Sag stared at the person who suddenly appeared, “You are…”

“Here is a nosy.”

Barber glanced up and down at Kulo and said: “Foreigners must abide by the rules and go hunting in other places. The palace and the mine are forbidden. People like you are not allowed to approach. We have already agreed, right?”

“I don’t remember that I had such an agreement with you. If you have an agreement, go to the person who agreed.”

Kulo shrugged and said.

He looked towards the surroundings. Apart from the reaction of this young man, the others are still working in numbness.

As for this open-pit mine, he was very sure that there was only this supervisor, not even a soldier.

It’s all like this, but I still don’t resist…

Is this country so declining?


It really became a hunting ground.

“It makes people uncomfortable.”

Kulo slapped his lips, moved his hand, grabbed the whip, and shook it, trying to slap this ugly man like a fat pig go.

However, at this moment, Barber directly let go of the whip and quickly struck Kulo with a punch.

“I’ve said it, don’t be nosy, Pirate!”


The fist was thrown out, let Kulo eyes shrank, subconsciously retreated back, he was surprised: “Haki? Hey, just you?”

On the fist of this fat man, Wrapped directly with a layer of Haki.

And judging from his attainments, it seems to be very deep.

“Oh? Can you see Haki, you understand.”

Barber stretched out his fists, his fists were struck with a layer of almost greenish black. Haki stretched to the elbow position.

He said with a smile: “So, don’t worry about it!”

“Hey, you go!”

Sag shouted “Don’t come here anymore. There were people who came here before, but they were all killed by Minister Barber. You are not his opponents, here… there is no hope for a long time!”


Sag’s tone barely fell, Barber jumped up like an elephant, his feet forcibly made a deep footprint on the mined rocky land, punched To Kulo, yelled at the same time: “Who allowed you to speak! Sage!!!”

Bang! ! !

The ground was shattered by this fist, and the shock wave shook the Sage next to him. He flew out and rolled on the ground a few times.

“Good skill, able to dodge my attack, strange, Pirate like you, will come to this island like all the rubbish?”

Withdraw from the broken ground, and looked towards Kulo who had avoided it.

“This guy…”

Kulo frowned from behind, looking at the ground that was smashed out of a big hole, “It’s so strong, instead of expelling those Pirates, but You are also a strange thing to oppress your own citizens.”

“It’s just a pariah who won’t resist!”

Barber squeezed his fist and made a sound, looking disdainfully. To the people who are still mining, said with a sneer: “The purpose of these people is to make your Highness and me feel fun that’s all, that’s all, that’s all!”

He opened his hand, Bare a mouthful of white teeth, said with a big smile in the rain: “Fun! Life is high! It is the most fun to watch them become prey without resisting one by one and being scared there every day! It’s a pity that no one resists. , If there is resistance, it will be more fun!”


Kulo’s eyes sank, holding the handle of the knife, “There is no cure Ah.”


In the heavy rain, a breeze was rolled up.

Dang! !

At this moment, Barber eyes shrank, his hands slammed in front of him, hearing only a crisp sound, his arm sparked.

Kulo’s silhouette appeared behind him, surprised: “Kenbunshoku? You are also very accomplished, and you look calm and strange…”

It’s very strange .

Such a person should not have such a strong strength.

Besides, it is strange that such a person will remain so calm during battle.

If a single Busoshoku is very strong, he can understand it, but if both Haki’s attainments are very strong, it is puzzling.

This strength…

Although he has just played against him, Kulo is sure that if this guy becomes a Marine, he will at least be a Vice Admiral.

New World, as expected, there is no lack of strange things.

“The more I do this, the more upset I am…”

Kulo held the limpid autumn water, turned around and said: “People like you, there are so many hate quirks “

“I also didn’t expect, unexpectedly such a strong nosy person came.”

Barber said with a sneer: “A man like you , I will come to hunt, this world, it really sucks!”

As he said, there was a killing intent in his eyes.


His body is slightly low, like a hunter about to explode, under the stretched legs and feet, like a spring, he bursts from the spot and slams into Kulo. .

“Go to hell! Scum!” he said grimly.

Kulo’s eyes closed slightly, and his two fingers touched the limpid autumn water, and a golden glow was scattered under the heavy rain.

“I am a scum, can you call someone else scum? I…I look down on someone like you very much.”


face Kulo didn’t hide when Barber was rushing. He held the limbid autumn water with both hands and took a step forward. On his side, he avoided the fist attacked by Barber, and at the same time, the limbid autumn water smashed down on him. Bring up a golden glow.

“Ignorance divine wind Flow Murder Sword·Flood Dragon.”

Golden glow flashed by, Kulo and Barber crossed by, the latter fell on the ground and turned his head back , His face stiffened, “You…”

“Oh? Did you notice it, Kenbunshoku is really good.”

Kulo gently sheathed the limpid autumn water, “Unfortunately, It’s too late. Although it was rainstorm, you still heard…”


The blade, into the sheath.

“The light sound of divine wind.”

chi!! !

From Barber’s chest to his shoulders, a huge wound was suddenly opened. The blood was like a spring, mixed with the falling rainstorm, and fell to the ground.

The wound almost divided Barber’s upper body into two. Under the huge gap, he separated from the position of his right chest, his arm hanging down, only a little flesh and blood glued to it.

this blade, almost divided.

I can’t live anymore.


Just as Kulo thought so, a noise suddenly rang from behind him.

He moved his eyes, turned his head to look, and saw the fat man, stomping vigorously to stand upright, allowing his wobbly body to stand firm.

“Hey, are you kidding me?” Kulo surprisedly said.

It makes no sense.

He should die directly.

Although his injury is not good, he is pretty sure about this kind of strength.

“Untouchable! Trifling untouchable!”

Barber stretched out his left arm, stepping on the blood on the ground and walking towards Sag, making the boy’s eyes widened and paralyzed. The body sitting on the ground crawled back a few steps.

“You are just untouchables!”

Barber walked up to Sarger, his fat and huge body was like a hill, staring at Sarger indifferently, and his movable left arm was raised. high, pointed at him indifferently said: “The untouchables are not qualified to resist! There is no qualification!”

As he said, he turned his head and looked towards because of fighting, and stopped digging, looking at him with a bewildered look Other citizens, I don’t know where the strength came from, yelled:

“You too! Untouchables will always be untouchables! Your child, your grandson, as long as you are still in this country, you will speak for generations. It’s our doll! It’s our pleasure! Don’t want to resist, you can’t resist!”

As these words came out, the expressions of these people did not arouse any fluctuations.

“Sag, you too…”

Barber turned to the fearful Sage again, and said: “Why do I bully you so often? Because of you It looks like you will resist, but you don’t have one, you are also a pariah. Even if I’m dying now, you dare not resist, by the way… I heard that you have a younger sister. Turn around and take your younger sister. Grab it, no, let those scumbag Pirates grab your younger sister and let her be a slave.”

Barber said with a laugh: “Although I may not be able to see your expression, But I know that it’s fun, and it will be fun.”

“You…I…” Sarger’s eyes contracted, as if thinking of the scene that I absolutely didn’t expect.

“Look, it’s all like this. You will not resist. So, you are a pariah, and for generations to come, you are a pariah.”

Barber’s eyes widened with fists. Fiercely fell down.

At the moment when his fist was about to fall, Sarger’s trembling body suddenly stopped, he grasped the hoe that had just fallen on the ground, yelled: “I am not a pariah!”

“You are not allowed, catch my younger sister!!!”

shouting loudly, almost blowing away the falling storm, I don’t know where to sway an impact, and crush the surrounding gravel Direct impact to open.


Kulo pupil suddenly shrink, looked over in surprise.

This breath is Haoshoku, yes!

I saw the boy, with tears in his eyes, he jumped up and hit Barber’s left chest with a hoe fiercely.

“I will resist! I will definitely!”

Sager angrily roared: “I will never be bullied by you anymore!!”

There was a stunned look on Barber’s face. He opened his mouth and continued to swing his left fist down, while Sage stared at the left fist without fear, and the hoe embedded in Barber’s body went deeper.

The fist fell halfway, turned into a palm, and lightly rested on Sarger’s shoulder.


Barber’s knees softened, and he fell to his knees, his expression on his face gradually dull and stiff, and there was still that stunned and unbelievable fear.

It’s just that there is a wave of fluctuations in the depths of his eyes.

The fluctuation of joy.


Barber’s hand dropped weakly from Sage’s shoulder, and said softly:

“If you have the ability, just do it for me Look…”

His head hung down, and the corners of his mouth curled up slightly from an angle that Sarger could not see.

His Royal Highness…

The fire is lit up…

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