Kulo’s sincerity is not fake.

For Issho who is proficient in Kenbunshoku, he can naturally feel the mood of others.

Although the Kulo little brother is very strong and Kenbunshoku can’t feel his specific thoughts, he can still faintly discover his sincerity.

This is serious.

“Under, is that important?” Issho asked a little uncertain.

Marine has contacted him, but only let him join Marine, which is obviously inappropriate for Issho, who is always alone.

If you want to retaliate in your heart, of course you don’t have a status.

Then he heard the news that Marine had recruited an Admiral, and that the other one, Issho naturally thought of was Lucifer · Kulo who had met in the land of bugs.

Marine’s world conscription, the last Admiral position, it must be him.

Issho has no thoughts in this regard.

Where can I think that Lucifer · Kulo actually sent someone here.

He has no thoughts about the position of Admiral?

It seems that I have felt Issho’s doubts, Kulo said with a smile: “Old Brother, I am a subordinate of Admiral Kizaru, even if I want to be Admiral, it will be after my Old Master retires, but Now Marine is in desperate need of a righteous man like you, look…”

He put his arm around Issho’s shoulder and said, “Gambling or something, I know Old Brother is good at it, but always If you rely on Kenbunshoku, isn’t it cheating? There’s no fun. But once you become Admiral, it’s different. Admiral has a high salary. It’s fun to make money and gambling, and you can practice your own justice. There’s nothing wrong with it. “

“But, would you mind being Admiral?” Issho asked.

“No, my Kulo is who, and I give the title East Blue, the little Prince, you think, Old Brother, you are a fruitful Ability User, I am Fuwa Fuwa no Mi Ability User, let’s If you are all colleagues, then dealing with Pirate ah evil or something, wouldn’t it be all right.”

Kulo said: “Old Brother, we have also met each other, and we know each other a little bit.”

Kulo said, “Old Brother, we have met each other. , If you join Marine, whether it is good for yourself or Marine, it’s a win-win thing, why don’t you agree.”

“You said that…”

Issho After thinking about it, nodded and said: “As long as you don’t mind the Kulo little brother, then you won’t mind next.”

“Absolutely not, but I have always regarded you as Old Brother. From now on we Just call them brothers and brothers, and contribute to the cause of Marine together!”


Issho broke free of Kulo’s hand and bowed to him, “That’s a new Recruit, please everyone.”

“Where, I will rely on Old Brother in the future.” Kulo quickly lifted Issho up with a smile on his face.

That’s it!

Also, Issho, a person with such a strong sense of justice, who is not a Marine, will be dragged away by the Revolutionary Army sooner or later.

In other words, he will also become a person who has done certain things and is wanted by the World Government.

Although Kulo believes that with Issho’s rationality, it is impossible to do such a thing, World Government is not so stupid.

But in case, if something like this happens, wouldn’t it mean that a big enemy was erected in vain.

When the time comes, it’s okay for him to be in New World. In case of Grand Line, how many people will be able to capture such an existence?

It’s good to join Marine.

“Then, Old Brother, come with me, wait to sit at my place, and then I will send you a boat to the headquarters.” Kulo said to Issho.

“Then I will disturb you.”

Issho nodded, then remembered something, and turned to the manager who looked unfathomable mystery with trembling with fear: Here, I’ll change your chips.”

If you win money, of course you have to change your chips.

For gambling on Kenbunshoku or something, it’s a big or small gambling…

What is the difference between that and cheating.

Kulo did this too, but it was a long time ago. At that time, there was no site and the salary was low, so I could only gather a wave of wool. Now, I don’t need it.


New headquarter.

Kizaru hung up the phone on his wrist, took a sip of tea slowly, “He did it.”

On the front seat of the office, it was Sakazuki.

“This kind of thing, natural.” Sakazuki’s mouth has a smile, “Let Kulo go, it is correct.”

“Oh~ good terrifying, you Sakazuki too Will you plot against?” Kizaru was surprised.

“Stop joking, Borsalino, since the old man is Fleet Admiral, he will not only fight crime, but also pay attention to the next generation of Marine.”

Sakazuki said: “Issho, too, ‘Ryokugyu’ is also good. It was only recruited by conscription. It is not as good as the Marine we cultivated personally. Kuzan, that bastard can quit as soon as he quits, and who knows what will happen in the future.”

“The next generation The old man won’t let Kuzan’s incident happen again. Although Kulo is only Rear Admiral, he will surely take over Marine’s responsibility when this generation is over.”

Listening to Sakazuki’s words, Kizaru shrugged. Shrugging, a smile appeared at the corner of his tea-drinking mouth.

This is indeed the case.

Kulo can’t be Admiral, this is something they all know about, at least temporarily.

In addition to being a Kizaru faction, World Government will not release an Admiral who dares to fight Yonko alone in this situation.

But Sakazuki thinks deeper.

Above Admiral, that is Fleet Admiral.

Either Issho or Ryokugyu, after all, it was enlisted by the world. If there is no Kulo, Fleet Admiral might choose between them or others.

There can be Kulo, so when Kulo becomes Admiral, Fleet Admiral will not be far away.

Kulo and Issho have seen each other before. Depending on the situation, the relationship between the two seems to be okay. If no surprises, let this’Admiral’ stand on the side and add them to the top executives, etc. In the future, Kulo will grow up, and become Fleet Admiral will make a smooth transition.

Without political disagreement, something similar to Kuzan’s.

For that matter, Sakazuki has been taking seriously.


Above the sea, Kulo who has received Issho is rushing back.

“Brother Kulo, what is your concept of justice.”

Issho, who visited Battleship and visited a circle, is in the office at this time, and asked the Kulo directly opposite. Tao.

Kulo took him around for a tour and then went to his Battleship office with him, and then ordered Kikyo to cook, and personally invited Issho in the office.

“The concept of justice? Security.”

Kulo opened his mouth and said, “The justice of security is my justice. Everything is based on security, whether the world is good, Marine is also High, civilians, how can you live well if you are insecure.”

“Is it safe? No wonder…”

Issho nodded, a little surprised.

The Kulo color he felt was even stranger than before.

Red, yellow, and blue are all manifested in Kulo’s body, turning into pitch black, but in this pitch black, it is dyed by another golden layer, but in the golden, there is another touch of red, which completely Turned into red and black gold.

For Issho’s world, color is personality.

“No wonder Lederfield was defeated by you…”

Issho nodded, “Brother, if you work with you, it should be easy. Maybe you can help. My wish underneath.”

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