Before the large fleet arrived at the port, a golden light flashed from the Battleship, turned into a light, and shot directly in front of Kulo in an instant.

The beam is shaped and turned into a tall man.

The man with his hands in his pockets, a yellow suit and cloak, pouted to Kulo with a wretched look: “Oh~ Kulo, are you okay?”

“Yellow , Kizaru?!”

Moby Dick’s eyes widened when he saw someone coming.

That’s right, that man, Admiral of Marine’s highest battle strength, Kizaru! !

Why did he come here? !

Lucifer · Kulo, is it worth letting an Admiral come here in person? !

“Oh, Old Master, I have a big deal.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, “The injury is not healed.”

“It seems I have suffered a lot of injury.”

Kizaru glanced at Kulo, nodded, and said with a smile: “It’s okay, the old man is here to pick you up.”

As he said, he glanced at the stunned nationals, “Oh~ this is… a big battle, a bit inconsistent with the rumors of the Kingdom of Klein, it’s terrifying.”

“Ah… the times are always changing.”

Kulo glanced back and said meaningfully.

Soon, the Battleship drew ashore, and Kulo didn’t bother, so he boarded the ship directly.

This country has changed visible to naked eye, and it’s useless to stay. The palace is full of treasures, enough for these people to find a way to buy everything they want.

Whether it is to rebuild the kingdom or buy a lot of weapons.

If Haoshoku is there, follow-up is no longer a problem.

After receiving Kulo, the battleship mission was completed. With the return of Strawberry, the large fleet moved and departed from Klein Island.

“You all pay attention. This is the spiral Sea Territory. Pay attention to the route. Don’t get caught by the vortex.”

On the Battleship, Strawberry is holding Den Den Mushi to other Battleships. Give orders, and then watch Kulo, who is surrounded by people in the center like all the stars cup themselves around the moon on the deck.

“Kulo Kulo, are you okay?” Lida asked, bouncingly, the closest to Kulo.

“It’s okay, what am I calling you to do? Hurry up, suck my strength and treat me, it hurts me.”

Kulo rolled his eyes and lay down. On the recliner that Marine moved over, instructed: “Kuro, bring me the cigar. This temporary cigar tastes really hard to smoke. Also, Leda, go tell Kikyo to go to the kitchen and let her cook something to eat. Give it to me.”

The empty ear of Kikyo, Kulo doesn’t talk to her now, let Lida do it for him if he has something.

“Yes, I understand.”

Kuro pushed down his glasses and turned to the ship’s office.

As the Lieutenant Commander and steward of Kulo, he usually carries all the things that Kulo wants, and cigars are naturally included.

And after Lida and Kikyo finished talking, Kikyo nodded, went to the kitchen.

After Lida finished speaking, she held Kulo with one hand and said, “Essence harvest!”

At that moment, Kulo felt that his Essence, Qi, and Spirit were all losing.

“Stop, stop, I only let you suck my strength, other things are needed, I know you have gained a lot recently.” Kulo said.

This kind of suction is no longer limited to pure physical strength. You must know that courage and spirit are also very important to a person.

“Oh.” Leda complied, changing the way, only absorbing physical strength.

Her fruits are also gradually being developed.

Now, once a person is touched by her, it is not as simple as absorbing physical strength.

When this ability was at the top of the year, it became clear.

It’s been a year, and now Leda, in terms of absorption, once she comes into contact with her, even Haki can’t make it out.

“Essence feedback!”

After absorbing her physical strength, Lida’s arm shook, and Kulo’s physical strength changed to the healing ability.

Immediately, Kulo shook his body, shook his palm, and lay on the recliner comfortably, “Ah…comfortable.”

Although it took some physical effort , But his injuries from fighting Charlotte Linlin have been completely recovered.

The bruises on the body surface are gone, the broken ribs have also recovered, and the internal injuries that were beaten before are almost healed.

The ability of fruit, I have to say, sometimes it is a miracle.

“Alright, Kulo.” Kizaru asked from the side.

“It’s almost there.”

Kulo nodded, relaxed, “It’s so special, I won’t be here again next time.”

“Mr. Kulo! Where are you!”

Cass said resolutely on the side: “You are too powerful! To face Yonko alone, this is the courage I need to learn! You once said, humans The hymn of courage is the hymn of courage. For you, this sentence is perfect!”

“Yes! This is so heroic, let me be fascinated!” Donald next to him echoed.

Kulo rolled his eyes and ignored the two idiots.

He will be a fool if he gets on top.

In a fight, I didn’t earn anything and I was injured. It’s uncomfortable for many chickens.

“Speaking of, Kulo, what did you do to the Kingdom of Klein?”

Kizaru touched the chin, laughed and said: “When the old man just watched, their willpower, It’s terrifying.”

“I didn’t do anything. This is something a foolish king bought with his own life.”

Kuro just came back at this time, Passing the Kulo cigar, he took it and lit it up, spit out the smoke, and smacked his mouth: “It still tastes good.”

He didn’t want to talk about this.

That foolish person has nothing to talk about.

It is already his kindness to set up a sculpture for him.

At least…someone can remember that although the truth is not very clear to him, intuitively, it should be correct.

“By the way, if you all come, what will happen on the island?”

Kulo frowned: “Don’t you want people to stay at Chambord?”

Pegasus Island Fortunately, Cass just came here by the way. Doug. Marine is not in large numbers, and most of them are on Pegasus Island.

Given the number of people on Pegasus Island, Pirate generally cannot enter.

Especially when he just slapped Charlotte · Linlin, and then went shopping after Old Master.

It’s the shampoo land. All his subordinates are here, and the shampoo land is almost empty.

“It has been arranged.”

Kuro said: “Before setting off, the Chambord area has been under martial law. Now Wilbur Captain is there to maintain order.”


When he said this, there was a hint of chill in his tone.

This martial law is more violent than the last time.

But at that time, how dare Kuro care about other things, he was the one who got the knife.

“There is still me and me.”

Sazir leaned in and said, “The underground order of Chambord has been cleaned up.”

Kulo rolled his eyes.

If this little thing is not done well, you can go back to the stove and recreate it.

“It’s done, it’s gone, I’m doing it all around here, what should I do.”

Kulo waved his hand, “Let me clean for a while , I feel uncomfortable now.”

He hasn’t gotten over yet.

Although he picked up his lion head on the way, his inventory was lost in half.

It hurts!

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