
Fanny looked at Chopper for a while, thought about it, and said, “Tony Tony Chopper? Straw Hat’s group…”

“Yes, I am Chopper!” Chopper breathes deeply and bravely stood up.

“Pets.” Fanny continued.

“It’s a partner!!!”

Chopper angrily roared: “I am a partner! I also have brave battles!”

“But. ..”

Fanny said in a daze: “Your bounty gold is only 100 Beli, right? It’s too low. You don’t even have enough money for bullets. What else can you do except pets?”


Chopper’s hoofs trembled faintly, turned and walked forward angrily, “I won’t argue with you, anyway, I’m a partner!”

“You can’t go.”

Fanny stood in front of him, said resolutely: “Although you are a pet, you are also Pirate, right? Entering this station, Kulo…No. , Vice Admiral Jin will be angry, I have to tie you up, and then give it to Vice Admiral Jin, or he will scold me.”

“How can I catch you!”

Chopper loudly said: “I want to rendezvous with Luffy and go out to sea, so I won’t be caught by you here.”

“Ah…that’s really annoying.”

Fanny said in distress: “I am not a combat type, there is no way.”

Not a combat type?

Chopper was stunned for a moment, and then thought of something. His body suddenly changed and turned into a hairy human form, with his thick arms exposed and his veins exposed, and he yelled cutely, “Then you can’t get out of the way. !”

Chopper, who suddenly changed into a human form, made Fanny step back in fright.

This makes Chopper more satisfied.

This Marine, he can break through very quickly.

Just as he was thinking about it, the woman in front of her suddenly took out a medicine bottle and threw it directly at his feet.



The medicine bottle shattered, and as the liquid flowed on the ground, an unpleasant smell filled Chopper’s body. .


Without waiting for Chopper to react, Fanny suddenly remembered something, “This bottle is for experimental use. The dose is not enough. It is hard for ordinary people to smell it.”

Speaking, she was about to take out the medicine bottle again.

“What smell?”

Chopper’s blue nose shrugged, and suddenly the fur was a shivered, the whole shrank down, and then fell straight down.

“No, I can’t move it!”


Fanny tilted her head and looked at Chopper for a long time, and then Satori said: ” so that’s how it is, is it the sensitive smell of animals?”

“Hateful, what did you do to me?!” Chopper called to Fanny.

“Well, sorry, this is a potion for paralysis. You looked so scary just now, I can’t help it.” Fanny apologized.

“Ah… Did you scare you? Sorry, I didn’t mean it.”

Chopper subconsciously said, suddenly felt something was wrong, and shouted, “No. ! You are Marine!”

“Ah…Yes, I am Marine, you are Pirate, I almost forgot.”

Fanny took out one from her waist Point the pistol at Chopper and pull the trigger, “Sorry, Tanuki, if you break in, Vice Admiral will be angry, so let’s bury you so he doesn’t know.”


The projectile was fired from the muzzle, and a cloud of gunpowder smoke came out, directly on Chopper’s body.

Chopper was so frightened that he closed his eyes.


There was a crisp sound on his fur, and the projectile collided on his body, igniting a group of sparks.


Chopper opened his eyes and made a puzzled voice with Fanny.

“Am I okay?” Chopper said blankly.

“Are you okay?”

Fanny was also taken aback, suddenly thinking of something, and suddenly said: “Ah! Marine paralysis potion can also harden the body. Miscalculation!”

“What kind of weird potion is this!”

Chopper called to him, and suddenly realized that his body could move a little more, he put his hoofs down laboriously. In the bag, I took out a bottle of medicine and opened it and sniffed it on my nose.

In an instant, he jumped up and bounced towards Fanny extremely fast.

“Wrist Strength Strengthening·Sakura Print!”

His arms became extremely strong, and his hooves went straight to Fanny’s trembling chest with the green veins exposed.

What bad thoughts can animals have.

He just wants to defeat this Marine.

“Huh? Untied?”

Fanny took a step back subconsciously, and when the hoof was about to hit her chest, she suddenly stretched out a hand and put a hand on that arm. Press, Chopper felt an inexplicable force from the outstretched hand pulling him away, sliding directly across Fanny’s chest.

“Jiu-Jitsu·Cut Back!”

His hand directly pressed Chopper’s chest, grabbed his clothes, and the other hand pressed his wrist, pressing hard Fall back.

bang! !

Chopper was hit on the ground heavily, cracking the ground.

“Fortunately, I learned some tricks from the elder sister of Campanulaceae.”

Fanny shook her hand, relaxed, “Otherwise she would be attacked.”

“It hurts…”

Chopper got up from the ground, only to feel a fierce pain in his back.

Why is this weak-looking woman so powerful?

“Strengthen the soft power!”

Chopper became sturdy and punched, and the two hooves made a posture, “Wow! Come on, I won’t keep my hands. That’s it!”

“Huh? What a strange transformation. Speaking of which, you just unlocked my potion…Are you a doctor?” Fanny asked.

“Yes! I’m Doctor Chopper! Even if you say that to me, I won’t be happy, bastard Marine!”

Chopper smiled and twisted there. Twisted.

“so that’s how it is, that’s the doctor’s battle!”

Fanny nodded hard, she took out a pill from the bag behind her waist and stuffed it in Mouth.

“Then I won’t lose, let you see, the strength pill of the Marine pill series I developed!”


The pill was crushed by her.


In an instant, the ground under Fanny’s feet was stamped with a cracked trace.


Chopper pupil suddenly shrink, I saw an afterimage appeared in front of him, his subconsciously hoof struck past, but at this moment, the slender five fingers He directly pressed Chopper’s thick and thick face, and slammed it to the ground forcefully.

bang! ! !

Chopper’s body was heavily pinched to the ground, and a hole was punched out of the ground again, arousing smoke and dust.

However, at this moment, she suddenly felt a little bit, her body turned backward, and she saw a pair of hooves kicked from below among the smoke and dust.

“Hateful! It hurts!”

In smoke and dust, Chopper missed a kick and jumped up, two hooves kicked on the ground, the corners of his head in this brief moment became huge and rushed directly.

“The antlers are strengthened!”

His speed is not slow, and he slams directly into Fanny who is retreating.

Fanny couldn’t react in time, and raised her hands to hold his horns directly.


A wave of air emanated from the center of the two, pushing away the surrounding gravel.

The figure is stalemate.

Chopper struggled forward against the horns, and Fanny’s feet were also stuck on the ground, pushing forward firmly, resolutely not allowing Chopper to advance.

The two are in a state of wrestling.

Only in the process of wrestling, Fanny’s face became more and more wrong.

“gu gu ——”

Her belly began to scream.

“Why, I obviously improved this pill, why do I still feel hungry…”

Fanny pushed forward and directly pressed Chopper’s horn to push him gradually open.

“But it seems that the strength has increased a lot.”

She let go of Chopper’s corner, and in Chopper’s strange eyes, she waved her hand and said: “Wait a minute, I will record “

She took out a notebook and pen from behind her waist, and wrote as she wrote: “Although this pill has been improved, it still shows signs of hunger, but the more hungry the stronger, um… “

Fanny bit the pen subconsciously and muttered: “Maybe adding a herbivore to alleviate this symptom?”

“you guy…huh?”

Chopper froze for a moment, and said: “While eating grass? Isn’t that vomiting?”

“Huh? Isn’t that repairing the stomach? I remember it is like this.”

“Repair the intestines and stomach after inducing vomiting. That is for patients with poor stomachs!”

“Is that so?” Fanny tilted her head.

“Yes! You said just now that the more hungry you are, the stronger your strength. If it is the pill you took, just add a little golden herbivore. It is something that can make people feel full. “Chopper said.

“Ah! so that’s how it is, golden herbivore? You know a lot, Doctor Chopper.”

“I won’t listen to a Marine’s compliment, you This bastard!” Chopper said with a smile in that tweak.


Fanny was looking thoughtful and went through the hole in the wall, “I will experiment. After the experiment, we will continue to fight.”

“Huh? Can I watch it?” Chopper said curiously.

“No, this is Marine’s secret recipe, you can’t read it!” Fanny’s voice came from the hole.


Chopper stood obediently in the corridor, his round eyes staring at the ground, just waiting there.


Suddenly, there was a sound in front of him.

“Eh! Usopp! I finally saw one!” Chopper exclaimed excitedly.

“Me too! I finally saw people, everyone is gone, what are you doing?”

Usopp walked over, looked at the mess on the ground, and said in surprise “What’s the matter, did the fight happen?”

“Ah…Yes, the female Marine told me halfway through the fight that I was here to wait for her, and she went in to improve the pill.”

Chopper pointed to the hole and said.

“Oh?” Usopp tilted his head, looking inexplicable.


“Ah~~The island in the south is so warm, the pineapple is delicious, the head is hot, ahhhhhhhh~”

In a corridor.

Luffy wandered around while humming meaningless songs.

Next, he sighed: “Where did everyone go?”

He looked around, and suddenly saw a door deep in the corridor, “Is this this door?” It seems that there are no other doors. Forget it, go in and take a look.”

Luffy turned his arm and prepared to blast the door open with a punch.

“Straw Hat brat!!!”

At this moment, a strong wind rang from behind him.

Luffy’s body bent, and he leaned back.

Seeing above, a wolf claw swept across.

Luffy lifted his legs and kicked at the owner of the wolf’s paw.


The latter stepped back, turned twice in the air, landed on the ground, lifting his head and grinned at Luffy: “The plan is good. You found the place where the ship was seized. Unfortunately, you can’t escape. Yes!”


Luffy stared at the man, suspiciously: “Who is calling, Jabra?”

“I It’s Kuro!”

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