It didn’t take long from the headquarters to Judicial Island. After passing the Gate of Justice, they arrived at Judicial Island. After Hina was delivered to the people, they went to the Capital of Seven Waters for a vacation. went.

Originally, they also dropped by, but Kulo is very interested in sea trains, and he wants to take this train.

It just so happens that Leda and Kuro are also very interested.

“This is Judicial Island.”

Leda looked at the huge Judicial Island surrounded by waterfalls and cheered: “It’s really spectacular. I’ve heard of Daimyo in the city that never sleeps. It’s the first time I saw Judicial Island. I don’t know if the food on Judicial Island is good or not.”

Although Lida was born on the Grand Line, how could she have been to Judicial Island? This is not a place where ordinary people can go. , Just heard it, never seen it.

Kuro subconsciously pushed down his glasses, a little nervous.

Although Kulo has told him that his identity is not a problem, as a former Pirate, this place of Dingding Daimyo still makes him a little uncomfortable.

After all, there is no Pirate here for sightseeing.

Judicial Island, one of the three institutions directly under the World Government, is rich in various intelligence agencies.

Only day and no night, it is divided into the former island, the main island, the tower of justice, the bridge of hesitation, and the Gate of Justice at the end of the bridge.

For Pirate, this is probably the only way they can pass through the Gate of Justice, and then either be executed or sent to Impel Down.

“Food, food, food on Judicial Island!”

Kulo rubbed the excited Lida’s head, said ill-humoredly: “Just eat and eat, you know Eat, you can’t learn from Kuro, can you give me an idea?”

Leda stuck out her tongue at him.

Kulo helplessly sighed: “Walk around and take you enough to eat.”

They are Marines, and of course they don’t need money to eat government meals.

Take Lida to the cafeteria for a while, leaving everyone in the cafeteria dumbfounded, strolling around again, and boarding the train coming in the evening.

“Wow, sea train!”

In the carriage, Lida touched this and that like a rare treasure, with a look of surprise on her face.

Its image is no different from those Brats on the high-speed rail in the past.

Kulo sighed, he somewhat understood the mentality of some people.

Others are too noisy, he doesn’t, after all, his own child, just make trouble.

Fortunately, it was a big night, no who.

Kuro is also surprised. He has never heard of such a novel thing in East Blue. He has heard it when he came to Grand Line, but what he sees is different.

This kind of magical approach is rarely seen for the natives of this era.

“Hey, don’t make noise at night!”

Suddenly, the door of the carriage was pushed open, and a man who looked like a weasel said impatiently: “Don’t you Are you resting, you guys… Marine?”

The visitor looks pale, slender, wearing a dark T-shirt, wearing a hat with feathers, and two necklaces around his neck .

“It’s Marine.”

He curl one’s lip, “Hey, I am a member of the World Government intelligence agency. My name is Nairo. Now order you to pipe down.”

These Marines, depending on their dresses, are very low-ranking, which can’t compare to their own.

“Wow, the train is really great, it drove so fast!”

Leda continued to cheer.

Kuro pushed down his glasses and looked towards the sea outside the window.

Kulo took out a cigar and lit a match.

“Hey, don’t ignore me, do you guys know who I am?!”

Nero gritted his teeth, “It looks like I need to let you know my strength!”


CP9 is a secret organization. It seems that this group of people does not look like they know it. There is no need to expose it, but it is necessary to let them understand the gap with themselves.

A group of Marines who not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth!

“Hey, the one with glasses!”

Nero pointed to Kuro, yelled.

Kuro pointed to himself, and wondered: “Me?”

“Yes, it’s you, who wears glasses, stand up!”

Kuro Yi Yan stood up, walked to Nairo, and said: “What’s the matter.”

Nairo’s proud lifting head said: “Hit me.”


Kuro tilted his head and said unsure: “What did you say?”

“Hit me, humble Marine!”

Nairo said with a proud smile: “If you don’t listen to my order, let you know the gap between you and me. You can use weapons. I won’t get hurt! You will understand the gap between your Marine and mine. That is an absolutely impossible gap!”

As long as you use’Tekkai’, you are not afraid of attacking him!

How could this garbage Marine break its own’Tekkai’.


One kick hits Nero’s neck.

Nero’s eyes turned white, his mouth wide open, and he fell to the ground. The hat was automatically kicked off by the kick, revealing the shape of his head with only three haircuts.

Kuro put his feet away and pushed down his glasses, “I have never heard such a strange request.”

“It’s a bald guy, Kulo.”

Leda pointed at Neiro who passed out, hehe said with a smile.

“Don’t laugh at other people’s hairstyles, it’s very rude.”

Kulo took a cigar and glanced, “Although he is indeed a bald.”

“I’ll make him a real bald guy.”

Leda rolled her eyes and walked to the unconscious Nero, showing an evil smile.

The sky is nearly white.

Nero woke up leisurely.


He subconsciously covered his sore neck.

“Why did I fainted?”

Nero thought for a while, and reacted, “Right, those Marines!”

There are still people on the carriage.

“Hateful, don’t let me see them again, or let them know how good my Lord Neiro is.”

He just thought he passed out and was knocked down. .. It was so fast that he didn’t realize it at all.

“Have you reached the City of Seven Waters?”

Nero looked towards the window, at this time the train has stopped, revealing the city of Water, he picked up his hat , Ready to wear it on his head, but at this moment, he was suddenly stunned.

His appearance is clearly reflected on the reflection of the window.

His fashionable hairstyle, that deliberately shaved off his hair, only left three hairstyles that resemble eagle beaks, no more!

Now there is only a bare head, with a stick figure drawn on the forehead. It is a round-headed smiling face with slanted eyes and a big smile.

Vaguely, Neiro felt a’funny’ smell.

“I…my hair!!!”

Nero’s horrified cry sounded in the carriage.


The city of seven waters, Kulo and the others just got off the car, Lida can’t wait to go shopping.

“Wait, let’s go to Chief-In-Charge, and then go shopping.”

Kulo looked at this city like Venice on the water and opened Den on his wrist. Den Mushi, dialed Kizaru’s number.


Den Den Mushi made a sound.

In the headquarters, Kizaru who was drinking tea also heard a similar sound and opened the black Den Den Mushi on his wrist.

“Hey, hello, there is no sound, so strange.”


Kulo simply closed Den Den Mushi, said with a smile : “Okay, no one answers, let’s go shopping.”

He doesn’t know where these spies are connected, and if the phone can’t get through, it doesn’t matter to him.

When the time comes, even if he asks, he has excuses.

I don’t know anything about the phone you don’t answer. I don’t blame him for this.

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