The rainstorm has cleared.

The raindrops under the eaves fell on the ground, reflecting a ray of light.

The black clouds dispersed, exposing the sun in the sky.

Among the crowd, Sage used a long spear to pick Crane Ogg’s head, turned around and shouted to everyone: “We! We are born again!!!”

“Oh !!!”

The common voice of mountain cry out and sea howl aroused among the people. They raised their weapons, cheered and jumped vigorously.

The lightness as if driving away the mountain that has been pressing on top of the head.

It’s over!

Everything is over!

They no longer have to bear the king’s oppression and Pirate’s attack, no matter who, if you want to bully them in the future, you can only step on their bodies!

Among the cheering crowd, only Moby Dick froze there. Before Sage shot Ough’s head, he saw it…


Just like back then, the fair-haired sunny boy smiled at himself and said that he wanted to save the country.

An inexplicable emotion lingers in Moby Dick’s heart. He looks at the head hanging on the silver white gun and opens his mouth. In the end, he can only lower his head and hide his figure. Among the many cheering people, gradually disappeared.

Crane Ogg is dead.

The chief culprit in this country is dead.

After cheering, a robust man held a knife, and his gnashing teeth stepped forward to make a knife on the headless corpse. His actions triggered other people to follow suit, holding weapons one after another. I want to come forward to the headless corpse and vent my hatred.


At this moment, all of them were stiff, and stopped there for a moment.

Sag looked back in surprise, and saw a sea of ​​blood gushing forward, giving people a kind of fear and coercion.

That’s not really a sea of ​​blood, it’s… some kind of breath.

“murderous aura!”

Moby Dick was taken aback and looked back.

At this moment, above the long spear held by Sarger, the head was picked up by an afterimage.

Kulo came to the crowd, holding the head, and sighing to the crowd: “Amazing, the will Awakening is different.”

His murderous aura, let him go Before, these people couldn’t resist at all.

And now, it’s just to let them pause for a moment that’s all.

Speaking, he gently placed the head on Ogg’s headless corpse and spliced ​​it together for him.

After doing this, he stood up, took the cigar out of his arms, spit out the smoke after lighting it, and slapped his mouth: “Why do I owe you so much? Want to collect your corpse?”

Sag was taken aback when he saw Kulo, and said: “Ah…it’s you, benefactor. What are you doing?”

Ogg said that he was Marine, and this person helped them kill Barber and injured Ogg seriously. Sage was all in his eyes.

In this Sea Territory, Marine has never appeared before.

Marine appears…that’s a good person!

“What are you going to do, benefactor?”

Sag looked at Kulo putting Oug’s head together, and he was a little puzzled: “This man is Myriad Evil Origin , Why do you want to keep his whole body?”


Kulo held his five fingers, the stones on the ground suddenly surged, and the ground on the ground The grid was wrapped, the stone was built up, and gradually shaped in it, forming a pedestal, and on the pedestal, there is a huge statue of Klein Ogg.

This statue, with a smile, holding a big gun, looking forward.


Sag is even more puzzled now, why do you want to make a statue for this bastard?

“Don’t get me wrong, I just want to give you a warning.”

Kulo waved his hand, and the surface of the base sank, forming a line of fonts.

[Crain Ogg]

[The Last King of the Hunting Grounds]

“Let you always realize that you must not repeat the same mistakes. “Kulo said.

“Yes, is that right?” Sager was taken aback and asked.

“Of course, do you think I gave myself a slap in the face?” Kulo rolled his eyes and said.

“It seems to be…”

Sag scratched his head, suddenly his face turned straight, and bowed to Kulo: “Anyway, thank you for saving us. If you didn’t have you If you do, I won’t make up my mind to resist!”

“no no no…”

Kulo bit his cigar and shook his head: “You can’t rely on me for this kind of thing , It’s up to you to resist, I’m just passing by.”

“Remember, this mood, the consciousness of wanting to resist, is the most precious to you.”

Kulo said: “Otherwise, in this Sea Territory, you will not survive.”

Good guys, Yonko Center, the nearby Sea Territory still has problems, it depends on the situation. Pirate frequented the place, and the days are not short, even long terrifying.

Crane Ogg, there is no doubt what to do at this time.

At least Kulo himself can clearly perceive that if these people were a pool of stagnant water when he first came, then their current emotions would be like a raging fire and burning.

“Yes! We will never forget!”

Sag has a flame in his eyes, clenched his fist and said: “Absolutely, I will never be bullied again!”

Kulo shrugged, turned his head and looked towards the sculpture he had just made, his eyes were inexplicable, and he whispered: “Also, I’m kind, for someone else, you’ve long been chopped into meat sauce.”

This fool used his own life, and even the life of his family, to arouse the will of the people.

Kulo does not comment on this.

What can he comment on?

This is not his country. Second, he has nothing to do with himself. Third, if he is here…

He is not as Haki and stupid as Oug, let himself come If it does, he would chop Pirate out first, and then…

If you don’t use the method of past life memory and just judge it purely based on your own personality, it is estimated that he will withdraw directly.

This thing, of course, if you can manage it, if you can’t, then pull it down.

The ability is limited, can’t afford to offend?

Kulo can’t do it if he wants to kill himself to do this kind of thing.

He doesn’t have that big ambition, and he doesn’t have that ambition.

In just five years, it is possible to inspire the will of these people who are like stagnant water, Klein Ogg, is really a powerhouse that is rarely seen.

“Yes, people like you probably won’t acknowledge allegiance to Pirate.”

Kulo looked at the statue and sighed softly.

A country that has been oppressed by Pirate and lawless elements for a long time, finally has a rebellious spirit and great ambition, you let him acknowledge allegiance to Yonko?

Being a daoist shameless doesn’t talk about conscience.

He doesn’t know what Crane Ogg thinks, anyway, he wouldn’t be able to do such a mess.

Then he would rather go to Yonko to single out, and fight to the death so as to bid farewell to this twisted world.

As a powerhouse, he naturally has his dignity.

After living in this world for so many years, Kulo has long recognized it.

People in this world say stupid is really stupid.

Speaking of admiration…

There is also a little bit.

“It’s so fucking.”

Kulo kicked the base of the statue, and looked towards the group of people who were immersed in joy, saying: “Good Let’s see, what kind of people can you make with your own hands.”

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