But no matter what it was, Snack couldn’t react in time. As soon as he took a step back, the White Grand Beast deceived himself and swallowed Snack in with his mouth open.

In the giant beast, Cass and a group of Marines came up collectively with sabers and guns.

“What’s the matter!”

Snack opened a Marine with a long knife, and was about to slash towards this Marine. Suddenly, he was shivered and turned around. He saw a bullet rubbing against his face.


Snack slashed the long knife and blocked another Marine who had hacked it over. He had just done this action, and a large number of Marines rushed over.



Bullets and knives were hacked and shot at Snack’s body.

At this moment, there was a dash of darkness where the bullet and the blade attacked Snack’s body.

Busoshoku Haki!

However, Haki only appeared, and more people attacked him.

peng peng pa pa!!

Within the white breath, there was a series of noises.


The attacked Snack held the long knife, and Haki was stirred up on the blade. He was about to slash it over, but he just made this move. The attacking Marine suddenly dispersed and retreated from Snack. From the outside, the equivalent to “White Grand Beast” spat out Snack.

Not cut at all.

“Snack big brother!”

At this time, the ship completely drew ashore, and Lei Zan took the chess soldiers to land and disembark, screaming moved towards Snack with some worry.

Because his condition didn’t look very good, his woolen coat was chopped and tattered, there were some scars on his body, and his bun was messed up and he was very embarrassed.

“How can it be repaired, this is a what the hell thing, and the speed is very strange…”

Snack gripped the long knife, Busoshoku aroused on the blade, “But whatever it is At this level, those who can’t stop me, give it to me!”

Those chess players hearing this, all rushed to the White Grand Beast.

The number of people on this ship is also quite large, about 500 or so, and the posture of collectively rushing past it is pretty decent.

“For justice!”

Cass roared, and the rolled-up White Grand Beast swept the past faster than these chess soldiers.

“Fried stuff!”

At this moment, Snack flew up and slashed straight across.

Boom! ! !

With a knife that covered Haki, fiercely hit the shield in the middle of the White Grand Beast, but the shield did not move at all.

“What is going on with this defensive power…”

Snack didn’t work in one blow, and fell back on the ground, looking at the huge shield with some disbelief.

His Snack’s attack is not weak, even if he was defeated by the Urouge, but that guy was able to defeat himself by relying on his fruit ability and doing his best.

His attack like this made the shield unable to break even a bit.

Snack didn’t know. When he was in North Blue, even Lederfield didn’t break through the defense. If he knew it, his thoughts would be different.

He can’t break the shield, but Cass can act.

He rushed over quickly, and White Grand Beast swallowed the chess pawns in.

“Idiot, the chess pawns are not that weak. Even if you are Vinsmok’s copy pawns, it is impossible to defeat them!”

Snack confidently said with a smile.

It was Lei Zan, his eyes flickered when he watched this scene, he looked around, the body flashed, and then disappeared.

There is no need to delay time here, their main task is to find Olga and take it back.

This is the Marine base after all. It is not a good thing to remain deadlocked here. There will be reinforcements. The Snack big brother is enough here.

As long as Olga is found, the task will be completed, when the time comes, there are ways to concoct these Marines.

As soon as Lei Zan disappeared, the white breath was’huffy’, as if he walked away after eating something, and stepped back again, leaving behind a sloppy chess pawn.

“This…” Snack froze for a moment, and said in surprise: “What a joke! This is…Mama’s soldier!”

“Justice, no insults allowed !”

Cass looked resolute, his saber pointed at Snack, “Pirate, do not allow half a step into town!”


Snack Squinting his eyes, said with a smile: “It’s easy to say, then you come and try to get closer to me!”

He can’t break this shield, but these people, if they want to get closer, he fights Even if you get hurt, you can kill this big beard!

As a long-term combat experience, he has now discovered that this strange ability comes from this bearded man, Doug Kass.

One of the more difficult characters in the hands of Lucifer Kulo, who stole the results of Vinsmok from North Blue can prove that this person is not easy to deal with.

However, it is not that difficult to deal with.

He is very weak, there is no doubt about this.

As long as he can get close again, he can kill this man immediately.

But Cass also realized this, so at this moment, he did not approach the man, but blocked the entrance of the town, dead and alive.

“It’s not that easy to approach, but it’s…”

Snack grinned: “Marine! You have weaknesses!”

Snack backhand He attacked the town with a knife, slammed a huge slash, and flew straight over.

“Protect the town, protect the residents!”

The white shield formed by Cass and the others quickly moved to the front of the slash, and the slash hit the shield. The hard top disappeared after a while.

“Look, this is your weakness, the so-called Marine, it is too cumbersome!”

Snack stepped forward and went straight to the town from the other direction, “Try Stop me, otherwise, I will kill all these people!”

Because Pegasus Island was under the expansion of Kulo at that time, there was no single entrance to the town. Because it was prosperous, the town was very big. Just land on it. , You can enter anywhere.

It was mainly because Kulo believed that no one would dare to approach here.

After all, he is overseeing here. This is West Blue. It is not a New World. Coupled with that many heavy artillery, how can Pirate come.

It’s just that he left, it may be nothing in West Blue, but when you encounter Yonko cadres like…

then there is a problem.

Snack is keenly aware of today’s problems.

“Can’t let him enter the town!”

When Snack was about to rush forward, Cass gritted his teeth and beat his chest, “Five times!”

The White Grand Beast approached Snack at a faster speed and swallowed his body into the white breath.

“Look, this will be delivered to the door!”

This is what Snack waited for. Seeing Cass and the others bumped in, Katana in his hand and Busoshoku more Strong, a knife slashed to the beard who approached first.

“Five times, dodge!”

As Cass was about to dodge to the side, Snack’s knife suddenly changed direction, turning from vertical to horizontal, hitting Cass’s waist with a knife.

“I…but I know Kenbunshoku!” Snack said with a smile.

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