Sengoku? !

Garp? !

Snack looked at the two old men who came by in astonishment. Of course he knew the two!


“Why are you here!!” Snack was incredibly yelled.

“pu hahaha, of course it is here for vacation.” Garp laughed heartily.

“That is, Pegasus Island is so fun, and the old man wants to stay a while longer, so I will tell Crane when I turn around, it can be used as Marine’s exclusive vacation place in the future.” Sengoku nodded said.

Two people walked to Snack from left to right. Under the sunlight, a shadow appeared on their front. This shadow covered Snack and made his face worse and worse.

“No…I won’t fall here!”

Snack grabbed the long knife, jumped up suddenly, moved towards the two old men splitting…


“Mr. Kulo, Mr. Kulo, big news.”

Shampoo land.

Kuro ran in the corridor holding a newspaper and quickly approached Kulo’s office.

Before entering, he heard the voice inside.

“Ah~ it hurts…”

Leda’s soft voice sounded in the office.

“Hey, it doesn’t hurt, don’t move, you are too tight to poke in.”

“But it really hurts, you can’t lighten it, ah ~Comfortable…”

Kuro opened the door blankly and saw Lida lying halfway on Kulo’s lap, and Kulo was pulling her ears.

He stirred the cotton swab in Lida’s ear a little, then patted her little head, “Right, it’s a very comfortable thing to dig out your ears, so I’ll help you when you have time. ..Kuro, what’s the matter.”

“Big news!”

Kuro raised the newspaper in his hand and said, “The Pegasus Island…”


“What’s the matter, what happened to Cass? Bring me?!”

Kuro didn’t finish his words, Kulo’s first reaction was this, he was surprised from the sofa Stood up.

His first reaction was not that there was an accident in Pegasus Island, but that something happened to the beard of Cass.

No way…


“That’s not true.”

Kuro’s words made Kulo relaxed. He walked to the desk, sat on the chair, took a cigar and lit it.

“What’s the matter?”

“Pegasus Island…was attacked by Pirate.”

“That’s it?”

Kulo raised his eyebrows, “Isn’t it Pirate? There is no Pirate in any sea, Pirate of West Blue is nothing but Pirate, and nothing will come out…”

“It’s Big·mom.”

“cough cough cough!”

Kulo didn’t finish his words, and the cigar was sucked into the lungs, coughing constantly there.

“Big·mom’s cadre.” Kuro continued.

“You’re itchy, right? Let me talk halfway, and bring the newspaper!”

Kulo glared at Kuro and extended the hand.

Kuro passed the newspaper obediently.

Kulo glanced at it and let go of his heart.

“Snack was caught by these two old men? What’s the matter, these two old men are still on my island?”

The approximate meaning in the newspaper is Yonko’s son , One of the original “Four Commanders”, Bounty’s 600 million Beli Snack, failed to raid Pegasus Island and was captured by Sengoku and Garp present.

“Yes, it seems that I haven’t left.” Kuro pushed down his glasses.

“No…what did the cadres of Big·mom run to me on Pegasus Island?” Kulo frowned.

Kuro said: “I specifically called Cass about this matter. It seems that a person named Olga made doughnuts very delicious. I originally joined Totland, but later fled to fly. Ma Dao, so Snack is here to catch him.”

“Also, Cass…seems to be injured.”


Kulo frowned, “How serious?”

“Fortunately, the waist and ribs were injured. After treatment, it is basically no problem now.” Kuro said.


Kulo spit out smoke and said, “I have never messed with her. I came to West Blue to ask me for trouble. Did you do it? It’s too much, so gluttonous, be careful when you die!”

“Glubby? Who is greedy?”

Lida just opened a box of small biscuits, I was stunned and asked.

“It’s nothing to do with you…”

Kulo rolled his eyes and asked: “What about Snack.”

“Sengoku monitoring and Vice Admiral Garp is going to press him back.”

“Hey…I hope there are no stupid people to attack the ship, saying that the drought is not under Big Mom.” Kulo sneered and shook his head.

Kuro looked at Kulo’s expression and closed his mouth in good time.

He is a little angry…

As Kuro, who is now a long time following Kulo, he also knows the habits of Kulo. Although not as accurate as Lida, he is basically able to See it.

The current Kulo is in an angry state.

But this also gave Kuro some warmth in his heart.

Mr. Kulo is not just taking special care of Lida alone. If they are injured, they will still be angry.

Cass is like this, then Kuro is injured, and it is still the same.

“Big·mom, will there be revenge?” Leda asked suddenly.

“It shouldn’t be.”

Kuro thought for a while and said: “That’s not Whitebeard, Big·mom itself does not have that ambition, although it is known as the’strongest family’ , But in fact, Big·mom doesn’t have that many family affection for his child. This matter is probably gone.”

“Something is also a headquarter thing, it has nothing to do with me, except for Cass …Kuro, you call Castell for me and say I condole him.” Kulo said.


Kuro salutes, “I’m going to call.”

As Kuro left, Lida looked at Kulo “Are you angry?” “Are you angry?”

“There must be a bit of anger, but after all, it is only a little hurt. When Marine is not hurt, I am not a babysitter. It is impossible to take care of me. All the men.”

Kulo nodded: “The old wife really did it by fair means or foul to eat. I don’t know if she asked for it or her son did it privately. But Kuro That’s right, this matter can’t develop a second top war, don’t worry about it, Sakazuki will definitely pay attention to Big Mom’s movements.”

“Old Wife?” Lida I didn’t hear anything else, but she caught the point.

“Well, Big·mom, my husband doesn’t know how many there are. In the past 50 years, he still insisted on having children. I don’t know if there is any recently…”

Kulo touched the chin, “Honestly speaking, among Yonko, she is the most troublesome, and the one I don’t want to meet is also her.”

Although Kaido and Big·mom are of the same magnitude, Kulo doesn’t want to meet either. Arrived, but the last thing I want to encounter is really this Big Mom.

Steel balloons!

You can kill the hero of Giant Village at the age of five. That physical fitness is the culmination of this world.

Fruit ability is also very troublesome. If there is fire, cloud and water, the cloud can also release thunder. Basically, the body and elements have reached a realm.

However, this has nothing to do with him, and he does not go to New World.

“Let’s go back to Pegasus Island in the near future…Although it will not develop into a war, but with Big·mom’s intelligence ability to deal with a few alone, Cass probably cannot stand it, especially Those two old men are not in the case of Pegasus Island.” Kulo thought for a while and said.

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