New World.

Marine’s new headquarters.

“Turtle… a living steel fortress.”

When the Battleship docked in this new headquarters, Kulo looked up at the huge fortress in the center of many buildings. , Somewhat surprised.

The stone fortress is filled with large and small cannons, single-barreled heavy cannons, and double-barreled light cannons, extending from the ground to the top of the fortress, and above the top, There is also a three-story building similar to the castle tower.

Other small fortresses are also full of cannon, and behind these fortress groups, there are two huge magnet-like buildings fixed at this end, like two entrances without doors.

This is New World. The magnetic field changes extremely strongly. The existence of these two big things is used to stabilize the magnetic field of the island, so that the surrounding weather will not be so unpredictable.

After all, this is Marine Headquarters. Naturally, it can’t do nothing like those Pirates. What is needed more is stability.

There are already many ships in the port docks.

Marine who came to the ceremony from all over the world gathered here.

“Kulo, a lot of Vice Admiral are on the ship!”

Leda grabbed the corner of Kulo’s clothes and looked around excitedly.

Marine Vice Admiral, of course, is qualified to build its own ship.

“Ah…I saw it.”

Kulo glanced at the ships on the deck, among the various Vice Admiral ships, he also watched Arrived on a dog head ship.

The old man Garp is here too.

“Hey, Kulo, you also apply for a seat ship, so that I can drive the seat ship back to East Blue and go to Bharati for dinner!” Lida excitedly said.

“What stupid thing are you talking about!”

Kulo rolled his eyes and said ill-humoredly: “I opened the ship? You simply custom me a coffin ship for me Just lie down.”

Speaking, a group of people went down and came to the front of the port.

The Marine who was in charge of welcoming them stood up straight and saluted and greeted the Kulo entire group.

Kulo directly opened Den Den Mushi on his wrist and dialed a number.

“Moximosi, this is Kizaru.”

Den Den Mushi’s appearance immediately became wretched, and a frivolous voice came out.

Kulo was on the phone in the office, he would definitely hear such a loud noise.

“Old Master, I’m here.” Kulo said to Den Den Mushi as he walked.

“Oh~Kulo, you are here.”

Den Den Mushi pouted and made a surprised voice, and then said: “Then come directly, the old man is here Above.”

“I see…wait, I will go shopping first, and see you later.”

Kulo glanced at his eyes and suddenly saw a familiar After hanging up Den Den Mushi, he shouted to the other side: “Hey, Smoker!”

At the other end of the port, a familiar silhouette was facing a man wearing a floral shirt and draped in Marine What did the woman in Cloak say, that woman just kept nodded in that wronged.

When he heard the sound, the silhouette turned his head and froze for a moment, “Kulo?!”

“It’s really you, your appearance has changed a lot.”

Kulo walked over and looked at the way of Smoker and tsk tsk.

I haven’t seen it for a long time, Smoker’s appearance has changed a lot, he is still wearing a Marine jacket, but also wearing the cloak he never wore before.

“Ah! Kulo Rear Admiral!”

Opposite Smoker, Tashigi saw the visitor and immediately smiled. She stood up and said: “long time no see, Kulo Rear Admiral! And Leda and Kuro.”

“long time no see.”

Kulo looked at Tashigi, and took out one from Smoker’s jacket chest. A cigar was taken directly into his arms.

“Tashigi, if you haven’t seen you for so long, you’ve become much more beautiful, but this hairstyle is very dangerous, but I appreciate it.” Kulo moved towards Tashigi said with a smile.

At this time, Tashigi has grown up long hair and tied a bun, which is a bit of a hairstyle commonly used by married women. Her face is also a lot longer, and she looks like a gentle and virtuous intellectual. Like a wife, in the same way, the figure is more wives.

“Hey, Kulo!”

Leda gave Kulo a thigh, and then said to Tashigi: “Long time no see, Tashigi.”


Smoker glared at him and said: “Don’t you own it yourself, why do you want to take my cigar when you see me!”

“Sorry, it went smoothly “

Kulo shrugged and looked towards him: “It seems that you were a bit cruel in the G-5. What is the scar on your head.”

On Smoker’s sunglasses, there was a curved scar extending from the upper right eye to the left hairline, which made him look a bit more hideous.

Although this man looks terrifying all the time.

“This is a small price for destroying Pirate, it’s incomparable to you, you guy…”

Smoker twitched his lips and said, “But I killed Lederfield Ah.”

“We are still good friends without mentioning this.”

Kulo rolled his eyes, patted Smoker’s shoulder, “Go, find a place to drink.”


“you guy…”

Smoker looked up at Kulo and smiled, “It’s quite high!”

Kulo looked at him as short , But now, more than a head higher than Smoker, you can already look down on Smoker.

Smoker used to be two meters tall. This period of time seems to be a little longer, but it does not exceed 2.5 meters, and Kulo has reached two meters eight.

“Ah…unfathomable mystery has grown taller, leave it alone.” Kulo said.

“By the way, don’t you want to report to Admiral Kizaru?” Smoker asked.

“That kind of thing is not in a hurry, anyway, the ceremony is still early.”

“Alright, then have a drink, wait…who treats?” Smoker suddenly became alert.

“Don’t worry.”

Kulo invited Smoker on the shoulder and walked forward with him, “I am so rich now!”

With the industry of Pegasus Island and the taxation of Chambord land, he can also be regarded as a big dog in this world.

Now it’s not the same as before. When he was a school lieutenant, before the industry started, he still thought about his salary as Marine, but now, he doesn’t care about the salary of Rear Admiral. of.

However, when Marine arrives at the Captain position, it will basically be the head of a place, and it will not be short of money.

Ah… the decadent feudal and capital society is really ugly!

Yeah! It’s ugly!

The new headquarters naturally also has a Marine residence, but the family still lives in Marineford, and the defensive power of that place is not low. As the Marine portal of New World, if there are family members, it will increase It’s a bit weak.

Sakazuki will not allow this to happen, so Marine is basically living here. Of course, business is also allowed to communicate here.

There are still places where Marine can relax in restaurants, pubs and entertainment facilities.

After all, there is no way to relax the canteen.

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