After ten days.

Chambord land, somewhere in the remote corner of the island, a ship also docked.

The blond man with curly eyebrows in black formal wear stepped off the boat calmly and walked to the land. He lifted his head and held a cigarette in his mouth. He looked forward and exclaimed: “It’s really nostalgic. Ah, the shampoo place…I’m finally here.”

That look is like remembering something, like a wanderer returning home.


But soon, this man broke his work.

The eyes turned into the shape of love, staring at the women in the small island town ahead.

“Women are real women!!!”

His eyes gradually moistened, “I think about it day and night, real women, real women !!!”

As he said, he was about to run forward, “I’m here, dear ladies, I’m finally here!!”

“Sanji ~”

However, at this moment, a rough and crooked voice rang from behind him.

A rough man with blond hair but with makeup and feminine clothes looked at Sanji charmingly and said, “We are here to say goodbye. Although I am very reluctant to bear you, I believe we will still meet. again.”

Speaking, he blew a kiss to Sanji.

This time, Sanji shivered all over his body.

“I don’t want to see you!”

Sanji turned around and roared: “Anyway, that’s it, many thanks. You send me here and say hello to Ivan, and goodbye!”

He turned around and ran directly, roaring: “Man Sanji, returned from hell!”


An eye full of love The man with a foolish smile ran over and let the women next to him run away one by one.

But Sanji didn’t care at all. After walking on the street, a pair of loving eyes kept looking at it.

“This is good!”

“This is also possible!”

“Wow, this skin is so good!”

“Little Elder sister is fine!”

“This white-haired Little Loli is also great, but unfortunately I have no interest in little girls. Mature women are king!”

Sanji’s mouth is full It’s about to fall, and the tongue has become a love, in the comments of each minding their own business.


On the street, Lida was wearing blue overalls, licking ice cream, moved towards Sanji not far away and took a look, “hentai?” Hey, Kulo, it’s been a long time since you haven’t come out, and everything has come to this island.”

Beside her, a man wearing a black coat with fleece on the shoulders and wide open placket was biting. Cigar, he was paying the ice cream shop Boss next to him. Hearing what Leda said, he turned his head and said, “Is everything to blame? There are so many of you, you can’t even look at an island. What do I want from you? Use it?”

Speaking, he moved towards Sanji and looked in the direction, but there was still a silhouette.

“What about people?”

“I ran, I don’t know where I went, it may be a mental illness.” Lida said.

“Forget it, no matter, Boss, give me one too.”

Kulo turned his head and continued talking to the ice cream shop Boss.

He was finally brought out by Leda.

In a big tree not far from them, Sanji hid behind and his eyes had returned to normal.

He took a cigarette, pondered then said: “It doesn’t seem to be the time to look for a lady, those two guys…”

He stepped on the cigarette butt, moved towards 13GR Go in the direction of

When he arrived at the tavern, Sanji opened the door, and before he could see it clearly, he heard a nasty voice.

Zoro turned his head, looked up and down at Sanji, and said, “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen you, do you look better, Luke.”

“Hey, it’s you, green Algae head.”

Sanji said with an unhappy expression.

He walked in and greeted Rayleigh and Xia Qi, “Long time no see, Rayleigh, Xia Qi, where are the others?”

Rayleigh leaned on the sofa , Smiled at Sanji, “long time no see.”

“Ah, here’s another one.”

Xia Qi was smoking a cigarette there, said with a smile: “So, there are seven.”

“Zoro was the first to arrive ten days ago, Franky was the second one ten days ago, and Nami was the first one a few days ago. Three, Usopp is four, and the Chopper that arrived yesterday, plus you, only Robin and Luffy have not arrived. There are still so many people in the current shampoo. You are expected to gather all of you, yes, old fogey.”

“I don’t know, I haven’t seen Luffy for half a year.”

Rayleigh laughed: “However, he should arrive soon, I believe him “

After the Wapol German incident half a year ago, Luffy defeated Wapol’s three subordinates and rescued Hancock’s two younger sisters before he left.

The training has reached that point, and the next step is to look at Luffy alone.

“Huh? Are you the first one?”

Sanji looked at Zoro in surprise.

“hmph, am I the first one to be very strange?”

Zoro snorted, said to Rayleigh: “Then they can all go out, why can’t I? I want to go fishing. “

“No, you are too conspicuous. Others go out to gather information and will be back soon.”

Rayleigh said with a smile.


Sanji disgusted: “If you go out, won’t you get lost? Just stay here…wait, Nami Young Lady has arrived. Yeah, Nami Young Lady!”


Zoro raised his eyebrows, his mouth collapsed, “trifling number seven, dare to be so horizontal to number one “

“Hey, why do you rank in the order of arrival!” Sanji roared.

“Speaking of which, what kind of information is to be collected.”

After the roar, Sanji asked Rayleigh.


‘Ah~! Let this Uncle explain it! “

As soon as Rayleigh wanted to speak, he thought of a passionate voice outside the door.

Following a burst of mechanical noise, a tall mechanical body came in with a stiff body. Stretching both hands up, the two thick robotic arms are leaning against one another.

“It’s up to me, super~~Franky to explain! “

“Oh! Franky! “

Sanji’s eyes widened, said with a smile: “Long time no see!” “

“Long time no see, Sanji. “Franky greeted him.

“Ah, long time no see, you two. “

Behind Franky’s tall body, a gentle female voice also rang.

A fair-skinned woman walked out from behind Franky and greeted Zoro and Sanji.

“Ah! Robin Young Lady! “

Sanji’s eyes were once again aroused into love, and the whole person twisted and twisted, and nosebleeds came out of his nostrils.

Compared with the one two years ago, two years later Her hair has grown a lot, her bangs combed back, a large pair of sunglasses hung on her forehead, a dark blue waistcoat and a pink orange print dress, smiling at everyone.

” Encountered on the road, we came here together! Super~Franky! “Franky barked and grinned.

“Robin! Franky! “

At this moment, there was another sound from behind them.

I saw an orange-haired wavy head in a bikini running and shaking his hands. Next to her, it was A long nose with muscles, and a cute civet cat.

“Ah, Nami. “

Robin turned his head to look and smiled: “Usopp, Chopper, long time no see.” “

The Straw Hat group, except for the captain, is all assembled.

At this time, in the Marine station in Shambhal, Den Den Mushi’s bell rang straight.

“Yes, yes! I understand, it has been dispatched! “

In the lobby, a Marine is answering the call, and behind him, a large number of Marines are rushing out with guns.

“Straw Hat’s group appeared at 46GR, And recruiting troops! Must stop them, not let them go to sea! “

A Marine officer yelled at the same time.

“We encircled from 40, 42, 44GR, must catch them! “

“Wait, I will go too. “

Suddenly, behind the hall, a huge silhouette came over.

“War, Sentomaru Captain. “

The Marine turned his head, looked towards behind Sentomaru, and said in surprise: “Need to send a peaceful Pacifista?” “


Sentomaru dressed in Marine cloak, carrying a large giant axe, came over with sharp eyes: “Don’t underestimate them, those people back then It’s hard to get tangled in the shampoo, and now after two years, it will definitely become stronger. The bizarre behavior of the bear has always been puzzling. If it weren’t for the Kulo big brother, he would have stayed there, and he would have known that they would gather again. “

“They and the little Pirate gathered here are not of the same level. The Kulo big brother doesn’t want to take care of things right now, but it doesn’t mean that they can be allowed to act recklessly all the time, set off and arrest them! “

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