 40 area. But this year, large quantities of Pirate Influx, the current 30 and 40 areas have been impacted by Pirate, and even Pirate wants to impact the 50 areas of the coating area.”

“This represents Pirate this year, and it has already seen the impact of the shampoo. Weak.”

“Apart from this, the data shows that a lot of people have disappeared recently. There should be gangs and criminals in these places, all of which have come out of area 10.”

“Mr. Kulo, the condition of the Chambord land is very bad. If you want to remediate it, you will need to work hard.” Kuro said.

“So, Marcy Captain, you can’t look at the current state of the Champagne land when you are stunned. There should be a lot of Marines here. Let’s forget the Pirate. What’s the matter with the missing population? “Kulo looked towards Ma Xi.

The tall Marine immediately straightened his back and saluted: “Report to Kulo Rear Admiral. There is really no way. Those people are very good. We sent people to search for them when they disappeared, but it is true. Can’t find…”

“Forget it, you go out first.”

Kulo waved his hand to signal Massi to leave.

After waiting for him to leave, Kulo twitched his lips and said to Kuro: “What’s the specific reason?”

“It should all be caught as slaves.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and said, “After all, besides Celestial Dragon, there are also a lot of rich and nobles here.”

“Well… then let’s go from the headquarter. Call Marine back and conduct a thorough search. Pirate will handle all suspected slaves. One after another will be caught. The slave will be released and the guilty will be caught.” Kulo thought for a while and said.

“But, Mr. Kulo, will this offend the above?” Kuro said somewhat worriedly.

“What’s offending?”

Kulo rolled his eyes, “World Government has abolished the slave system a long time ago. It’s illegal, you know? Besides, I’m just worried about the shampoo land. Safe, just catch Pirate. As for the idiots above, it’s my shit. I have the ability to transfer me away and transfer me back to West Blue!”

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