Although Hancock doesn’t pay attention to the world situation, mother-in-law New has also told her that without the man Lucifer Kulo, the casualties of the war Marine would not be so low that year.

And they Shichibukai themselves have seen the performance of this man at the top of the war.

This is almost chasing the Blackbeard Pirates team to fight, and it also hit the’Akagami’ man hard.

If you look down on it, you can only suffer.

But, this man found out!

Luffy’s trail was discovered by him!

This man must be stopped!

Even if Shichibukai is improper, she has to be Lord Luffy to stop this man who threatens him.

Otherwise, Lord Luffy will not be able to cultivate here safely.

She can’t accompany Master Luffy anymore.

“I said, Shichibukai and Marine are allies. I’m just here to pick you up. Is it necessary to fight with me?”

Kulo throws the limbid autumn water away , Looked towards Hancock and said: “Or, you don’t want to be Shichibukai anymore? Are you ready to disobey the orders of the World Government and abandon Shichibukai’s duties?”

Hancock said: “You defy your concubine first As agreed with the World Government, outsiders are not allowed to enter here. For this reason, the concubine will punish you!”

“As for the World Government, that doesn’t matter, the concubine will be forgiven for whatever she does, because …”

She leaned back, looked up at the sky, pointed at Kulo with a finger, “The concubine body is so beautiful!”

“This woman…”


Lida gritted her teeth and said: “Sure enough, annoying.”

“Mero Mero Merrow!”

At the moment when he pointed to Kulo, Hancock’s index finger appeared. A love head went straight to Kulo.

“Indulge in the beauty of your concubine body, wretched man!”

The speed of love is extremely fast, but compared with Kulo, the speed is still a bit slower.

As the love approached his body, Kulo flashed around his body, appearing on the other side as if teleporting, allowing the love to penetrate through his afterimage.

Kulo glanced back at the flying love heart, and said to Hancock: “Wow, you don’t speak martial arts, you say sneak attack just sneak attack.”

Hancock No answer, she just straightened up, touched her finger on her jade lips, and drew a love heart, “Kiss a gun!”

She pointed at Kulo, her fingers formed a gun gesture, and with the’bang With a sound, Aixin beat out at a faster speed.

“I said…”

Kulo’s relaxed figure side avoided this attack and said: “This thing, it’s useless.”

“Kissing the gun·Continuous shooting!”

Hancock kept his fingers, and quickly clicked, shooting out a lot of love bullets.

The density of bullets can almost cover the surrounding area of ​​Kulo.


Du Du Duo!

Just at the moment when the bullets of love came, Kulo made a big teleport and disappeared from the place. Those bullets of love made traces on the ground.

The style of the kiss gun is not only petrified, but also has the formidable power of bullets.

When Hancock saw Kulo disappearing, his pupils patrolled everywhere, then he was startled. On one side of his body, his hands almost charmingly embraced the back of the head and kicked back.


One hand pressed her smooth and jade calf, and at the same time, the blade of limpid autumn water appeared on her neck.

Kulo appeared behind her, head bowed, and gently said in her ear: “Is it enough, Hancock.”


Hancock sneered: “You bumped into me, petrify!”


Kulo froze for a moment, subconsciously let go of his hand, his body backed away, shaking Shaking the palm of his hand, relaxed: “It’s so dangerous. I almost forgot that you can’t touch you as a woman.”

“What’s going on…”

Hancock turned around and looked Holding Kulo’s hand, logically, she had already activated her abilities the moment he touched her. As long as she was a bastard who moved her heart, no matter whether she was a man or a woman, she would definitely be petrified.

Although this man is very strong, Hancock is still very confident in petrifying one of his hands.

“What are you kidding me!”

Hancock gritted his teeth and said: “Why are you not heartbeat?!”

Kulo has a confident smile at the corner of his mouth. He straightened his chest and said: “You think I am who, and I am the justice Marine, how can I be moved by Pirate.”


Leda is a little bit right now Moved.

Sure enough, Kulo can still tell the difference.

She turned her head moved, looked towards Kulo, and then her expression collapsed.

I saw Kulo talking in a serious manner, but his eyes never left Hancock’s body. That straight-and-hook look was so wretched and wretched.

“Let’s come!”

Hancock showed an expression of disgust, “Your eyes have not left since the moment your concubine appeared, and the smelly men outside Same!”

“You read it wrong.”

Kulo never admits, “I am absolutely irreconcilable with gambling drugs!”

He was moved It was heartbeat, but he really knew Hancock’s abilities, so he had been alert since she appeared.

Hancock’s basic ability is to petrify a heart-moving person, but if she doesn’t feel it and distracts her attention, she won’t be petrified.

To put it simply, Kulo’s counseling…no, it’s that alertness, more than the heartbeat.

My heart is forced to rely on Lai Lai, I am mature and steady!

What stands out is the word “stable”!

“In that case…”

Hancock touched his lips with a finger, and pulled out a huge love. She pulled the love away with the other hand, forming a bow and arrow. , Aim at Kulo.

Basic ability is basic ability, but as a powerhouse, the ability of’Mero Mero no Mi’ has long been developed into a realm by her.

Without the heart of others, Hancock can also petrify it, whether it is living or non-living.

“Prisoner’s Arrow!”

A large number of pink arrows, as Hancock pulls towards the sky, burst out quickly, thousands of arrows dropping from the sky.

If you are hit by this trick, even if you don’t feel excited, the man will be petrified.

Kill Lucifer Kulo, Hancock didn’t have that idea. She knew Kulo’s identity. If you really kill him, Kizaru won’t stop.

But she can be petrified until Master Luffy goes to sea.

Thinking of this, an imposing manner suddenly appeared in Hancock’s eyes, and he moved towards the wretched man on the opposite side and rushed.


The sea water on the coast was rolled up at this brief moment.

Haoshoku’s cover pressure!

Kulo, who was about to get out of the way, condensed, and frowned looked towards Hancock, “You woman, it seems that you are determined to stop me here…”

He squeezed the limpid autumn water, staring at the captive arrows descending from the sky, and waved his left hand forward.

The land fluctuated in this brief moment, turned into a wave of earth, rising high, blocking Kulo, and letting those pink arrows shoot in.

At the moment the arrow pierced the Central Plains wave, the earth wave petrified and formed a harder rock.

This makes Kulo frowned, “Huh?”

This thing is material, right?

In other words…

His body flies up and rises above the stone wall, looking at the constantly firing pink arrow, stretches out his left hand, “Wind!”


The ability to stir the air, forming a violent wind, swaying around those pink arrows.

Kulo squinted his eyes, holding fiercely with his left hand, and the strong wind rolled up the pink arrows and raised them to the sky together.

At this moment, his eyes towards Hancock were full of enthusiasm.

Like an LSP saw a peerless beauty.


This person is a peerless beauty.

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