Under the ruins of the 46GR main trunk.

Two years ago, this place caused great damage due to Supernova’s battle with the Peaceful Pacifista. It has not been repaired so far. It is now in ruins, and generally no one comes here.

At this time, in this ruined square, a large number of Pirate gathered here.

It’s full of people, and depending on the number, there are hundreds of people.

In the vicinity of a broken wall, a blonde Marine hides in the corner and whispers to Den Den Mushi:

“This is the 46GR trunk, join The newbies of Straw Hat’s gang are coming together one after another. The Pirate that can be confirmed now is…”

The blonde Marine glanced outside, focusing on a tall and thin man with a beard. From time to time, he sticks out the long tongue of the man, and next to him is a thin man with a shovel and a green chameleon hairstyle.

“Bounty’s 220 million Beli’s’Wet Hair Caribou’ and bounty’s 190 million Beli’s’Blood Krib”s [Carib Pirates]’s brother Captain “


His gaze continued to be fixed on a weird man covered in bandages, and said: “bounty gold ninety-two million “Seriously injured” Elbio.”

Then, his eyes were placed on a man with a tall, fat, and fat lips, “bounty’s 88 million Beli’s’waiter’ Lip Sabis Doty.”

“They are all tens of millions of Great Pirates. Please support them quickly. If they are allowed to join the Straw Hat team completely, it will be over.”


As Marine was reporting, a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

The blonde Marine turned his head and saw a big horrible face appeared behind him, with tongue sticking out of that face, and jade green’s pupils squinted at him, looking strange. Terrifying.


This shocked the blonde Marine, and subconsciously crawled back.


The host with a terrifying face stretched out his hand enveloped in his sleeves and grabbed Den Den Mushi in the hands of the blonde Marine.

“Who I thought it was, it turned out to be a Marine little brother!”



What this person said, let a group of Pirates come around and stare at the exposed Marine unkindly.

“Ka, Caribou!” Blonde Marine was surprised.

“Hehehe! Marine little brother…”

Karib held Den Den Mushi, his eyes rolled, “You shouldn’t… Tell Marine secretly? Do you want to get blood here? That’s not good. But if you have to get blood…”

He took out a lance from nowhere and held it in both hands. He was about to stab at Marine, and said grimly: “Then stain your blood!!”

“Hey, Caribou!”

At this moment, Shouting loudly from the rear.

“Ah, it’s Straw Hat Luffy!”

“The boss is here!”

“Oh!!! Boss!”

A tall on platform in the ruins, with a thick robust man with Straw Hat, stood there with a smile on his face, the gun in his hand was raised to the sky, and the trigger was pulled.


“Pipe down, little ones!”

This bullet, quieted the shouting Pirates.

When the robust man saw this scene, he smiled more and shouted: “Although you don’t know each other, you are a member of Straw Hat Pirates from today onwards. In other words By the way, when I become Pirate King, you will be a member of Pirate King!”


Pirate shouted again.

“In future adventures, you will become Lao Tzu’s right-hand man and work for Lao Tzu!”

“So, Caribou, the nameless Marine, don’t need to deal with him , Let it go!”

That’s it, that’s it!

Sure enough, it was right to pretend to be Straw Hat after coming to this island!

They have disappeared and died!

But the reputation still remains.

Among Pirate in recent years, the most famous one is the Straw Hat group.

Pirate is the world’s three major institutions, Judicial Island, Impel Down, and Marine Headquarters. It is difficult to see this world.

Straw Hat Pirates is definitely a strong candidate for Pirate King.

Relying on this name alone, he has gathered a large number of Pirates. As long as they rely on them, he can definitely make a name for himself in New World!

“That’s not okay, boss.”

Cariboo said to the Straw Hat robust man eccentric above: “I am a person, I hate that others lie to me. Especially these hypocrites, they should be treated to them…”

Karib turned around abruptly, held Lance in both hands, and pierced the blond Marine who fell on the ground.

“Put a capital punishment!”

“Nail boxing, burst nails!”

Just when Cariboo’s lance is about to penetrate the blonde Marine, The shouting loudly rang out from the front, and I saw that Caribu’s upper body seemed to have been hit by a bullet, exploding a large number of irregular holes.

“Oh hehe hehe.”

It was just this one, nothing happened to Caribou, neither fell nor yelled.

Those holes in the body are dripping wet and waxy liquid.

“It’s nothing…”


As soon as Caribou spoke, a figure rushed over and smashed his head with a punch, causing the man to fall to the ground.

“It’s okay!”

A cloak flutters in the eyes of the blonde Marine. Inside the cloak, a Marine is squatting slightly, maintaining a punching posture, glowing in the sun Hui.

“Captain Sazier!” Blonde Marine said joyfully in surprise.

“Come on!!!”

At the same time, a group of smoke and dust appeared behind.

A large number of Marines rushed over from all directions and surrounded the square.

“That’s it, Pirates!”

Sazil yelled to the front: “Straw Hat Pirates and you Pirates, be obediently surrender!”

“Tsk, Marine?!”

The Straw Hat robust man on the table took a step back subconsciously, but then remembered something, and said grimly: “Idiot, I have With so many Pirates, what can Marine do! Hey, young ones, rush up!”

“Yes, our boss is a bounty 400 million Straw Hat Luffy! Even if there is one on this island Vice Admiral, we have no fear!”

A Pirate raised his weapon and rushed towards Marine.

With his movements, a large amount of Pirate, not afraid of the surrounding of Marine at all, moved towards them charging.

“Ha! Stop kidding! A group of trash!”

Sazil clenched his fists and said with a bad expression: “Why do you want to deal with Vice Admiral? No, let go If you go there, that would be my shame!”

He just came back from a cruise with Kuro and heard the news that Straw Hat Pirates was going to recruit troops and hurried over.

Then I saw so many Pirate gatherings.

Although there is definitely Pirate every year, this is something that Kulo can’t stop, but so many Pirates together, if they really hit the civilians or hit the Marine station, they would lose it. But the face of their boss.

If Kulo’s face is lost, Mr. Kuro will not be very good.

Mr. Kuro is not good…

Where can he get better.

They must not pass!

“Captain Sazier, be careful!”

Sazier clenched his fists and was about to rush forward, at this moment, the blonde Marine behind him suddenly made a sound.



As the gunshot, Sazier subconsciously launched Tekkai, only to see a bullet hit the center of his eyebrows, hitting his head When he raised his eyebrows, there was an extra mark.

“It hurts…”

He was lifting his head, moving towards the front, and he saw the man whose head was smashed by a punch before. At this time, his head Gathering together, holding a gun-smoke pistol, smirking at him with tongue out.

The holes in his body are also disappeared.

“You guy…Ability User?” Sazier asked.

“Yo hehe hehe!”

Cariboo licked his tongue and said with a smile: “I am the swamp man who ate Logia’s’Swamp Fruit’. The physical attack is right I’m useless.”


Sazir raised his fist and slammed Caribou with a punch.

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