“Kady Flam.”

Lucci turned around and said indifferently: “Have you escaped? It seems that the people in several carriages are all I was defeated by you.”

“I’m going to kill you, Ironhide!”

Nero struggled to get up and said to Lucci: “Oh, sorry, I haven’t had time to say hello yet Just let you see such a shameful scene, wait for me… wait for me to kill these two people, and then introduce you.”

“Who is this?” Lucci looked down at him.

“It looks like it’s Neiro, newbie here.” Kalifa glanced at it and said.

“Newbie…Are you mistaken? Our mission is to safely bring back Nico Robin and Cardi Flam. You idiot, you are influenced by emotions and you can’t distinguish between tasks. It’s not as serious as the three Marines over there.”


Kulo, smoking a cigar, raised his head, what does it have to do with them.

“Well, forget it, give you three seconds.”

“What do you mean…wait, wait a minute!”

Nairo found out about Lucci With his intention, he quickly used to shave off the road, but Lucci where he could run, was soon overtaken, Shigan pierced through the back, and then kicked out the window and fell into the sea.

“Kalifa, when I report back to the above, I said that newbie is too weak and it’s not useful.” Lucci retracted his bloody finger and said.

“Understood.” Carlyfa was nodded.

“Smoke bomb!”

At this moment, Usopp threw another smoke bomb, and strong smoke filled the entire compartment.

Usopp carried Robin and passed directly through the three of Kulo who had already sat down.


Sanji and Franz gave a thumbs up.

“This style…”

Kalu covered his nose and mouth, and said annoyed: “Too boring!”

When you have a skill , you can eat your fill.

Whether it is boring or not, just useful.

The smoke cleared, Usopp and the others disappeared in the first car, and Lucci and the others chased out.

The first car, only Kulo and the others are left.

“Does it matter?” Kuro asked.

Kulo shook his head: “Our mission ends here. Don’t be nosy. When it’s Judicial Island, it’s nothing to do with us.”

It’s not his mission. What is he doing so hard?

Besides, Bruno’s ability will not let them run away.

Sure enough, after a while, Bruno watched Franky and Robin and returned to the first car.


“World Government, Marine, I will not forgive you, absolutely not!”

Franky still clamored in the carriage.

“If you scold the World Government, then scold the World Government. It’s Marine what’s the matter, and it’s not you that we caught.” Kulo said, smoking a cigar.

“Shut up, you little Marine!”

Franky loudly roared, hitting Kulo with a punch.

“Franky, don’t!” Robin said anxiously.

There is still a great swordsman watching there, absolutely can’t make a move!


The ten blades blocked Franky’s fist, Kuro appeared in front of Kulo, blocking the fist, couldn’t help taking a step back, and exclaimed: “Iron?”

“I am It’s iron of course to transform people!”

Franky roared, and the other hand smashed in the same way.

“Don’t be noisy, it’s so noisy.”

At this moment, Lida appeared in front of Franky and put a hand on it, but she was a little stunned in the next moment. , Suddenly transformed into a girl’s posture, pushed away with a palm, pushed Franky away, and crashed into the opposite car.

“It doesn’t work…” Leda looked at her hand and said in amazement.

“He is transforming people. Except for the head, it is no longer a lifeform. Of course, your abilities are useless.” Kulo indifferently said.

Robin clenched the teeth, crossed his hands, and a large number of arms appeared on Kulo, capturing all of his vitals.

“Go out! You don’t need you here! Otherwise, your companions will be taught a lesson!”

The atmosphere, suddenly silent.

Leda and Kuro looked towards Kulo together. Seeing him expressionless, they swallowed their saliva and stepped aside.

Not afraid of Robin’s threat, but Kulo’s eyes, which is very ugly.

“What’s going on?”

Robin is keenly aware of this. She is not a fool. She has been hiding in Tibet for twenty years, which has created her extremely keen observation.

The Kuro, who she considers to be the great swordsman, is afraid.

The woman who is obviously an Ability User is also scared.

Wait…Kuro doesn’t have a knife.

The knife is on that man.

“Eye sword.”

Kulo glanced at her, Robin groaned, hugged his body, stepped back several steps, and squatted down.

The arms on his body also turned into petals and disappeared.


Franky stood up, raised his hands high together, folded into a fist and smashed it down.

“There are too many weak spots.”


Kulo just slapped his fist easily, and his fist sank into Franky’s chest. The latter let out a retching, clutching his chest to the ground.

“It hurts to transform people…”

Kulo glanced at him sideways, flew with one foot, and kicked Franky to the ground.

Robin lifting his head, panting and asking: “It turns out that you are the great swordsman praised by Hawk Eyes. You have been hidden for so long without being famous. What is your purpose?”

Kulo sat down on Franky’s back, took out a cigar again, and lit himself.

“Don’t think everyone is so dark, Nico Robin, I’m just a weak Marine who yearns for peace and security. I have the ability to attack Pirate and protect the people.

To be honest, I don’t want to take care of your business, so you can assume that you don’t know me, and we go to Judicial Island peacefully. After all, Marine and you have no grudges, do they?”

World Government In World Government, Marine is Marine, two different things.

“I see. Please let go of Franky.”

With this man, all tactics are just vain, and Robin himself has given up resistance, and Kulo exists. , Just let her compromise faster.

“That’s right. I think you’re an eye-catcher. I won’t bother you to communicate about how hateful World Government is. After all, I’m just a Marine. Your thinking is too high and my realm is too low. If you can’t keep up, I’m not here to communicate with you.”

Kulo stood up and said, “Lida, go.”

Lida resumed her child’s posture and followed well. Behind Kulo, several people left the first car.

Originally, he was going to the second car, but he found that the third car did not fall off, and only the fourth logistic car fell off, so he went to the third car.

“Kulo…that woman, very pitiful.”

Stayed in the car for a while, seeing that Kulo’s expression gradually stabilized, and even started to joke with Kuro. Leda asked.

Lida also went to sea at the age of eight, and she has experienced a lot of things. The only difference from Robin is that she is not wanted.

“The woman is innocent, she was just implicated, but her growth trajectory later made her take certain things as her mission…”

Kulo Touch Li Da’s head, looked towards the window, slowly said: “But ah, good and bad, right and wrong, right and wrong, there is no answer to the entire world. Whether it is Marine, Pirate, or Government, everyone Where is the wrong person who thinks he is right. Order, freedom, dreams, ambitions, alive and dead, who can figure it out.”

“It’s too esoteric to understand. “Leda patted her little head.

Kulo sighed: “Let the times develop by themselves. In such an era, what we can do is to protect ourselves and the people who are also swallowed up by the waves of the times.”

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