“Mr. Kulo…”

Cass looked at the sky where only the clouds were scattered, and muttered, “I rarely see that expression. ..”

“Have you seen it before?” Kuro asked.

Cass nodded: “When I was still in East Blue, I met once. At that time, Mr. Kulo was a first-class soldier. I was a second-class soldier…”

He recalled: “It should have been six years ago when a Pirates raided a town. All the people in the town were killed. When we arrived, only a dying boy said his last words. Then Mr. Kulo’s expression changed.”

“What happened later?” Kuro continued to ask.

“I don’t know…”

Cass shook his head and said: “That Pirates left long ago, but Mr. Kulo took a few days off after meeting the island. After I came back, my expression became normal…Speaking of which, I haven’t heard of Pirates since.”

Leda and Kuro chuckled at the corners of their mouths at the same time. Shen Hai chanted.

“But Mr. Kulo was very terrifying during that time. At that time, I saw him very trembling in fear. Now it seems that it is the powerhouse powerhouse!”

Cass The admired looked towards the sky, clenched his fists, “How can it be repaired! I can’t fight with Mr. Kulo, it’s a shame to me Cass! Mr. Kulo, I will follow your footsteps as soon as possible, in order to resist all the dangers behind!”

“And me!”

Wilbur was also a little bit up by Cass’ words, yelled: “I also want to clear all obstacles ahead for Kulo Rear Admiral!”



The two big men looked at each other, bursting out passionate sparks.

“Let’s complete Mr. Kulo’s order first. I don’t want to come back and see that angry face.” Kuro pushed down his glasses and said.


Shampoo land.

In a pub.

“Master Sazier!”

Mark rubbed his hands and smiled at Sazier who was sitting there drinking and eating: “Thank you, shampoo. The Underground World has been reorganized, this is a little bit of care, please accept it.”

He winked at the man on the side, and he bowed his body and put the suitcase on the table. , Open it, it’s full of Beli.

Sazil didn’t even look at it. He used a fork to roll up a ball of noodles with shrimp and put it into his mouth to chew, saying “Where did it come from.”

“Don’t worry I didn’t impose any protection fees. I’m in a smuggling business and don’t charge protection fees. This money is accumulated by conquering those unsuspecting gangs. Lord Sazier has been working hard recently, and I deserve a little reward.” Mark With a smile, his head is lower.

During this period, without this Marine, they would have to unify the Underground World of Chambord, it would take a lot of effort.

Although the powerful gangs were either hanged or shot, the remaining gangs are not so easy for them to deal with.

But this Marine can do it.

With one punch, he cleared out the gangsters who put up a desperate struggle, and the restless ones, hearing this was requested by Lucifer Kulo, he obediently gave up resisting.

He doesn’t know the name elsewhere, but it is even more effective than Celestial Dragon in Shampoo!

“en. ”

Sazil quickly finished the noodles on the plate, took a few sips from the wine glass, and covered the suitcase easily, “you did good, Your mission is completed, then I will go back. I was thinking just now, if you haven’t gotten it done for so long, are you thinking about changing someone.”

“No, no, I It’s not well done.” Mark wiped the sweat from his head and said with a smile.

Substitution…change your life.

Once Marine is judged unqualified by the Marine in front of him, then he has only death.

Fortunately, he did it.

In return, it is the entire Underground World of Shampoo.

This is something that no one can do!

Although the effect is incomparable with before, it still dominates the shampoo land.

Even if he is called Lucifer · Kulo’s dog, he doesn’t care.

“It is my mark’s honor to be Lucifer · Kulo’s dog. Unlike some wild dogs, they don’t even have a master and just bark there.”

He would proudly refute such curses.

“Go ahead and go first.”

Sazil looked at him arrogantly, stood up, picked up the suitcase, and was about to go out.


Suddenly, a man dressed in Marine cloak, black formalwear and glasses, looked at Sazier with a cold expression on his face.

The arrogant Sazier, suddenly clever, stammered: “Kuro, Mr. Kuro?!”

“Kuro Commander, you are here. ..”

Mark rubbed his hands and was about to approach, but Kuro gave him a cold look before he finished speaking. That glance made Mark’s head sweat, and he didn’t dare to support him.

Sazil felt even more panicked.

Kuro called him’Sazil’? This is why he started to call his surname when he faced him squarely, but was really angry.

Otherwise, he would usually be called’Kulo’.

Could it be that he feels that he is unfavorable?


Sazir quickly threw away the suitcase and stood at attention: “Report! I did not accept bribes. This is, he forced it to me. It doesn’t matter to me!”

“Master Sazier?!” Mark stared at him in horror.

“Shut up! You intend to bribe me, I am going to hand it in as evidence!” Sazier glared at him.

“Who asked you about this…”

Kuro said coldly: “Sazir, let these gangsters mobilize, cooperate with Marine’s door-to-door notification to everyone, in Marine Before the release of the ban order was issued, no one would go out. In addition, the tourists gathered together, from the 80-year-old to the three-year-old child, and all the identities were checked. Even if it is a fly, I also need to know that it is male. It’s still a mother!”


Sazil was subconsciously replied, and by a moment of surprise, “Mr. Kuro, what happened?”

At this time, he noticed that there seemed to be blood stains on Kuro’s clothes.

“What happened?”

Kuro pushed down the glasses, cold glow appeared on the lenses, “We were assassinated, Mr. Kulo… very angry. I guess you I don’t want to see Mr. Kulo’s angry expression. Believe me, even if I see Kulo’s angry expression like that, I will feel afraid.”

It’s more than fear, he’s by Kulo’s side. For a long time, all the angry things were not as big as this time.

Fortunately, he flew away, but as long as he is still here, Kuro’s psychological pressure is afraid that he will burst the sky.

This is so, he must do well now.

In case there is a killer in the shampoo field, if it is not cleaned up, Mr. Kulo will find out some more killing intents. Others don’t know, he must be peeling the skin.

“All those who are unidentified will be taken care of!”

Kuro’s words carry a strong murderous aura, “and those gangsters who yearn for the so-called’freedom’ or what is missing Pirate’s little Pirate will be shot when he encounters it. There is no need to report or think about it. The shampoo place needs absolute safety!”

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