“Hey, Marine over there, grab that red hair, I want her to be my slave.”

When Charles saw Marine , Said.

Kulo extend the hand and grabbed the little Akagami girl.

Sure enough…

Marine is the same, unable to resist Celestial Dragon.

The little girl gave birth to despair and closed her eyes subconsciously.

If I was thinking about dying just now, this impulse was interrupted, and I couldn’t raise the heart of suicide again.

She used to be happy with this fiery red hair, but now, she has no thoughts except despair and regret.

The hand grabbed her wrist, and the little girl gave up completely.

Next, are you going to be dragged to the side of the Celestial Dragon?

father, will Mama come to rescue me if I get the news?

Don’t come, you’ll die…

That hand pulled the little girl up, and the little girl opened her eyes. Those eyes that were originally agile, this Time has already lost his spirit.


A ball of warmth hung over her head.

Kulo touched her head and said: “Go, don’t go home for dinner, your parents will be worried.”

hearing this, the little girl’s gray eyes , Suddenly there was another wave of fluctuations.

She looked towards Kulo, and it took a long time to utter a voice: “Huh?”

“Eh what, go home, you little girl can’t understand it? “

Kulo let go of her head, waved his hand impatiently at her, and stepped aside.

Following his movements, the batches of Marines behind them staggered and gave way.

“Can I go?” the little girl asked subconsciously.


Kulo raised his eyebrows, “Why don’t you stay here, unfathomable mystery, go back soon.”

He was a little impatient, grabbed the little girl, pushed her back, and let her run away.

The little girl rushed directly into the passageway allowed by Marine, her eyes brightened again, she ran forward struggling, and suddenly realized something, her body stopped, turned and bowed to Kulo: “I call Elsa! Thank you, Marine Big Brother!”

As she said, she never stopped, she ran forward and disappeared into the distance.

Kulo’s mouth was filled with a smile, looked towards the group of kneeling people, and said: “What are you doing here on your knees? Marine is going to check if there are any suspicious elements mixed into the shampoo. Everyone is at home waiting for us to come and check! Now, immediately, right away, get out!”

Speaking, he released a trace of murderous aura.

Under the spread of murderous aura, the kneeling people turned pale, and instinctively stood up and ran away.

With the first one, there will be a second immediately.

Soon, the people kneeling on both sides of the road in the park were all scattered and clean.


Charl Rose shouted: “What are you doing! I asked you to help me catch the slave, bastard!”

Kulo looked towards Charros at this time, he extended the hand, and used his little finger to cut out his ear, “Huh? Did you talk to me? Sorry, I didn’t hear it.”

” Then don’t hurry up and grab the red-haired man, you mean and stupid Marine!” Charl Rose yelled at Kulo with a golden spear.

This remark is out.

Leda’s face was cold, Kuro pushed down the glasses, and a cold glow flashed on the lenses.

There is something wrong with the faces of a large number of Marines behind them.

They are Headquarter Marine, and I have heard the news of Kulo in any way. Kulo more or less killed Lederfield, but because of the World Government, they were held in Champagne, and they were just Rear Admiral.

They are already a little uncomfortable, this Celestial Dragon…could dare to say such a thing at this time!

Kulo bit his cigar, glanced at Charl Rose, and walked towards him.

Following his movements, the Marine behind him moved in unison, with his back straight, straddling his steps uniformly and making rumbling sound on the ground.

This sudden power made Charroth’s body a little trembling.

What is this Marine going to do?

I saw a white Marine gradually approaching, and several soldiers behind Charroth stood subconsciously forward, and another black clothed person beside him shouted loudly: “What are you guys doing! Marine!”

“What are you doing?”

Kulo stopped and stood in front of the group of soldiers, then looked at Charl Rose behind him, and said, “I can’t hear you. Let’s listen to what Celestial Dragon said. Marine is a direct agency of the World Government. Do you treat me as an enemy in your posture? Take me to Lucifer Kulo, Marine Rear Admiral, and Admiral Kizaru directly under the command. Now Marine Base Chief in Shampoo. , To coordinate with Marineford’s Marine as the enemy?”

“Lu…Lucifer ·Kulo?”

The black clothed person was taken aback, stared wide-eyed, and said in surprise:” Is that Lucifer Kulo?”

This man, Daimyo, of course he has also heard of it. He heard that he defeated Lederfield.

“Oh? Is it to come forward to listen to me?”

Charl Rose was stunned, nodded, and then reacted, airing: “Then you can help me Get the slave here, I want her!”

“Don’t worry, Celestial Dragon…what do you call it?”

“This is Saint Charlos.” black clothed person Added.

“Oh, the scum is dead.” Kulo nodded.

“Saint Charlos! What is your strange accent!” the black clothed person said angrily.

“It doesn’t matter that kind of thing, I don’t want to suggest if I have a mouth addiction, it’s okay. What about that, the situation in shampoo is not so good recently, Pirate, gangsters and gangsters are everywhere, you are now in the lower bounds It’s not a good time to come. I suggest you go back first and let me know when I’ve cleared the place. I heard that Celestial Dragon was beaten by Pirate last year.” Kulo said.

Chal Ross hearing this, complexion changed, and angrily said: “Marine, the one who was beaten is me! That hateful Pirate…”

“It turned out to be you Ah, I said why you are so white… Ah, nothing. In short, the scum is dead and there are seeds, you should go first, like that Pirate, now shampoo is everywhere.”

Kulo exaggerated: “If we meet you, if we are not there, your tragic situation will not be like last year.”

“Then, Pirate like that, is it…a lot? “Charl Rose stammered.

“A lot, a lot, I just ran into seven, and I don’t know where they went.” Kulo said resolutely.

“Then…then I’ll go back.”

Charles was nodded, and he patted the huge slave who was still panting under his body, “Hey, get up the slave, we I went back.”

The slave moved twice, lifting his head laboriously, and looked towards Kulo.

The gray eyes suddenly fluctuated.

“Move up, you useless slave!” Charl Rose was annoyed.


A black glow penetrated through the soldier when everyone did not react. As the black glow flashed by, the slave’s head suddenly broke off and spewed out A ball of blood.


Charl Ross was frightened, “What’s the matter, why is the slave’s head gone…”

“Hey, you guy, what are you going to do!”

He couldn’t see the black clothed person complexion ashen, but he knew that this was what the Marine was doing.

Only he can do the strength shown by his fame.

“What the hell, the noble scum dies and the slave who hates him, I will hack him to death, am I not doing it right? You say…”

He turned around and said to Marine: “Am I doing something wrong?”

“Kulo Rear Admiral did it right!” The Marines roared.

The rhythm of the sound wave even made the hair of the black clothed person dance.

“Look, so many people are right, then he must be right. Your patriarch has no mounts now, don’t you carry him on your back, you want him to step on this dirty Dirt?” Kulo said.


The black clothed person gritted his teeth, looked at Charlos, and finally walked up to him, squatted down and said: “Saint Charlos , Please step on my humble body.”

“That’s the only thing.”

Charl Rose, nodded, stood up from the slave and came to the black clothed person. On his back, “Come on, go back to Mariejois first.”


The black clothed person cautiously carried Charros on his back, trotting forward.

The fully armed soldier followed behind and gradually disappeared.

Looking at their back, Kulo disdain Issho: “Hey, Celestial Dragon…”

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