Two days later.

The accommodation street in area 70 and the place where Marine is stationed in area 60 are also not avoided under the inventory.

Except for Area 10, Area 20, and Area 0 where no one would go in, other areas of Sabaody Archipelago were cleared in these two days.

As for the corpse…

Kulo doesn’t care about it. Under his standards, he should be killed.

Perhaps one of the ten people who were shot was not guilty of dying, but there is no difference, and it is certainly not innocent.

Know that the person he let go, strictly speaking, is not considered innocent, but there is no evil.

Under the influence of so much blood, it is enough for them to remember for a lifetime, wanting to make trouble…

With the emotions he felt in the past few days Kenbunshoku, these survived People probably never dare to do it again.

Some of them even got scared of their personality and became a mere promise.

The next thing to be conquered is No. 10 and No. 20, and the last No. 0, Kulo is going to save it until the end, it is a big job, he felt it in the No. 0 area, but there are many People are there.

And there are a lot of channels connecting other areas in that area. If it is not solved in a unified way, it will be very troublesome once the troops are divided. When the time comes everyone runs out, even if one is missing, he doesn’t want to find it. It’s best. It was solved all at once.

Besides, it’s not all emotionally evil bastards there.


“Hey, Kulo, why are you here?”

Leda tugged at the corner of Kulo’s clothes and asked curiously.

Others have done their best to check the 10th and 20th areas. To ensure that Marine will not suffer too much casualties, Kulo has released all his subordinates, except for Lida, who is too lazy to move.

Apart from this, he also didn’t stay in the tourist area and the park area. He came here in person, happened to be here, and then stopped.

Lida looked at the plaque at the door, and read word by word: “Xia Qi’s…snap bar? Is there a bar with this name? Will the Boss here rnap?”

“Sa, who knows, go in and take a look.”

Kulo squinted, this bar, he remembers it seems to be…

Kulo Stepped forward, walked to the door of the bar, opened the door, and with the crisp ringing of a bell, a gentle female voice rang.

“Sorry, it is temporarily closed. Recently, Marine is inspecting…”

At the bar, a young woman with short black hair, a cigarette and a spider-patterned shirt said As soon as I said a word at the door, I saw the clothes of the visitor.

“Ah, what about the rare guest, Marine.” The young woman looked at Kulo in surprise, and said: “We have no suspicious elements here, only me.”

“Yes Are you suspicious…”

Kulo glanced at the layout of the bar, shrugged, and sat down on the platform, “A glass of Cocktail, and this…milk is just fine.”

He pointed at Leda.

“Hey, Kulo, I’m an adult!” Lida annoyed.

“Don’t make trouble.”

Kulo touched Lida’s head, but she slapped him away. She climbed onto the seat next to Kulo and patted the bar. At the table, “Boss, I want a glass of wine too!”

“Ah…Is there still such a small Marine?”

The young woman glanced at the young The Marine cloak in Lida’s body, gentle Issho: “It’s better to listen to this little brother, drinking milk is better.” Then she didn’t look at Lida’s face and turned to prepare. .

“you guy…”

Lida was about to get angry at the woman, but after a closer look, she was taken aback. She glanced carefully and revealed the beautiful back line The woman blinked her eyes, a little puzzled.

“What’s wrong?” Kulo asked.


Leda pointed to the woman, “That… strange, Life Aura is obviously a little far away, but it doesn’t look like it, simply didn’t feel it. It’s so old.”

“Ah, do you mean age? A woman’s age is a secret, just like you, little girl.”

The young woman turned around , Place the adjusted Cocktail and a bottle of milk in front of the two.

“My name is Xia Qi. I am the boss of this bar. I am a serious manager. You Marine will even check me out…Lucifer ·Kulo.”

Xia Qi looked towards Kulo, “Your Daimyo, the very difficult to deal with recently posted.”

“Really, I think they are all false names, like Ledfield’s old Fogey, any cat or dog can kill one at the opportunity. There are too many old men like this on the sea, everywhere. Maybe you have one in this bar too.”

Kulo means a lot. The way.

“There is indeed an old man in my house.”

Xia Qi said: “But he is essentially a hobby and peaceful person. It might be better to be so peaceful by you.”

“I hope so, then tell the old man, don’t cause trouble.” Kulo stared at Xia Qi and said slowly.

“I will tell you.”

Xia Qi took a cigarette, “Then, after drinking this cup, you can leave. I don’t welcome Marine. I’m the one If you open a store, you can’t even have the power to not welcome Marine.”

“I don’t want to stay with you any longer, just bring it to you, but…”

Kulo took a sip of Cocktail, put the glass down, looked towards Xia Qi, “You woman, I heard that there is a lot of information.”

“Oh? Is there any information that Marine can’t get, really. Surprising.”

Xia Qi propped her elbows on the bar counter, exposing her chest gully, said with a smile: “I want to ask what information, if Master Marine ignores me in the future, I can give it away for free. “

But this is magnificent, and Kulo is not interested at all.

Just kidding, a woman who is afraid of her actual age is more than 60, he can have a hairy interest.

“You should know a little bit about it in China, after all, I’ve just arrived here.”

Kulo said: “Zone 0, tell me…”

“That place…”

Xia Qi straightened up, took a look at Kulo, and said: “No one has ever attacked there, because it is too deep. If you want to check all of them, it will be very Trouble, do you have such a determination?”

“Hey, let you say, just say, where’s that many things.” Lida was a little annoyed.

“Yes, the little girl now has a bad temper. Be careful not to marry.” Xia Qi shook her head helplessly.

“If I marry or not, I can marry none of your business, right, Kulo!” Lida glared at Kulo.


Kulo was stunned for a moment. Why did this talk come to him.

But before he could continue talking, Xia Qi said: “But now is an opportunity, Lucifer · Kulo, because of you, many people got news and all went to the 0th area to hide. But it’s not that simple there. As early as several decades ago, it was the last hiding place for some criminals. After a long time, it will form a town. Many people live there now, and there are some troublesome existences there. If those people fight with those who have entered now, it will be easier for you to deal with.”

She paused and said: “The information I got is that there is a criminal from Impel Down 6th floor. It lives there. That man is called Olysis Sharp. As Marines, you should have heard of it.”

“The Blazer Olysis Sharp?” Lida was startled. .

“en? You know?” Kulo looked towards Lida.

“Ah…I heard it on Grand Line when I didn’t meet you before. It seems that I was wanted because of arson in the Champagne field, but then I didn’t hear the sound. It turned out to be arrested. I’ve entered Impel Down, have you escaped now?” Leda nodded.

“Blast Flame?”

Kulo frowned, his eyes are a little strange.

He has spread out Kenbunshoku in area 0, but he did not find a powerhouse that can be paid special attention to. The highest-strength aura in that area is not as good as a 50 million Pirate.

If it is the 6th floor Impel Down, how can it be more than this strength…

What’s the situation?

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